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Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep School
SEND Report Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep School Local Offer
At Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep School we believe that all pupils should be
respected and valued. We strive hard to ensure that we provide a culture of high expectations which ensures that all children achieve well and: have a broad and balanced curriculum which is differentiated to meet individual needs can learn and make progress according to their individual developmental trends are assessed using appropriate assessment tools and guidelines have equal access to opportunities, resources, provision and interventions. Special educational provision is educational or training provision that is additional to or different from that made generally for others of the same age. It may take the form of additional support from within a setting, or require involvement of specialist staff or support services. All teachers are teachers of children with SEND and as such provide quality first teaching which takes account of the particular individual needs of children with SEND in their class. The new ‘SEN Code of Practice’ January 2015 states that there are four main areas included in SEND (Click here to view these.) Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep School Local Offer
Sensory and /or physical
The SEN Code of Practice (January 2015) states there are 4 main areas of SEN. Click on each one for more information Communication and interaction Click here Cognition and Learning Sensory and /or physical Social, Emotional and Mental health Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep School Local Offer
At Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep, the Heads of Learning Support are responsible for the management of provision of support for identified children with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) and their assessment, as well as the coaching and support of teachers and other staff to enable them to provide focused provision for children in their class with SEND. We have a Head of Learning Support in both the Prep and Pre-Prep Department: Belinda Grove (BEd, SpLD Diploma for the Assessment and Teaching of Children with Specific Learning Difficulties) oversees Prep. Kate Tyler (BA Hons, PGCE, Certificate in Dyslexia/Literacy) oversees Pre-Prep. The Governor with oversight of SEND provision is currently Mrs M. Ellis. She meets regularly with the Heads of Learning Support. Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep School Local Offer
Quality first teaching and differentiation Class teacher
Activities are planned at the appropriate level for the child to learn and achieve success. If the child is struggling to make adequate progress an intervention is put in place. Teachers, Heads of Learning Support, parents and teaching assistants. Additional activities or resources are used to meet the needs of the pupil. If progress is still inadequate further help maybe sought from outside school Teachers, Heads of Learning Support, Parents, teaching assistants and outside agencies. Focused targets based on advice from specialists. If progress over time is still poor an Education, Health & Care Plan may be requested. Heads of Learning Support, parents, teachers and a range of agencies. Education, Health and Care plan is reviewed and monitored regularly. Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep School Local Offer
We shall do all that is reasonable to comply with our legal and moral responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010 and Special Needs and Disability Act 2001, to accommodate the needs of applicants who have disabilities for whom with reasonable adjustments we can cater adequately. Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep School Local Offer
To return to questions click on the home icon.
How will the School support my child? Who makes the decision about how much support my child receives? What curriculum will my child be taught? How does the School know that my child needs extra help? What does Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep offer for the well being of my child? What should I do if I think my child has special educational needs? What specialist services and expertise are available at the School? How will the School help with transitions to Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep initially and then later to new schools? Click on a question. To return to questions click on the home icon. How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including trips? How accessible is the environment at Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep? What training have staff had to be able to support my child? Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep School Local Offer
What should I do if I think my child has a special educational needs?
Please talk to us. Your first point of call is to talk to your child’s class teacher. If you require more information, an appointment can be made with one of our Heads of Learning Support depending on which department (Prep/Pre-Prep) your child is in. We have your child’s best interests at heart and we want your child to succeed. Working in partnership and communicating about the needs which have arisen is paramount. Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep School Local Offer
How does the School know that my child needs extra help?
Special educational provision is beyond the differentiation provided by high quality personalised teaching. The provision is additional or different from that made generally for others of the same age. How does the School know that my child needs extra help? Assessment for learning is the process to gain essential information on abilities, progress and achievements of all individual pupils. Information is gathered through:- How a child is performing during lessons; Marking of work; Formal assessments; Reviewing strengths, needs and experiences. Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep School Local Offer
Who makes the decision about how much support my child receives?
. When pupils enter our school the Heads of Learning Support will note any SEND identified and seek to liaise with previous schools/settings. Class teacher, and the Heads of Learning Support discuss any pupils causing concern. Decision made for inclusion on an intervention programme. If appropriate, placed on the SEND Register. Parents will be kept informed. Intervention will vary depending on the child’s needs. It may be one or more of the following: Class support. Small group work to catch up with any gaps in learning. Therapy for occupational, speech and language needs or emotional and social needs. 1:1 adult support, if appropriate. Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep School Local Offer
How will the School support my child?
Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep School ensures that quality teaching is our first priority with differentiated work to meet needs of the children. Support is given through the type of task, tasks of differing complexity and the use of different resources. Support can be as simple as a home link book. There may be a need for special equipment such as computers or specific learning programmes and interventions. Support can be from working with professionals with specialist training e.g. speech and language therapists, advisers for sensory impaired children and occupational therapists. Specific targets are set to meet the child’s needs; this is discussed with parents. Together parents and teacher plan the next steps to support the pupil. Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep School Local Offer
What curriculum will my child be taught?
