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Counting Mode DAQ for Compton
Shujie Li (presenting) Bob Michaels, Alexandre Camsonne Hanjie Liu, Scott Barcus (VETROC) Polarimetry Meeting Nov 21, 2016
Compton Asymmetry E=3.484 GeV From M. Friend Thesis, p57
The idea behind counting mode compton is very simple: count the number of signals with +/- helicity to get the overall helicity. And if the size of photon signal, is also measured, one can bin on energy to hopefully reproduce a nice curve as shown on the right. From M. Friend Thesis, p57
Compton Asymmetry Deadtime? Signals pileup? E=3.484 GeV
Trigger rates: 10k -100 kHz However, high quality counting is difficult because of the very high rates of compton scattering events. It causes deadtime, and signals pileup, results in large systematic error. Why not prescaling??? Deadtime? Signals pileup? From M. Friend Thesis, p57
DAQ systems for Compton data:
“new” Counting Mode is based on CODA3 with pipelining electronics and Intel PC CMU DAQ works well, presently based on vxWorks cpu Counting vs Integrating has different advantages. To avoid the disadvantage of counting mode, people developed the integrating DAQ fo Hall A compton. It has been sitting in the hall and taking data for a while, and works well. While the integral DAQ is our primary system, people are trying to bring the counting mode back with the Jlab-designed pipelining electronics.
Exists, being tested in Hall A with photon detector
The new electronics include Flash ADC for the photon detector, which has been set up in the hall in the past summer, and is taking data in the fall. The Vetroc card is currently in the GRINCH detector test stand. Exists, under development in the GRINCH chrenkov detector test stand
Counting Mode DAQ deadtime-free? Flash ADC 250 MHz: Made by JLab
Signal Distribution Trigger Interface Flash ADC SCALER Flash ADC 250 MHz: Made by JLab 4,000 dollars 16 channels Ring buffer with up to 8 μs latency Double buffer allows taking and processing data at the same time Send data by block (1-256 triggers) One FADC card can take 16 signals, costs 4000 dollars. Each channel has separate ring buffer to continuously taking signal even when the signal is processing. Instead of sending data trigger by trigger, FADC can send a block of data at once for higher data rate and shorter busy time. deadtime-free?
Trigger Signal CPU FADC TI SD Busy backplane
To reduce the amount of data generated at high trigger rates, the module has the capability of identifying pulses within the trigger window and reporting computed quantities (pulse integral, pulse time) instead of raw data samples or simple sums of raw samples. Data from ADC are stored continuously in circular buffer until Trigger input becomes activeThe data that was stored from the time that the Trigger occurs back to the time specified by Programmable Latency within the Programmable Trigger Window are processed. While data are being processed, ADC FPGA will continue storing incoming ADC data with no loss of data. backplane
Only the integral is recorded
Trigger Signal Latency CPU TI SD FADC Trigger Window Busy threshold To reduce the amount of data generated at high trigger rates, the module has the capability of identifying pulses within the trigger window and reporting computed quantities (pulse integral, pulse time) instead of raw data samples or simple sums of raw samples. Data from ADC are stored continuously in circular buffer until Trigger input becomes activeThe data that was stored from the time that the Trigger occurs back to the time specified by Programmable Latency within the Programmable Trigger Window are processed. While data are being processed, ADC FPGA will continue storing incoming ADC data with no loss of data. This DAQ system with FADC is expected to have very small if not zero deadtime at 100k, which allows us to measure asymmetry in high precision. backplane Only the integral is recorded
test mode Helicity from pulse generator
Asymmetry from V2F box ,with 250 kHz, 1.1% (0.88%) asymmetry Random pulser (up to 100 kHz) to push system to the limit Compare FADC and SCALER counts to get deadtime In test mode, a 1 k helicity is generated by the pulser generator, then the square wave goes through the voltage to frequency box to produce 1.1% asym. Then signal then coupled with random signal to mimic “real world” signals. Since the asym box signal is too high for fadc, when only take a sample of it to send to scaler and fadc. The signal with + , - helicity are selected and sent to fadc as well.
test mode Dt of signal can be calculated in two ways: comparing the scaler and fadc counts. Or looking at deadtime recorded by TI. Plot shows dt as a function of random frequency. Dt from TI and FADC agree with each other. DT from asym signal behaves different since 250k is on the edge of the system capability. But in general the dt is small at 20k, and <5% at 100k.
Test mode Asymmetry (%) Random frequency
Once DT is know, we can perform dt correction given fadc data to get real asym. The correction doesn’t work well now b/c of low stats and asym box high freq. need to redesign the test. Random frequency
Production mode Send BCM, CAVITY, HELICITY, MPS to FADC and scaler
Copies of photon signal and trigger from CMU DAQ RUN 5609: Date: Nov 07 Beam energy: 8518 GeV Beam current: 10 us Signal rates: ~7.5 kHz Deadtime: ~ 0 QUAD Helicity recorded by scaler has the correct pattern From R. Michael
Production mode Send BCM, CAVITY, HELICITY, MPS to FADC and scaler
Bcm and cavity info from scaler and epics align well, scaler info has better resolution?? EPICS From R. Michael
Production mode Send BCM, CAVITY, HELICITY, MPS to FADC and SCALER
Use BCM, cavity information to select events Need to assign helicity to every signal More study on deadtime Successfully seeing compton spectrum. Next step is to match helicity From R. Michael
What is a VETROC ? ( Vxs – based Electron Trigger and ReadOut Controller )
A module built by the JLab DAQ group Like a TDC Pipelining -- zero ( very little ) deadtime Feeds data to a GTP across backplane. ( GTP also built at JLab) GTP = Global Trigger Processor GTP has FPGA programmed to form a trigger based on pattern of hits in VETROC Vetroc built by JLAB follow the similar pipelining philosophy as fadc. Vetroc can take trigger from external cable as TDC, but can also work with GTP witch will scan the data from vetroc to find the programmable trigger condition. VETROC GTP
VETROC Specs VETROC GTP Resolution : 1 nsec (our board) can be 20 psec
128 channels per board, 17 boards fit in crate Bandwidth: 4 Gbit/sec Can accept front-panel trigger, or can feed its data to GTP to form a trigger at 30 MHz Readout speed – observations: 0 deadtime for kHz with 5 hits 250 kHz with 1 hit Vetroc cost ~1k for 128 channels, has 1ns resolution, and almost 0 deadtime. VETROC GTP
GRINCH Test Stand Uses VETROC Similarly to how Compton Edet would
Scott Barcus Carlos Gayoso Ben Raydo Evan McClellan Data to vetroc to gtp to form trigger , go back to vetroc to convert to ecl, then send to TI
VETROC data from GRINCH Setup -- an example
PMT data processed by NINO cards. Light from LED. Two peaks are leading and trailing edges. Trailing edge wider as expected. Data example Trigger on edges
Conclusions -- Counting Mode DAQ
Counting mode FADC DAQ for photons is being deployed VETROC for electrons being used in a GRINCH test stand Next year we’ll merge the above two, in a test stand Future direction: Can have a JLab FADC with accumulators alongside the counting FADC Can have broad general use, e.g. SBS or SOLID.
Thank you
Deadtime with 250 kHz asym box signal
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