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Jesus Said It All; All to Him I Own

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1 Jesus Said It All; All to Him I Own
Give to Caesar What Is Caesar’s Luke 20:21-26

2 Jesus taught about money and possessions, including paying taxes.
Attitudes about taxes – usually negative today just as in Jesus’ time. We pay taxes on property, purchases, income, death! Does God want us to pay all those taxes?

3 Jesus said citizens should pay taxes.
Luke 20:21-26 The trap question. Jesus didn’t fall for it, but taught something profound. “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” Gen. 1:26 - God made mankind in His image!

4 Jesus said citizens should pay taxes.
Denarius with image of Emperor Tiberius.

5 Jesus showed God provides money to pay taxes.
Matt. 17:24-27 Jewish Temple tax, from Exodus 30:11-16 Jesus (God the Son) should be exempt. But, obey the law, pay it anyway and don’t cause offense. God will provide the means to pay.

6 Jesus showed God provides money to pay taxes.
Greek 4-Drachma coin:

7 Taxes can be a way for disciples to obey God.
Matt. 23:23 "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices--mint, dill and cumin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law--justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former.

8 Taxes can be a way for disciples to obey God.
Jesus endorsed giving tithes to God. But more important law is: act justly, love mercy, be faithful (humble obedience to God). Micah 6:8 same points. Christian citizens can: promote just (fair) tax laws, provide mercy to needy with tax $, show faithfulness (not cheating).

9 Points from what Jesus said about taxes:
Jesus said people should pay taxes to the government. Jesus showed that God provides for paying taxes. Taxes are an opportunity for Jesus’ disciples to stand for justice, love mercy and demonstrate faithfulness.

10 Jesus Said It All; All to Him I Own
Give to Caesar What Is Caesar’s Luke 20:21-26

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