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1-2-3 Success! Three Steps to A Winning Personal Brand

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Presentation on theme: "1-2-3 Success! Three Steps to A Winning Personal Brand"— Presentation transcript:

1 1-2-3 Success! Three Steps to A Winning Personal Brand Updates Oct 2007 John H Smith


3 What are the World’s Strongest Brands?
Source: InterBrand

4 I ♥ Brand Brand Commodity


6 Conformity is the Enemy of Innovation

7 What Make You Unique Makes You Successful William Arruda

8 The Career Distinction Mindset
Be your own boss Stand out - stand for something Forget the ladder Build your brand


10 Extract UPDATES

11 Know Yourself to Grow Yourself

12 The Most Exhausting Thing You Can Be Is Inauthentic
Anne Morrow Lindbergh

13 Skills Motivated Burnout

14 Express UPDATES

15 Express Yourself. Don’t Repress Yourself.

16 What’s Your Message? Newsletter Articles Speaking Blog Web Volunteer
CONTENT Blog Web Volunteer Activities Sponsorships

17 Be Virtually Visible

18 Build Your Brand in Bits and Bytes

19 “A personal Web site -- a 24x7 storefront devoted exclusively
to the Brand Called You – may become the mother of all self-promotion tools.” Daniel Pink, in Fast Company

20 Why Be Virtually Visible?

21 "The greater the visibility enjoyed by an executive,
the greater the value of his or her compensation." Howard Nestler Study 2007

22 compensation by increasing one statistic; the number
“An executive can increase the amount of his or her compensation by increasing one statistic; the number of CEOs and decision-makers in a sector that are aware of the Executive’s accomplishments” Howard Nestler Study, 2007

23 If you don’t show up in Google, you don’t exist.
William Arruda

24 It’s a ‘Google Me’ World
People are Googling you Your online Brand counts Branding online is a cumulative process

25 (an increase from 26% last year).”
“35% of executive recruiters who use the Internet to check out prospects say they have eliminated candidates based on what they found online (an increase from 26% last year).” BusinessWeek, June 26, 2006

26 ”Persona Propaganda” “Google has created the concept of the ‘Public Resume’ — a new kind of pervasive DigiTruth. An industry will soon evolve to help you manage that public persona-creating the perfect online profile, optimizing your Google search, giving you control over your digitized public identity.” Faith Popcorn

27 Google Yourself Volume of results

28 The Digital Scale Digitally Dabbling Digitally Digitally Disastrous
Distinct Digitally Disguised V O L U M E Digitally Dissed Digitally Dabbling R E L E V A N C E

29 Quantitative Assessment - Volume
Number of results 50, ,000 ,000 >500,000 50-500 5-50 Dissed Distinct

30 Qualitative Assessment - Relevance
Are the entries about me? Do they reflect my area of expertise? Do they express my top three brand attributes (i.e. funny, creative, visionary)? Do the results feature my web site or blog? Do the entries communicate a consistent, on-brand image?

31 The Six Ps Publishing Posting Profiling Pontificating Partnering

32 Boris Mann, Web 2.0 and Personal Brand Development
“Promoting yourself online is the best, easiest, fastest way to build your personal brand.” Boris Mann, Web 2.0 and Personal Brand Development

33 Exude UPDATES

34 Your Brand Community Outside your org; Inside your company YOU
Family Friends YOU Colleagues Outside the company

35 Your Inner Circle Deliver on your promise Develop people
Make your manager a star Give credit

36 Throughout the Company
Deliver on your promise Volunteer for projects Invite people Seek out opinions Reach out to new employees

37 Outside Your Company Deliver on your promise
Participate in organizations Cozy up to the customer Commit to PSR

38 Building Your Network Extends your brand for you
Helps you do your job better Enables you to reach your goals

39 To Whom? Focused aspect Serendipitous

40 Focus on the Gaps Name Job Title Go back to your goals
Take a look at your network Name Job Title

41 The Serendipity Factor
Build a mindset of connecting with people

42 “It’s loyalty to peers in your industry
and not to a hierarchy. You have to develop a Rolodex obsession, building and deliberately managing an ever-growing network of professional contacts.” Tom Peters

43 Building Your Network Speak

44 Connect Network Members
Ian Sally YOU Lee Juan Judith

45 Get in the Habit

46 Networking Techniques that Work
Go for quality over quantity Remember: Clarity, Consistency, Constancy Follow-up -- always

47 Giving To Your Network Give Them a Free Service
Share Your Passion or Interest

48 PSR Demonstrate your skills Connect with your passions
Expand your network Increase fulfillment Make you more compelling

49 Giving To Your Network Send them a link

50 “The strength of wideband professional network is that it
gives access to deep and tacit knowledge across a range of areas that you could never hope to touch, understand or gain access to.” Mick Cope

51 Remember and Recognize
Brithday alarm americangreetings

52 Stay Up On What They’re Doing
Google Alerts

53 Build Career Karma

54 You Are What Surrounds You

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