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Disability Justice Project Launch

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1 Disability Justice Project Launch

2 Housekeeping Phones Toilets In case of emergency

3 Why Disability Justice Project
Rights mean nothing if you cannot enforce them. Too often providers of goods and services and public bodies get away with breaching our rights. We are often left to enforce our rights on our own, which means there are very few cases brought. Changes to Legal Aid and cuts to the advice sector made it much harder to get legal advice and start a legal challenge Moreover, In the last few years because of largely unchallenged historic discrimination combined with austerity we saw a significant retrogression in our rights.

4 Disability Justice Project will:
Enable DDPOs In London to use the law to promote our right to independent living and access to goods and services DDPOs are organisations run and controlled by Deaf and Disabled people The project will focus on the Care Act 2014, The Equality Act 2010 and the Human Rights Act 1998

5 Our approach Build the capacity of DDPOs to use the law to promote and protect the rights of Deaf and Disabled people Ensure the challenges are initiated by Deaf and Disabled people and DDPOs and are tackling the most pressing issues

6 Our approach …continued
Build strong partnerships with lawyers and provide an opportunity through our DDPO Legal Network for lawyers and Disabled people to work collaboratively as equal partners Encourage lawyers to look at the issues from a Disability rights perspective Take a strategic approach and combine litigation with campaigning

7 Why DDPOs should get involved
The project will provide bespoke training and resources specifically developed for DDPOs as well as access to best lawyers Benefits Increase the effectiveness of information, advice and advocacy service Improve campaigning and influencing work Be better placed to empower Deaf and Disabled people to stand up for our rights

8 For lawyers The project will provide the opportunity to
Learn about the realities of our lives and help us fight for a positive change Be involved in test cases, which will influence the implementation of the law Increase the number of Disabled clients Learn about the Social Model of Disability and the Independent Living movement Barristers can join our Bank of Barristers by committing to supporting the project with one pro bono advice per year.

9 Our Fight for Equality and Inclusion
We are disabled by the barriers that exist in society, not by our impairments. Removing barriers will require resources, changing well established norms, social institutions and attitudes. Only this will make us equal and enable us to be included.

10 Thank you More information about the project at Get in touch:

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