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CORE Improvement community workshop #2 March 13, 2017

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1 CORE Improvement community workshop #2 March 13, 2017
GGUSD CORE Improvement community workshop #2 March 13, 2017

2 Working definition All students math gap: Grades 5, 7 & 11 show persistently lower scores than other grade levels across multiple years & cohorts Latino student math gap: At all grade-levels, Latino students lag behind district averages, ranging from 17-22% fewer percent proficient than district average.

3 5th Grade Math Pacing/SBAC Alignment


5 7th Grade Math Pacing/SBAC Alignment


7 Grade 11 Math Pacing/SBAC Alignment


9 latino achievement by school with growth levels elementary schools

10 Latino achievement by school with growth level
Intermediate Schools

11 Investigation Based on Latino Performance
Focus Schools 10 elementary schools 2 intermediate schools Student Sample: 2015/2016 Math SBAC Matched Scores Latino Free/Reduced Lunch Not Special Education Not Gate All Language Proficiencies

12 2015/2016 Grades 4-6 SBAC Math Performance Level Change At the schools that are “outperforming” predictions, the percentage of students that grew at least 1 level on the SBAC ranged from 34% - 43% At the 7 other schools that met the selection criteria, the percentage of students that grew at least 1 level on the SBAC ranged from 15% - 28% Initial Findings In 8 of the 10 focus schools, they saw SBAC level growth in their 6th grade classes

13 2015/2016 Grades 7-8 SBAC Math Performance Level Change The percentage of Math 8 students scoring at a Level 1 on the SBAC was % and 47% between the two focus schools Fitz had a higher percentage of students scoring in Levels 1 & 2 on the SBAC in Math 8 than Doig (55.6% compared to 40.9%) Initial Findings


15 Empathy interviews: Background of Interviews:
Elementary, Intermediate & High School 38  students (6 elementary, 22 intermediate & 11 high school) 26 Female 12 Male 5th grade, Math 8 - Trig/Stats represented




19 “I asked a teacher a simple question and if he could clarify his explanation.  He told me it was common sense and asked why I couldn’t understand...I don’t ask him questions now.” “Teach students many different ways to solve problems so that we’re confident when we’re on our own.” “A couple of years ago I was asked to answer a question and I froze.  I stood in front of the whiteboard holding the marker, shaking.  The teacher told me to sit down since I didn’t know the answer.  I was so embarrassed.” “Be a little more patient.  We sometimes feel trapped and we don’t understand.  We know we don’t understand and we’re frustrated too.” “I had a teacher last year that just wrote notes on the board.  We had to copy them down, do the homework, and then the test.  He sat at his desk most of the time.  There wasn’t a lot of teaching going on.” “Focus on all students.  Not the same ones all the time.”

20 “I’ve always had nice teachers who have given me lots of chances and don’t give up on me even if I gave them lots of reasons to.” “One time the teacher was proud of me for understanding and had me help other students.  It was a really great time and gave me a feeling of positivity.” 97% of students interviewed felt they could get better at math if they tried hard! “When I understand, it’s because the teacher took time to show us and make sure we all got it.  It feels good.” “I feel proud when my teacher smiles at me.  She knows I’m working hard and not giving up.”

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