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23rd International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference

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Presentation on theme: "23rd International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference"— Presentation transcript:

1 23rd International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference
A Spatial Methodology for Transport Impedance Weightings in Celullar Automata Land-use Cover Change Models Daniel Paez1 and Francisco Escobar2 1 Dpt. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Los Andes 2 Dpt. of Geology, Geography and Environmental Sciences, University of Alcalá 23rd International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference Bogota, 14 – 16 June 2017

2 1. Context Economic growth since Traffic congestion - Bogota in the top five Lina Rozo, Pollution Public Health issues

3 The Bogota Land Development Model (BoLD)
2. Introduction Traffic congestion in the public and political debate 2015 Local elections – public transport proposals Land-use shapes economy and society and vice versa Objective of the project (funded by AFD) To develop a Land Use Cover Change (LUCC) model for the year 2040 to evaluate the impact of public transport alternatives on the sustainability of the territory The Bogota Land Development Model (BoLD)

4 3. Methods Study area Bogota and the municipalities located to its West: Funza, Mosquera, Madrid, Focatativá, Cota and Soacha 7.5 million inhabitants (Bogota holds 6.5 million)

5 3. Methods Technique Cellular automata-based model
Modelling software METRONAMICATM (RIKS) Calibration Future land demands Current and future land zoning changes and suitability conditions (heritage, hydrology, environmental risks…) Neighbouring relationships between land-uses Accessibility analysis based on transport infrastructure.

6 3. Methods Model graphic description Neighborhood Land-use – 2 dates
TP Derived Products (Indicators) Zoning Neighborhood Accessibility Suitability Land-use – 2 dates Simulated Land-use

7 3. Methods Data

8 3. Methods Scenarios Stakeholders workshop and interviews with administration officials

9 3. Methods – Scenarios: new roads / new train; Reserve
Transmilenio Current Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system in Bogota Guillermo Torres (Revista Semana). Available at Van der Hammen reserve El Tiempo (

10 3. Methods Estimating future land demands (Business as usual)
Forecast population growth (DANE, National Agency for Statistics) Forecast economic growth (Bank of the Republic and FENALCO)

11 3. Methods An innovative proposal for model calibration
Over-time Spatial Decay Calculation (OSDC)

12 4. Results

13 2014

14 Scenario 1 Road development and reserve maintained - Increased commercial development along the proposed road - Additional industry in their surrounding areas - Industrial areas appear in the far West among farming zones

15 Scenario 2 Train development and reserve maintained - Residential and commercial development concentrates along proposed stations - This is particularly notorious in bordering areas between Bogota and the municipalities.

16 Scenario 3 Road development and reserve urbanized - Similar trends than scenario 1 + invasion of natural reserve by medium-income residential and industrial

17 Scenario 4 Rail development and reserve urbanized - Similar trends than scenario 2 + invasion of natural reserve by medium-income residential and industrial

18 5. Conclusion Supporting decision making; Objectives met
Integration of land management and public transport policies a more sustainable approach Calibration issues and technical proposal (Accessibility Distance Decay Factor -ADDF- and Overtime Spatial Decay Calculation -OSDC-) Limitations related to narrow view of scenarios

Thanks to: Luis Alberto Rubio, UniAndes Agence Française de Développement SIGEOMOD20_20 (ref BIA P) More info at: D Páez and F Escobar (in press) “Urban transportation scenarios in a LUCC model: a case study in Bogota, Colombia”, in Camacho, Paegelow, Mas and Escobar (eds) Geomatic Approaches for Modeling Land Change Scenarios, Springer Int. Pub., 464 pp. s: THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION

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