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Early Years Numeracy Book 1

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1 Early Years Numeracy Book 1
Castles Early Years Numeracy Book 1

2 Numicon Castles If you do not have the actual resource it is possible to print out the Numicon shapes and laminate them from the Numicon website Provide images of castles and ask children to create their own castles using Numicon shapes. Which Numicon shapes make the best turrets? Why do you think that? Which Numicon shapes would make the tallest/shortest castle? How many doubles have you used in your castle? Which castle has used more/less Numicon holes? Which castle is the biggest/smallest? This resource can be used to support the following domains at 1 *, 2 ** and 3*** Read and Write numbers – Children say the Numicon shape as they take it out/put it back in the box e.g. I am using a 6. Children could record how many of each shape used on a simple table, using tally marks or numbers (adult may model this if child is unable to record tally marks/numbers) Structuring Numbers – Grouping - Ask children to tell you what they can see within a 5 shape: ‘4 & 1, 3 & 2’ Counting and Comparing Collections - How many 5 shapes did you use to create your castle? Have you used more 4 shapes than 10 shapes? Which castle more/less holes? Counting Strategies, Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 – Place shapes together to explore addition/subtraction. You could take 2 shapes (under 10) and look at how many all together. E.g. if we have 2 and 4 , how many do we have all together? Early Multiplication and Division – What does a 4 shape and another 4 shape make? Share the shapes fairly with your friend , you’ve now got the same amount as your friend. Mental Agility – Basic Facts - How many ways can you make a number? Patterns and Relationships – Make odd and even patterns using the shapes or pictures. Solve Simple Number Stories – Can you make a Numicon castle the same as your friends?

3 Rapunzel’s Ribbons Provide a washing line, pegs and ribbon box in different lengths, widths, colours and patterns to sort out so Rapunzel can find: The right one for her hairdo Match her dress Select a ribbon that will reach to the ground How many ribbons are on the line? How many are in the box? How many are there all together? Which one is longest, shortest, wider, narrower? How many are medium - sized, small or large? Snap! – Are any ribbons the same length / width etc? What are the differences? Rapunzel has chosen 2 ribbons to wear as she is wearing her hair in bunches. How many ribbons are left? How do you know? This activity can be used to support the following domains at 1 *, 2 ** and 3*** Number word sequences - Count backwards and forwards as they place ribbons on the line, how many? Or use numbered pegs. Read and Write numbers - Record the number of ribbons in the box and on the line using simple grid. Structuring Numbers – Grouping - Using up to 5 ribbons with 2 differences ask the children, how many do they see. E.g. 2 shiny and 2 stripy or 4 red and 1 blue. Counting and Comparing Collections - Group the patterned/plain/red/shiny ribbons together. How many are there? Measurement - Discuss which ribbon is longest/shortest. How do you know? Lining them up next to each other to compare lengths. Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction / facts to How many are silver? How many are gold? How many are there all together? Early Multiplication and Division - Use the washing line to support early skip counting. Peg 2 ribbons together ‘2, 4, 6…’ Patterns and Relationships - Use pictures/colours/socks to create and extend patterns.

4 Building Towers Provide a box of wooden blocks or Lego and a spinner. Children take it in turns to spin, call out the dot pattern or numeral, and take the right amount of blocks to build a tower. Alternatively use a spinner/die and a coloured die. If they spin a 3 and a blue, they take 3 blue bricks. Children may also make a symmetrical tower or try to balance both sides. Additional ideas and questions can be found on the NRICH website Your tower is 4 blocks tall. Now you have spun a 3. How many does that make all together? How many more do you need to make a tower 10 blocks tall? Who has the tallest tower? Who has the shortest? How many blocks difference is there? This resource can be used to support the following domains at 1 *, 2 ** and 3*** Read and Write numbers – Reading numbers on the die, using a vertical number line to measure how tall their tower is. Counting and Comparing Collections - I have used more/less bricks than you. Take 10 bricks and build a tower. Who can make a tower with 8 bricks? What happens if I add one/two more? Counting Strategies, Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 – I have used 5 red bricks and 4 blue bricks. Early Multiplication and Division – Share the bricks out fairly then make your tower. Patterns and Relationships – Using only 2 colours make a pattern e.g. red/blue/red/blue. Solve Simple Number Stories – The Three Little Pigs needed to use 12 bricks to build a tower for Rapunzel. Can you help them build it?

5 Mosaic Castles Provide lots of different sized squares from paper and leave in a tray for the children to glue towers and walls , mosaic style, to pieces of paper. Use graph paper to match and count off squares (ideally adult would model this activity by sticking the squared paper). How many green/yellow squares have you used? How many all together? Who has used the most/least squares? This resource can be used to support the following domains at 1 *, 2 ** and 3*** Counting and Comparing Collections - Can you use 5 yellow, 5 blue, 5 green and 5 pink? Early Multiplication and Division – Can we share out the squares equally before we start? Mental Agility – Basic Facts - Use doubles up to 5 or make symmetrical patterns. Patterns and Relationships – Look at symmetry or balancing the sides of the pattern. Solve Simple Number Stories – Design a castle for a big ugly monster or a beautiful little princess to hide in. If given an actual figure, children can see if their tower is large enough by placing it up against the tower.

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