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Case Study ADHD- I Seren MOĞOL.

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Presentation on theme: "Case Study ADHD- I Seren MOĞOL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Case Study ADHD- I Seren MOĞOL

2 Symptoms of ADHD predominantly inattentive type
Fails to attend to details or make careless mistakes in schoolwork or other activities Has difficulty on sustaining attention Does not seem to listen when spoken to Does not follow through on instructions or duties Has difficulty organizing tasks and activities Avoid or dislikes tasks requiring sustained mental effort Often loses things necessary for task or activities Is distracted by extraneous stimuli Is forgetful in daily activities.

3 Demographics 9 years old boy
Information gathered from family & teacher Mother, father and older brother High SES family Private school, 3rd grade

4 Other complaints Difficulty in deciding Personal hygiene Writing style
Slow reading – Comorbidity with Dyslexia

5 Complaints began with the second grade –teacher
No stress factors Symptoms are seen; school home / homework

6 Developmental & Social History
Planned pregnancy No psychological or physiologic problem Toilet control, walking and talking times were normal

7 History Medical history Blackout- loose consciousness –EEG
No medication Family history No psychological or physiologic disorder Similar temperament with his father, stubborn.

8 Assessment Tools WISC-R
Gessel (visual perception, visual motor coordination, visual memory, attention) CAT Draw a family ( accuracy of observation, development of conceptual thinking)

9 Gessel

10 Draw a Family

11 Treatment ( current) Educational therapy which is CPT (continuous performance tests) dictation ,visual coordination exercise and letter exercise, homework. Cooperation with family No medication

12 Psychosocial influences
ADHD in child ->Parent behavior-> influence nature and development of ADHD Teacher behavior-> inattentiveness-> child’s behavior-> academic achievement

13 Contextual Assessment Approach
Examines innate strengths and weaknesses 1. Employ a contextual approach that assesses the child, the environment, and the interaction between the two in relation to ADHD. 2. Employ an interdisciplinary, multidimensional approach to assess the impact of ADHD on the child’s academic, emotional, and social functioning.

14 Strengths & Weakness Protective factors No unrealistic expectations
No resistance in therapies, attendance in seances General mental capacity Aware of his needs Comprehends easily the given tasks Not socially inhibited, high adaptation Easy going, not irritable Family attitude & friend relations (self esteem) Aklı başında

15 Strengths & Weakness Risk Factors Successful brother
Jealousy (self esteem) Infantile, babyish behaviors Seeks reassurance & approval Teacher’s complaints

16 Multimodal Approach Plans to obtain a comprehensive, effective evaluation Strategies for improvement in the learning environment Approaches to both parenting and the home environment to help the child (Becker et al., 2009)

17 Family systems Behavioral parent training (BPT)
-> maternal cognitions -> coping models, problem solving -> parent initiated problems (Chacko et al. , 2009)

18 Goodness of fit CHILD FAMILY Inattentive Calm Babyish Supportive
Stubborn Sensitive caregivers Seeks reassurance Minimizes

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