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Administrative Concerns and Policy Updates

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Presentation on theme: "Administrative Concerns and Policy Updates"— Presentation transcript:

1 Administrative Concerns and Policy Updates
Azura Morgan, David Strumpf, & Nyerere Tryman Sr. Professional Staff Training 2017

2 Learning Objectives Participants will define problems and concerns with administrative practices. Participants will discuss the importance of effective administrative practices. Participants will discuss submitted questions with regard to administrative practices. Participants will discuss policy changes (i.e. gun carry, sexual assault, etc.)

3 Why is this important? Increased Engagement
Relationship to Job Satisfaction Increased Productivity Career Advancement Meeting Personal and Organizational Goals

4 Weekly Snapshot (activity in pairs)
Take a moment to think about a typical work week: How do you define "administrative tasks?" Which tasks do you consider to be administrative tasks? How do you prioritize your responsibilities? - best practice How do you manage your time? - best practice

5 Administrative Barriers/Struggles
What are items you struggle with administratively during your week? What barriers do you experience in regards to managing your administrative responsbibilities?

6 Administrative Barriers
Managing s Coordinating time away from office (meetings, follow ups, time off, professional development, university involvement, etc.) Student/Staff Conduct and Discipline Crisis Response Follow-up Expecting the unexpected Burnout ? FLSA

7 Effective Administrative Practices
What are some strategies for overcoming administrative barriers and struggles that you employ in your daily/weekly work?

8 Effective Administrative Practices
How are you using resources as tools to increase productivity? What works best for you? Digital? Paper and pencil? To do lists? Good communication with stakeholders. Productive delegation and team work. Observing trends – for example, what do things typically look like for me on Monday mornings? Narrow your focus – work on honing your craft. Don ‘t be afraid to experiment – let your style evolve. Observe others with strong administrative habits and ask questions. Big picture as well as attention to detail. Understand how reports and documents you generate fit into the larger scope of the organization. Quality over quantity.

9 Policy Updates HB280“Campus Carry” Legislation Sexual Assault
Student Conduct Review RA time away policy

10 Submitted Questions Can we define the role of the Administrative Assistant. How are administrative assistants given on-going training regarding procedures that get updated through the year? What types of processes are uniform across campus, and what is at the discretion of the AC/Admin?

11 Questions?

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