We have a broad and balanced curriculum, relevant to all our pupils. We seek to engage the children in the topics. These first hand experiences are fun and motivate learners. The subjects taught are as follows: English, Maths, Science, ICT, DT, Humanities (Geography/History), RE, PE, Art and Design, Music, Life Skills (PSHE) and French (Prep Department from Year 4). Topics, collective worship and School’s ethos enhance the Life Skills (PSHE) programme. Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep School Local Offer
We have an excellent nurturing facility.
What does Hampton Pre-Prep and Prep offer for the well being of my child? We have an excellent nurturing facility. All pupils have access to: Small class sizes Qualified, dedicated staff Highly experienced Heads of Learning Support Good adult:child ratios Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep School Local Offer
What specialist services and expertise are accessed by
the School? Our pupils may be involved with one or more of the following agencies: Educational Psychologists Speech and Language Therapy Services (SALT) Sensory Impairment Service Occupational Therapy Services (OT) Emotional and Behaviour Support English as an Additional Language Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) School Nurses We also aim to maintain effective working links with: Community Health Service Social Services Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep School Local Offer
What training have staff had to support my child?
Our staff are highly experienced. We work closely with specialists who train, guide and advise us, so we can deliver the best support for a child with SEND. We have:- Teaching staff who regularly update their skills and knowledge in delivering differentiated quality first teaching to all pupils. School Counsellors are available to support pupils as necessary - bereavement, attachment and anger management. Close contact with external professionals who provide support in key areas, for example speech and language therapists, occupational therapists and educational psychologists. A School nurse (based at Hampton School) provides Epipen, epilepsy and asthma training to all staff whenever necessary. All teachers, teaching assistants and Lunchtime Supervisors are first aid trained (15 members of staff hold a current Paediatric First Aid certificate in Pre-Prep). The Heads of Learning Support are well qualified and experienced for their roles. They attend courses and conferences throughout the year and give guidance to the staff. Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep School Local Offer
is the Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep environment?
How accessible is the Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep environment? Accessibility at Hampton Pre-Prep is limited for younger pupils in the EYFS, Years 1 and 2. We have new accommodation for our Prep Department and therefore, accessibility for Years 3 – 6 is DDA (Disability & Discrimination Act) compliant. Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep School Local Offer
How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including trips?
We ensure that all our pupils benefit from the education we offer, and this is applies to trips - both day and residential. Where it is beneficial for a parent to participate alongside their child with SEND, we will approach the parent at the planning stage. If a child has a specific assistant, this person will accompany the child on the school trip. Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep School Local Offer
Preliminary visits to the School are encouraged.
How will Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep help with transitions to the school and later to a new school? Your child’s needs are paramount. In order for your child to be happy at school, s/he must feel safe and secure. As such we ensure plans are made for a child transferring to our school. Preliminary visits to the School are encouraged. Home visits are carried out for all pupils joining our Kindergarten. A suitable transition programme will be organised depending on their needs and following advice from parents and any agencies involved. This will often include subsequent visits to meet key staff. Similarly steps are taken when it is time for your child to move on. We will liaise with key members of staff at your child’s new school/setting. Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep School Local Offer
Relating to difficulties with:-
Area of need Relating to difficulties with:- Cognition and Learning Some children may have difficulties with the skills needed for effective learning such as: language, memory and reasoning skills sequencing and organisational skills an understanding of number problem-solving and concept development skills fine and gross motor skills global delay which affects their learning in all areas a specific learning disability such as dyslexia or dyscalculia. Read the next slide for further information on this area. Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep School Local Offer
Intervention for children with cognition and learning needs:
Whole School Approach (1st Quality Teaching) CONCERN & MONITOR Targeted Support For Individuals or small groups SCHOOL SUPPORT Further Intervention for those with Special Educational Needs SCHOOL SUPPORT PLUS Includes: the effective inclusion of all pupils in high-quality everyday personalised teaching. clear objectives that are shared with the children and returned to at the end of the lesson. careful explanation of new vocabulary use of lively, interactive teaching styles which make maximum use of visual and kinaesthetic as well as auditory/verbal learning. Dependent on assessed need the following individual or small group interventions may be provided: small group work to address specific areas of need in reading, writing or numeracy. additional time given for some activities. regular additional support from an adult to support the child’s thinking about how to approach a task or activity. ‘hands-on’ learning specialist teaching. Dependent on assessed need the following individual interventions may be provided: a Support Plan which sets personal targets. support from a Teaching Assistant at points throughout the day. regular additional reading on a 1-1 basis. activities are broken down into smaller steps and presented visually for children to work through at their own pace. Click to get back to the 4 areas of need Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep School Local Offer
