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Performance Presentation

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1 Performance Presentation
Dr. Carol Cary Superintendent July 1, July 1, 2016

2 The Year at a Glance Positive and Successful
Positive community feedback Positive teacher, parent, and student feedback Positive board relationship Effective communications and high visibility throughout district and community Vision- shared and used for building goals and results Branding Initiative- all Tigers! Twitter for Principals Build out of Communications and Development Office Timeline Project –completed and funded Funds raised for Tiger Foundation InCommunity Magazine district focus Sponsor-a-Scholar continued Contracts MNEA and MNNIEA completed Hiring Protocols and Paperwork School Dude District Scheduler 0% tax increase through a collaborative budget process New college partnership- Cabrini New college access software- SCOIR (to replace Naviance in a few years) Access to NSC (college entrance and persistence) New business and tech courses at HS New science program- Project Lead the Way New whiteboards across Camera project Kiosks completed Residency Issues resolved Special Education review and refresher Review of past five years’ programs Uniformity across elementary schools- processes/procedures/handbooks Data visualization completed Rosetta Stone for language program evaluated Supervision of staff toward a service-minded approach (more yes than no) Professional Development –Supt. Academy and learning at every turn

3 Goals and How the Goals were Achieved Categories Budget and Strategic planning Personnel Management and Accountability Board and Community Relations Student Achievement Technology Miscellaneous

4 Budget and Strategic Planning
Goal: By January 2016, work with Business Administrator to develop a process for incorporating building principals and other administrators, as well as the Board, in the annual budget process Attainment of Goal: Joe and I developed a timeline for the budget process and used a collaborative process that included input from school level administrators and cabinet School level priorities were determined by surveying the individual principals- Cabinet members presented their budget needs to the cabinet for input and discussion and then to the board through budget workshops Appendix A

5 Budget and Strategic Planning
Goal: Begin process of constructing a new strategic plan for the district that covers academics, staff development, technology and facilities maintenance/upgrades Work with Board / Board President to establish appropriate strategic plan committee, scope, goals and timeline by January 2016. Prepare for the Board an assessment of program changes over the past five years, including identifying any programs to consider reinstating and/or any new programs to consider adding or realigning (such as globally relevant languages), and include details as to why, the anticipated cost of same and how the district could pay for them beyond a tax increase- by March Attainment of Goal: Our current strategic plan ends in July The process of developing a new strategic plan begins in the fall of In the spring of 2017, I will bring to the board, a proposal for the strategic planning process to include committee, goals, scope, and timeline At the budget workshop in February, we presented a review of programs and program changes over past five years recommending the need for an instructional technology coach which we funded as a .5 position Appendix B

6 Personnel Management and Accountability
Goal: By January 2016, develop a process/plan for management of the special education review process By June 2016, conduct review of special ed / IEP procedures, outcomes and staff (perhaps involving not just administrators but teachers and others who could have valuable input on this issue) By February 2016, set up training / re-fresher of staff and board by special ed counsel By November 2015, develop proposal / process for inclusion of special ed counsel in specific IEP situations on front end Attainment of Goal: Dr. Rodichok, Mrs. Logue, Gabrielle Sereni, and I met monthly for one hour from August through March to discuss Special Education in our district. We focused on processes and procedures, we reviewed the most notable issues that should be brought to counsel before issues arise, and we reviewed current cases and options at each session. Special Ed Counsel presented a Special Ed update to the board and to the admin counsel in November 2015 Appendix C

7 Personnel Management and Accountability
Goal: Develop an evaluation process and clearly communicate it to Board – and develop a plan for ensuring accountability among subordinates, including appropriate scrutiny of their performance to properly identify/evaluate good performers versus underperformers and development of a plan to encourage and measure improvement of underperformers Evaluate progress of Teacher Effectiveness Program and Principal Effectiveness program; consider a climate survey as baseline that can retested annually and an anonymous “360 degree” evaluation of administrators Attainment of Goal: The accountability of subordinates was established through the development of the vision document and the “buckets” for the attributes of our students. Subordinates developed their goals tied to the “buckets” and will be evaluated on their attainment of those goals Appendix D The vision document with goals from cabinet members and school administrators was presented to the board in October 2015. Appendix E

8 Personnel Management and Accountability
Goal: July 2016, provide a written assessment of each school and a written action plan for underperforming schools (i.e. those with SPP of TBD or lower) with periodic written progress updates to be provided to the Board in October and June (i.e. provide Board with snapshot of performance of each school at specific intervals) Work with Board to develop an evaluation process/format for each school Attainment of Goal:

9 Board and Community Relations
Goal: Establish and maintain communication, trust and transparency with the Board – ongoing from July 2015. “Hot list” of concerns from board (TBD by Board) Work with Board to develop, by June interviewing and hiring protocols for relevant positions (relating to interview “panels,” timing of job and salary offers, data to be given to board when supporting hiring recommendations, etc.) Attainment of Goal:

10 Board and Community Relations
Goal: Demonstrate responsiveness and flexibility to Board concerns / input / queries- July 2015 and ongoing. Attainment of Goal:

11 Board and Community Relations
Goal: Establish and maintain high visibility and involvement in school and local community-ongoing through August 2016 Throughout the course of the SY, speak at a variety of community organizations / events [number, ie aim for one per month] such as business associations, local rotary clubs, chamber of commerce Reach out to local businesses to establish relationships / develop opportunities for MNSD students (such as college partnerships, internships, shadow days,) Attainment of Goal:

12 Board and Community Relations
Goal: By January 2016, Use social media to promote district / students / communication (specifics TBD) Attainment of Goal:

13 Board and Community Relations
Goal: By March 2016, develop a plan for counselors to follow (i.e. to increase graduation rate and college acceptance) and a plan for attracting higher tier colleges to notice / seek out MNSD students; at same time identify and enhance non-college options such as trades (i.e. evaluate and establish / increase apprenticeship opportunities?) Actively seek out feedback and establish relationships with college admissions personnel Attainment of Goal:

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