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Course Title: HLTA: Cohort 4

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1 Course Title: HLTA: Cohort 4
Facilitator/trainer and course contact: Julie Chisholm Course Contact: Jacqui Pearson What is the process? There are potentially three steps to achieving HLTA status, which are: training – (if necessary, school based in the first instance) preparation for assessment (school or candidate funded) assessment (school or candidate funded) Application for preparation for assessment Candidates should discuss with their line manager or Headteacher the HLTA standards and working towards HLTA status; they should ensure that they have full support from the school and financial assistance as all Local Authority funding has ceased. It is expected that they will have a minimum of two years teaching assistant experience.

2 Application for preparation for assessment
Candidates should discuss with their line manager or Headteacher the HLTA standards and working towards HLTA status; they should ensure that they have full support from the school and financial assistance as all Local Authority funding has ceased. It is expected that they will have a minimum of two years teaching assistant experience. As part of the preparation for assessment process, candidates are required to complete a self-review in relation to the 33 HLTA standards. We advise that the self-review be carried out alongside a teacher who is very familiar with the candidate’s work. By completing the self-review, candidates should gain a greater understanding of the standards and should be able to identify strengths and areas where they need to focus and/or seek further training. Candidates are required to have English/literacy and mathematics/numeracy GCSE A* - C, O-level or level 2 on the National Qualifications Framework.  Higher Level teaching assistant Candidate Handbook Gaining HLTA status (TDA0420) (PDF 5.3MB) and Guidance on meeting standard 11 (Maths/English)of the professional standards for HLTA status (PDF 355KB), are helpful in providing clarification. Both are available on the TDA website at: should note particularly the following:  The candidate must be able to demonstrate evidence of the full cycle of planning (under the supervision of the teacher), teaching and assessing each of the following: - individual - group - whole class without a teacher present.  The candidate must show relevant literacy and numeracy certificates to their Headteacher for him/her to confirm that he/she has seen the originals. Photocopies are not acceptable; all candidates will be required to produce the original certificates on Day 1 of their 3-Day Preparation for Assessment.

3 Choppington Social Welfare Centre
Training (if necessary) Training will be required for those who have an identified need to develop skills, and/or knowledge to the level of the standards. Not everyone needs to complete a training programme as they may already be working at the level of the HLTA standards. For those people who need to complete this step, the training programme will be different for each candidate, since they come to the HLTA programme from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. Individual training needs should be identified by the school or through a self-assessment process. As indicated, the Needs Analysis document contained in this pack may be used to support self/school assessment against the 33 professional standards. Any identified gaps, relating to the standards, should be filled through development/training activities undertaken in or through school. Preparation for Assessment  This is for candidates working at the level of the HLTA standards. Summary of school commitment identification of suitably qualified and experienced candidates support for participation reading and affirming candidate’s self-review releasing of candidates to attend preparation (and possibly training) sessions meeting all costs relating to preparation for assessment and assessment facilitating the completion of school-based tasks by the candidate facilitating access to ICT hosting Assessor visit. To book a place: Please or fax the booking form to: Date Venue Start Finish Cost 24th April 2013 Choppington Social Welfare Centre 9:00 16:00 £900 1st May 2013 22nd May 2013 (Network meeting) 13:00 5th June 2013 (Network meeting) 17th July 2013

4 CPD Programme – Booking Form
Course Title HLTA: Cohort 4 Establishment Name Date Day 1 – 24/4/13 Day 2 – 1/5/13 Workshop 1 – 22/5/13 Workshop 2 – 5/6/13 Day 3 – 17/7/13 Establishment No: Subjective Budget Code: 0850 Delegate Name(s) Contact Approved By: Headteacher/Line Manager Please Print Name Please return to Jacqui Pearson Fax

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