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Topic 9—Plant Biology Plant Diversity.

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1 Topic 9—Plant Biology Plant Diversity

2 Major Plant Groups Figure 22-6 p. 554 Flowering plants
Cone-bearing plants Ferns and their relatives Mosses and their relatives Green algae ancestor Flowers; Seeds Enclosed in Fruit Seeds Water-Conducting (Vascular) Tissue Figure 22-6 p. 554

3 The Diversity of Plants
Section 22-1 Cone-bearing plants 760 species Flowering plants 235,000 species Ferns and their relatives 11,000 species Mosses and their relatives 15,600 species Figure 22-7 p. 555

4 Success on land Avoid drying out with a outer waxy covering
Absorb, conduct and conserve water Reproduce without water… Spores and seeds

5 Alternation of Generations (p.552)
diploid, asexual stage haploid, sexual stage


7 Avascular, seedless plants
Mosses and liverworts

8 p. 558

9 Moss life cycle Gametophyte stage: (dominant) Sporophyte stage:
Protonema = tiny filaments producing leafy shoot Leafy shoot with rhizoids (rootlike structures) Archegonia = female organs producing eggs Antheridia = male organs producing sperm Sporophyte stage: Stalk & capsule (containing sporangia spores) Spores produce protonema



12 Vascular, seedless plants
Ferns and horsetails, etc.

13 Fern life cycle Sporophyte stage (dominant)
Fronds (leaves), rhizomes (underground stems) and roots ( with vascular tissue) Sori (under frond) contain sporangia  spores Gametophyte stage = heart-shaped Prothallus sperm from antheridia swim to egg in archegonia producing zygote Zygote grows into young sporophyte




17 Vascular plants with seeds
Gymnosperms Exposed seeds Angiosperms Seeds enclosed in a fruit Flowering plants

18 Gymnosperms Means “naked” seeds…seeds are NOT enclosed in a fruit
Examples: cone-bearing plants, cycads, & gingkos


20 Sporophyte stage: pollen cone (male)  microsporangium  microspore
Consists of plant body containing roots, stems, & leaves pollen cone (male)  microsporangium  microspore seed cone (female)  megasporangium  megaspore 1st yr = pollination nd yr = seed developing rd yr = open to release seeds on scales


22 Gametophyte stage: Microspores  pollen (male gametophytes)  sperm
megaspores  ovules (female gametophytes)  eggs after fertilization, zygote begins seed, which develops into new sporophyte

23 Angiosperms Monocotyledons (one seed-leaf)
Examples = grasses, grains, orchid family, palms Dicotyledons (two seed-leaves) Examples = vegetables, nut & fruit trees, & all other flowers in the garden

24 Comparison of Monocots vs. Dicots
Seed : One seed leaf Two seed leaves Leaf : Parallel veins Branching veins Flower parts: Multiples of Multiples of 4 or 5 Root system: fibrous taproot Stem : random radial vascular bundles vascular bundles

25 Monocot Characteristics

26 Dicot Characteristics


28 Sporophyte stage Zygote  Embryo (within seed) plant body
plant body consisting of roots, stems & leaves flower containing male & female reproductive organs reproductive organs  microspores & megaspores

29 Gametophyte stage: Microspores  pollen (male gametophyte containing sperm) Megaspores  ovule (female gametophyte containing eggs) after pollination & fertilization… sperm + egg  zygote (which begins the seed)


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