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Infinitives infinitives.

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1 Infinitives infinitives

2 Infinitives – a verb form that can be used as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. Most begin with ‘to’. Examples: She hates to bathe in a dirty tub. If you have any questions, he’s the one to ask. Direct object – noun Adjective Adverb

3 Note: Infinitives have both a present and a present perfect form
Note: Infinitives have both a present and a present perfect form. The present perfect form indicates completed action, and it adds ‘to have’ to the past participle or ‘to have been’ to the present or past participle. EXAMPLES: TO HAVE WON WOULD BE EXCITING. HE WISHED TO HAVE BEEN NOMINATED FOR HOMECOMING KING.

4 Infinitive phrase – consists of an infinitive and its modifiers and complements. The entire phrase can be used as a noun, adjective, or adverb. Examples: The children went to sleep early. To live in indonesia is a heavenly experience. Shelby needs everyone to cooperate. Adverb Subject – in indo is prep phrase modifying the infin to live adj

5 Warnings: Infinitives can be confused with prepositions. Remember: a preposition “to” must be followed by a noun or a pronoun (along with its modifiers) “to a house” An infinitive “to” must be followed by a verb form – “to run” Ex. In #2 - Subjects of infinitive phrases are in the objective case.

6 Find the infinitive phrase
To win big is their ambition. He likes to write alone. A few letters to mail remain in the outbox. Her sister is coming to talk. It felt good to rest quietly.

7 Find the infinitive phrase

8 n-sub Adj-courage Adv-went N-d.o. Adv-free

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