Relating to difficulties with:-
Area of need Relating to difficulties with:- Sensory and / or Physical Some children may have medical or genetic conditions that lead to difficulties with gross / fine motor skills visual / hearing impairment accessing the curriculum without adaptation physically accessing the building(s) or equipment. over sensitivity to noise / smells / light / touch / taste. toileting / self care. Read the next slide for further information on this area. Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep School Local Offer
Intervention for children with sensory or physical needs:
Whole School Approach (1st Quality Teaching) CONCERN & MONITOR Targeted Support For Individuals or small groups SCHOOL SUPPORT Further Intervention for those with Special Educational Needs SCHOOL SUPPORT PLUS Includes: the effective inclusion of all pupils in high-quality everyday personalised teaching. clear objectives that are shared with the children and returned to at the end of the lesson careful explanation of new vocabulary use of lively, interactive teaching styles which make maximum use of visual and kinaesthetic as well as auditory/verbal learning. Dependent on assessed need the following small group interventions may be provided: touch typing intervention. use of pencil grips and sloping boards. handwriting practice. Individual support to develop motor skills. specialist advice and intervention may be sought. Dependent on assessed need the following individual interventions may be provided: a Support Plan which sets personal targets. support from a Teaching Assistant at points throughout the day. changes to the environment may be adapted on the advice of a physio or occupational therapist. Click to get back to the 4 areas of need. Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep School Local Offer
Relating to difficulties with:-
Area of need Relating to difficulties with:- Social, Mental and Emotional health Some children may have difficulties with social and emotional development which may lead to or stem from social isolation behaviour difficulties attention difficulties (ADHD) anxiety and depression attachment disorders low self esteem issues with self-image Read the next slide for further information on this area. Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep School Local Offer
Click here to get back to the 4 areas of need.
Intervention for children with social, emotional and mental health needs: Whole School Approach (1st Quality Teaching) CONCERN & MONITOR Targeted Support For Individuals or small groups SCHOOL SUPPORT Further Intervention for those with Special Educational Needs SCHOOL SUPPORT PLUS Includes: the effective inclusion of all pupils in high-quality everyday personalised teaching. clear objectives that are shared with the children and returned to at the end of the lesson careful explanation of new vocabulary use of lively, interactive teaching styles which make maximum use of visual and kinaesthetic as well as auditory/verbal learning. Dependent on assessed need the following small group interventions may be provided: social skills group including circle of friends. careful attention to grouping children to ensure positive outcomes and avoid clashes. regular additional support from an adult to support children’s thinking about how to approach a task or activity and to minimise anxiety. Click here to get back to the 4 areas of need. Dependent on assessed need the following individual interventions may be provided: social stories specific Interventions outlined by CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service). support from a Teaching Assistant at points throughout the day. Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep School Local Offer
Relating to difficulties with:-
Area of need Relating to difficulties with:- Communication and Interaction Attention / Interaction skills: Some children may: have difficulties ignoring distractions. need reminders to keep listening need regular prompts to stay on task. need individualised motivation systems in order for them to complete tasks. have difficulty attending in whole class sessions. have problems interacting with other children or adults have peer relationship difficulties. not be able to initiate or maintain a conversation. Understanding / Receptive Language: Some children may: need visual support to understand or process spoken language. need augmented communication systems like Makaton experience frequent misunderstandings with adults and other children repeat language they have heard without understanding it (echolalia). need instructions repeated and language simplified to aid their understanding. Speech / Expressive Language: Some children may: use simplified language and limited vocabulary. be unable to express their ideas or hold a conversation without the need for frequent clarification. have some immaturities in their speech sound system. have difficulties with grammar / phonological awareness which affects their achievements in literacy. Read the next slide for further information on this area. Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep School Local Offer
Click here to get back to the 4 areas of need.
Intervention for children with communication & interaction needs: Whole School Approach (1st Quality Teaching) CONCERN & MONITOR Targeted Support For Individuals or small groups SCHOOL SUPPORT Further Intervention for those with Special Educational Needs SCHOOL SUPPORT PLUS Includes: the effective inclusion of all pupils in high-quality everyday personalised teaching. clear objectives that are shared with the children and returned to at the end of the lesson careful explanation of new vocabulary use of lively, interactive teaching styles which make maximum use of visual and kinaesthetic as well as auditory/verbal learning. Dependent on assessed need the following small group interventions may be provided: social skills group speech and language group. 1-1 support Dependent on assessed need the following individual interventions may be provided: a Support Plan which sets personal targets. an individual visual timetable Social stories support from a Teaching Assistant at points throughout the day. a specific programme written by the Speech and Language Therapy Service or private SALT. Click here to get back to the 4 areas of need. Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep School Local Offer
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