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Welcome to Fox Class
Teachers Mrs Cowan KS1 and Reception Team Leader PE Co-ordinator
Mrs Lynch PPA Cover Thursdays
Teaching Assistant Mrs Fifield – All day, everyday.
Creative Curriculum More purposeful learning for the children
Linking all of the subjects Provides exciting and interesting opportunities and activities This terms topic is Through the Keyhole.
Literacy Every term we cover a complete range of writing types:
Narrative- story writing Poetry Instruction writing Persuasive writing- adverts etc. Recount Non chronological reports Literacy will link to topic work.
Numeracy Number: Place value, addition and subtraction, fractions.
Measurement: Length and mass, Money, Time, Capacity, Volume and Temperature. Multiplication and Division. Graphs Geometry: Properties of Shape.
Timetable Fox Class Timetable Autumn 2017 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY
MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY REGISTRATION/ RESPONDING TO MARKING 9.10 Whole School Collective Worship KS1 Assembly Singing /Performance Assembly Singing/ DHT Assembly Spelling Test Numeracy 9.30 Literacy 10.20 Spelling 10.40 B R E A K 11.00 12.00 L U N C H 1.00 REGISTRATION 1.10 Guided Reading 1.30 ICT and Library Time Topic Science PHSCE/ Seal Outdoor PE 2.15 Break Music 2.30 P.E (Dance) RE 3.00/ 3.15 Class Story 3pm Celebration Assembly Fox Class Timetable Autumn 2017
Expectations INDEPENDENCE Challenge Cooperation Thinking skills
Perseverance Communication Learning Behaviours – Different focus each week for Star of the Week
Expectations- The Golden Rules
Kind and helpful Respect others Look after school equipment Be honest Always listen to others
Verbal praise and encouragement
Rewards A positive approach Verbal praise and encouragement Stars - SHINES Star of the Week (Learning behaviours) House points (citizenship) Stickers
Sanctions If a child breaks the class rules: Warning
Yellow card- time in another class Red card- behaviour book and letter home
Expectations Look after school property Always try their best
Have a sense of pride in their work Take ownership of their learning Show good manners and respect to everyone ‘Have a go’- participate in lessons Be kind and helpful
Independence Encourage the children to become more independent.
Take more responsibility for their own PE kit, lunch box, jumper, homework, etc. Responsibilities within the classroom. School Council Rep, Sports Council Rep. Encouraged to approach teacher with their own problems or concerns. Responding to marking- Every morning pupils use pens to improve/edit previous days work.
Phonics/Spelling Grouped accordingly. Assessed regularly
Pronunciation of sounds Year 2 Spelling Curriculum All pupils who didn’t pass Year 1 Phonics Screening will be retested this academic year.
Key words! Your child will be tested on their words each Wednesday.
Must be read on sight, not sounded out. New words will be given out if your child can read half of these words correctly. Words read correctly by your child in class will be ticked/highlighted for you to see.
Reading books Important to encourage a love of reading, fluency and understanding. Books changed on Mondays and Thursdays. Expected to put their book in the box, reminded as well. Encourage independence. Please write a meaningful comment in their Reading Record every time you hear your child read. Ideally listen to your child read every day. .
Homework! Reading books: Will be changed on Mondays and
Thursdays. Library books:Will be changed on Mondays. Learning Logs: Go out on 15th September, midpoint Friday 29th September, Completed by 13th October. It is important that this is the children’s work. Pupils will be rewarded with stars.
Number Bond Challenge Number Bond Challenge will begin this week on Friday. Children will take home details of last test and the Challenge they are completing. Encourage practising at home and during maths lessons.
Targets Maths- Weekly targets linked to National Curriculum statements. Number bonds and times table challenge. Literacy- linked to National Curriculum statements, vocabulary, punctuation, connectives and phonics.
Supporting your child at home
Listen to your child read, and read to them whenever you can Talk to your child about their learning in school Support them to learn their number bonds/ times tables Encourage your child to complete homework on time Ensure their homework has been completed to the best of their ability Encourage neat presentation (writing and colouring) Use opportunities for maths in real life – shopping! Encourage independence
Parent Helpers Listening to readers Changing library books
Preparing resources Trips Helping in the classroom
PE Days Outdoor games – Friday
- Navy shorts (navy tracksuit trousers for winter), navy t-shirt, socks and trainers, navy sweatshirt (not their school jumper) Indoor PE (Dance)– Monday Navy shorts (not tracksuit trousers) and navy t-shirt.
Year 2 Expectations Near the end of Year 2 pupils will be take part in SATs. Statutory Assessment Tests in Reading, Numeracy and SPAG. (spelling, punctuation and grammar) Pupils will also be teacher assessed in writing and science. More details to follow in January.
Contacting Us Message to teaching assistant on the door
Write a letter/ note office Leave a message with Mrs Hodges Speak to us at the end of the day
Any questions?
We are looking forward to working with you over the coming year.
Thank you for coming! We are looking forward to working with you over the coming year.
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