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Welcome to Year 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 1

2 Things to have in school
Water bottle – ideally with water in, and named Coat – waterproof and named PE Kit – check feet size Reading book and record Named jumper

3 ‘Children need to learn to read before they can read to learn.’
Reading Children should try to read everyday to an adult at home. The adult will need to comment and sign the reading record every time you hear them. There is no set book change day and they should try to keep the book for at least 2 nights before changing it. The children need to bring their book and reading record in daily and put it in the box in their classroom. ‘Children need to learn to read before they can read to learn.’

4 Homework Subject Day Set Due Back Expected Time on Task Reading
Every day - 10 mins English/Topic Wednesday Monday 15 mins Maths – Key Skills

5 Snack time and lunch If your child is entitled to free school meals then they are also entitled to have free milk in the morning but you must fill out a separate form at the office. Everyone else can pay for their child to have milk. All children are entitled to free fruit until they are 7. If your child doesn’t like the fruit provided in school then could they bring a piece of their own fresh or dried fruit from home.

6 PE For PE children need: Tracksuit for the Winter Black PE shorts
House coloured t-shirt Plimsolls Trainers for outside games PE kit needs to be in school every day. Monday and Thursday

7 Curriculum Our topics this year will be: Terms 1 and 2 – Space
Terms 3 and 4 – Our Wonderful World Terms 5 and 6 – Seaside This term we will also be having our Harvest Festival in the hall which will link in with our science work on Seasonal Change. Thursday 5th October 2017, 9.30am

8 Phonics Screening Check
Year 1 children are tested on their phonics knowledge in June. This will involve segmenting and blending real words and non-real words and will be set out as a game activity. Some of the homework may link into this to help the children at home. There will be more information on this closer to the time.

9 Going Home If your child is going home with some one different one afternoon, please can we have a written note to confirm who they are going home with. Just so we feel confident we have sent them with the correct person.

10 Expectations In Year 1 the expectation will still be high. We promote independence and children having the opportunities to become more responsible. Children are encouraged to take ownership of their learning and be motivated to achieve their full potential and then challenged to exceed it.

11 Rewards and Sanctions Reward Jar as a whole class reward system e.g. for lining up quietly, trying their best. This is linked in with the class rules. When full, the children will decide the class reward. Our current reward is to have a session on the bikes and scooters. One warning and then time out. The time out will take place when it is most appropriate.

12 Thank you for coming!

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