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Niels Henrik Abel Berkay Kozan Course: Cmpe 220.

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Presentation on theme: "Niels Henrik Abel Berkay Kozan Course: Cmpe 220."— Presentation transcript:

1 Niels Henrik Abel Berkay Kozan Course: Cmpe 220

2 born in 1802 Father: politician and protestant minister He was taught in vicarage until 13 Abel's father was probably a drunkard and his mother was accused of having lax morals.(D. Stander)

3 He was reading Euler, Newton, Lalande, d'Alembert
Norway: in poverty Cathedral school He was reading Euler, Newton, Lalande, d'Alembert Holmboe : a hero Bernt Holmboe

4 1820 : year of his father's death
He left nothing behind him Holmboe helps Abel Begins to work on quintic equations by radicals Wants to go to France and Germany 1824 proved the impossibility of solving the general equation of the fifth degree in radicals. He chose a pamphlet as the quickest way to get it into print and in order to save on the printing costs , he reduced the proof to fit on half a folio sheet. ( R G Ayoub)

5 Geometers have occupied themselves a great deal with the general solution of algebraic equations and several among them have sought to prove the impossibility. But, if I am not mistaken, they have not succeeded up to the present. ( Abel's 1824 paper) Norway government gave him scholarship. His friend died and he did not want to go abroad by himself. Now I am constituted that I cannot endure solitude. Alone, I am depressed, I get cantankerous, and I have a little inclination to work. (Abel, in a later letter.)

6 He went to Berlin with Crelle
Wanted to see Gauss but learnt that he wasn't impressed by Abel's work. In fact, Gauss had never read the paper of Abel. "The first possibility is that Gauss had proved the result himself and was willing to let Abel take the credit. The other explanation is that he did not attach very much importance to solvability by radicals.“ R G Ayoub Went Paris alone, but disappointed due to little interest to his work.(Such as Cauchy) He is like the fox, who effaces his tracks in the sand with his tail. – Abel for Gauss

7 Jacobi Went home with huge debt and started tutoring children.
Worked with Jacobi His health got worse and died from tuberculosis. After his death, Crelle told him that he found a job for him but it was too late. Jacobi

8 Abel's notebook

9 Legendre: What a head the young Norwegian has.
Charles Hermite: Abel has left mathematicians enough to keep them busy for 500 years Legendre: What a head the young Norwegian has.

10 His works Abel's binomial theorem Abelian category Abelian variety
Abel equation Abel equation of the first kind Abelian extension Abel function Abelian group Abel's identity Abel's inequality Abel's irreducibility theorem Abel–Jacobi map Abel–Plana formula Abel–Ruffini theorem Abelian means Abel's summation formula Abelian and tauberian theorems Abel's test Abel's theorem Abel transform Abel transformation Abelian variety of CM-type Dual abelian variety His works

11 At what age did he die?



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