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Map Skills.

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Presentation on theme: "Map Skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 Map Skills

2 7 Continents North America South America

3 7 Continents Europe Africa

4 7 continents Asia Australia

5 7 Continents Antarctica

6 4 Oceans Atlantic

7 4 Oceans Pacific

8 4 Oceans Indian

9 4 Oceans Arctic

10 Grid Pattern formed by lines of latitude and longitude on a map

11 Latitude Lines that run east and west on the map
Measure north and south Also called Parallels Equator, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, Arctic Circle, and Antarctic Circle

12 Equator 0 degrees Splits the world in half to form the Northern and Southern Hemisphere

13 Tropic of Capricorn and Cancer
Tropic of Capricorn degrees South Tropic of Cancer degrees North Between these two lines is where it stays warm year round.

14 Arctic and Antarctic Circles
Arctic Circle- 68 degrees North Antarctic Circle- 68 degrees South Shows where it stays frozen year round

15 Longitude Lines that run north to south Measures east and west
Also called meridians Meridians run from the North Pole to the South Pole

16 Lines of Longitude Prime Meridian- 0 degrees
International Date Line- 180 degrees – imaginary line -Not straight – separates two consecutive calander days These two lines used together will split the world into the Eastern and Western Hemisphere

17 Map Title Subject of the map Usually located at the top of the map

18 Map Key Also called the legend
Explains what the symbols on the map stand for

19 Compass Rose Shows direction on the map
Cardinal directions- North, South, East, West Intermediate directions- Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest

20 Locator Small map or picture of the globe that shows the area on the main map

21 Map Scale Shows distance on the map 0 miles 10 miles 20 miles

22 Inset Map Small map within a larger map

23 Political Maps Show boundaries, cities, roads, etc. Human features

24 Physical Maps Show landforms and bodies of water Physical features

25 Regions Areas with features that make them different from other areas
Examples: Swamp Desert

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