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Neutrality impossible Life’s a journey Opposition is to be expected

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1 Neutrality impossible Life’s a journey Opposition is to be expected
Luke 9:49-62 Neutrality impossible Life’s a journey Opposition is to be expected Total commitment Neutrality impossible... Again!

2 Theme 1 – neutrality impossible
‘Whoever is not against you is for you’ (9:50) Someone outside the in-group calling on the name of Jesus Judging them? Jesus seems to be advising inclusivity here ‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved’ (Rom 10:13) Neutrality impossible – but we are not to judge others However...

3 Compare with ‘ Whoever is not with me is against me’ (11:23)
Choose – with Jesus and all he stands for, or against him Neutrality impossible: for ourselves, we must choose

4 Luke 9:51 a hinge-point in the gospel
Theme 2 - The journey Luke 9:51 a hinge-point in the gospel More than a physical journey to Jerusalem A journey towards an end A journey where much of the best is still to come Best-known parables Sending out of the disciples, who return in joy despite challenges Do not worry, but be ready Lives changed (Eg Zaccheus) and challenged (Eg rich young ruler, Pharisees) Our journey from now on? Best is yet to come! Nothing wasted But...

5 Theme 3 – Expect opposition
How to respond? Call down fire from heaven? (‘Sons of Thunder’) Rebuked by Jesus. Just move on. It’s their loss But are you hearing? There will be opposition Jesus had to tell his disciples so many times, directly and indirectly, and they still didn’t hear So is your faith up to the test? It requires...

6 Theme 4 – Total commitment
‘I will follow wherever you go!’ Jesus didn’t doubt the commitment, but did give a warning challenge About ‘homelessness’ in this world ‘First let me go and...’ Bury my father... (who may be still alive) But still a very forceful response from Jesus Let the (spiritually) dead bury the (physically) dead Reinforces the primacy of following Jesus over everything else Not following Jesus = spiritually dead

7 Neutrality impossible
And back to... Neutrality impossible Committed, with Jesus in charge of your life Or uncommitted Jesus will continue to offer the invitation to ‘follow me’ But will then go on his journey and let you go on yours On to challenge, adventure, opposition and eternity Or to reject Jesus as alien to the normal ways of doing things, like Samarian village Or back to the illusory security of earthly comforts of home, family, property

8 Neutrality impossible Life’s a journey Opposition is to be expected
Only you can know where God wants you to be, and the balance of these things And not to judge others who claim to be Christians Neutrality impossible Life’s a journey Opposition is to be expected Total commitment Neutrality impossible... Again!


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