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Building the Semantic Web

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1 Building the Semantic Web
“Better things for Better Living Through Metadata” Frank Manola ***March 2002 review ***SW_Mar02reviewv2 This is a review of progress since the September 2001 review. MITRE Sponsored Research © 2001, The MITRE Corporation

2 Problem The World Wide Web was originally aimed at providing information to people, not other software Web resources don’t have descriptions of their meanings or capabilities that programs can understand These meanings often involve talking about non-Web things (e.g., people) Result: software can’t provide relevant information or services with precision, reflecting user intent and needs

3 “Semantic” = “Esoteric AI”?
“Semantic Web my behind! I just want to order a pizza, not have mozarella explained to me.” Many Semantic Web applications can be rather straightforward, e.g.: Simple content metadata (provenance, ratings) Privacy policies Subject-based catalogs Site maps Digitally-signed metadata Description-based service brokering Here, “Semantic Web applications” means “applications of more machine-interpretable data on the Web (or, in fact, anywhere else) There is quite a lot of simple content metadata on the Web already, in various forms (including RDF). One of the goals is to provide a unified framework or model for this metadata, so that it can be interpreted by generalized processors, even if the representations are different (RDF, HTML META elements, etc.)

4 What is the Semantic Web?
The Semantic Web is about making the Web machine-processable It’s important for the machines to have the semantics, but it doesn’t matter how the machines acquire the semantics The Semantic Web is an evolution of the Web Universal connectivity is an important aspect of the problem, and the solution It won’t happen everywhere, all at once Don’t discount the effects of thousands of smart non-researchers working on it In addition to “supports matching resources to requests”, this helps with any “knowledge processing” activities (e.g., agent communications of all kinds)

5 RDF in the Semantic Web Unicode URIs
Tagged data: XML + Namespaces + XML Schema Resource Description Framework + RDF Schema Ontology support (OWL) Logic Proof Trust Digital Signatures KR Rules Data Meta- data Semantic Web Architecture (Tim Berners-Lee, W3C) Struc- tured docs. This is TBL’s “layer cake” picture (slightly clarified). The point is that RDF provides the key “data model” on which the higher levels are based.

6 RDF Statement Model
“The creator of page is subject predicate object Notes about this example: * unambiguously identifies a person (here, based on his employee number) * is an unambiguous reference to the “creator” attribute in the Dublin Core metadata attribute set * Use of Web identifiers allows us to begin to develop and use a shared vocabulary on the Web, reflecting (and creating) a shared understanding of the concepts we talk about * “Anyone can say anything about anything” means no restriction to a single way of categorizing or relating things * you can refer to anything you want, and add your own relationships * You need not “own” something to add information about it Ntriple:

7 Getting Involved “you can’t beat something with nothing”
Be in the right places “the Internet is based on rough consensus and running code” Show stuff people can use (in places they can use it)

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