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Little Buddy Story By Connie Matthews.

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1 Little Buddy Story By Connie Matthews

2 Essential Questions How do writers enhance short fiction through the use of literary elements (irony, conflict, symbolism)? How does the structure of a piece of literature (plot, setting, point of view) contribute to the author’s theme? How does an author’s character development enhance the theme of a fiction piece?

3 Understanding Plot Definition: The plot of a story is a series of events related to the solution of a problem or conflict. The Plot Includes: Climax Falling Action Rising Action Conflict Exposition Resolution

4 Exposition Exposition: introduces the situation Includes the following: Setting: Time and place of the short story Situation/Climate: The tone of the story Characters: Who are the main characters? Are there any minor characters?

Rising Action The Rising Action includes a conflict. A conflict in a narrative is a struggle between two opposing forces. PROTAGONIST vs. ANTAGONIST ______________vs. _____________ Internal conflict occurs within a character. External conflict occurs between an outside force and the main character.

6 Climax The climax is the turning point in the short story. During the climax, the characters or circumstances change (for the worse or the better) due to an action upon which the main plot hinges. Some people describe the climax as the most exciting point.

7 Falling Action Falling action include events that “fall into place” as a result of the climax. During this time, the suspense builds; "the plot thickens." Characters make decisions in response to the opening conflict; these decisions complicate the action.

8 Resolution At the end of the falling action, every story comes to a conclusion or resolution. Usually the resolution ends with some kind of release of tension or anxiety (but not always). The resolution may reveal the final outcome of the story or end without every question being answered.

9 Your Little Buddy Story
Must include the following: All the elements of a short story At least one picture created by your little buddy Every page of your story must include a picture (either scanned or copied from the Internet legally) Your little buddy must be the main character (all other characters are up to you) Minimum of 10 pages and maximum of 20 pages of typed text Must be bound and decorated attractively

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