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What is a Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram?

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Presentation on theme: "What is a Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram?
MSU: Frontier SOAR 9-15 Cecilia P. Popashki (sp?)

2 Note: stars do not uniformly fill the diagram!
An H-R diagram plots the luminosity (light-energy emitted/time) and temperature of stars Luminosity Note: stars do not uniformly fill the diagram! Plot of luminosity vs. temp IMAGES are NOT to scale When a star dies, it goes from core burning (H) to shell burning which causes it to enter the Red giant phase Temperature

3 burning stars reside on the main sequence of the H-R diagram
Normal hydrogen- burning stars reside on the main sequence of the H-R diagram Stars spend the majority of their life on the main sequence. White dwarf- electron degeneracy is reached within the core of the red giant. Since it is reached before the temp was high enough to fuse heavier elements, it will not shrink any further and become “stable”

4 High-Mass Stars Normal hydrogen- burning stars reside on the main sequence of the H-R diagram Low-Mass Stars

5 Large radius Stars with low temperature and high luminosity must have large radius Small radius

6 SUPERGIANTS Stars with low temperature and high luminosity must have large radius GIANTS

7 SUPERGIANTS Stars with low temperature and high luminosity must have large radius GIANTS WHITE DWARFS

8 H-R diagram depicts: Temperature Color Spectral Type Luminosity Radius Mass Lifespan Age Luminosity Temperature

9 C B Which star is the hottest? D Luminosity A Temperature

10 C B Which star is the hottest? A D Luminosity A Temperature

11 C B Which star is the most luminous? D Luminosity A Temperature

12 C B Which star is the most luminous? C D Luminosity A Temperature

13 C B Which star is burning hydrogen in its core? D Luminosity A Temperature

14 C B Which star is burning hydrogen in its core? (It’s a main sequence star) D Luminosity D A Temperature

15 C B Which star has the largest radius? D Luminosity A Temperature

16 C B Which star has the largest radius? C D Luminosity A Temperature

17 A Which star is most like our Sun? D Luminosity B C Temperature

18 A Which star is most like our Sun? D B Luminosity B C Temperature

19 A Which of these stars will have changed the least 10 billion years from now? D Luminosity B C Temperature

20 A Which of these stars will have changed the least 10 billion years from now? D Luminosity B C C Temperature

21 A Which of these stars can be no more than 10 million years old? D Luminosity B C Temperature

22 A Which of these stars can be no more than 10 million years old? D A Luminosity B C Temperature

23 How can we know this if stars live millions or billions of years?

24 Stars in a Star Cluster Born at the same time
All about the same distance Same chemical composition Because they formed from the same gas cloud

25 How do we measure the age of a star cluster?

26 Pleiades now has no stars with life expectancy less than around 100 million years
Main-sequence turnoff

27 Main-sequence turnoff point of a cluster tells us its age

28 Detailed modeling of the oldest globular clusters reveals that they are about 13 billion years old
Age of universe… ish

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