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Division I and Division II Institutional Performance Program

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1 Division I and Division II Institutional Performance Program
Katie Willett Steve Clar

2 Overview Purpose of the Institutional Performance Program Data Management System. Components of the IPP Data Management System. Review of data and institutional analysis. IPP resources and best practices.

3 Purpose of IPP To provide institutional leaders with vital and significant data to assist with planning, performance and oversight of intercollegiate athletics. IPP is a data management system that consolidates vital data into a single platform in order to provide you significant data to assist with planning, performance and oversight of your intercollegiate athletics programs. The IPP DMS: Improves planning by helping you allocate resources; Increases efficiency by saving time; Encourages collaboration by making it easy to work together with other groups on campus; Supports partnership by sharing risk and rewards; and Increases accountability by reviewing your performance.

4 “In God we trust, all others must bring data.” W. Edwards Deming

5 IPP Data Management System
Consolidates and disseminates data currently submitted by institutions in the following areas: Academics. Students. Leadership. Financial. The IPP DMS disseminates data in the following four broad categories: In the area of Academics, users can review current and trending GPA data for all sports teams, including trends by gender, race/ethnicity and sport. You can also analyze data to identify trends with the academic success rate. Additionally, users can compare initial-eligibility data to graduation outcome data to determine if appropriate support is provided. You can also review trending team data to determine if other questions need to be asked or if intervention is suggested. In the area of Students, you can view the data of students and student-athletes at your institution and compare their characteristics with those at peer institutions. Users can view how student-athletes compare with the entire undergraduate population in regard to gender and reported ethnicity/racial groups and can also compare sports sponsorship with other peer institutions. In the area of Leadership, you can see a breakdown of assistant and head coaches and administrators by gender, sport and race/ethnicity and compare their characteristics with peer groups, your conference and all of Division I or Division II. The Financial data category allows users to view how the revenue vs. expense comparison is trending, as well as research compensation data for head and assistant coaches and administrators to compare against per groups. In addition, the Financial data allows you to better understand the expense implications of adding one or more sports to your athletics program offerings. As always, keep in mind there is always more to a story than one data point or set. Don’t forget the world beyond data, either. What colleagues and other resources might you consult to gather more information for analysis? Remember that the data is only as good as the questions you ask.

6 IPP Data Management System Sources of Data
Financial Reporting System. Membership Database. Academic Performance Census/Performance Program. Federal Graduation Rates Data. Eligibility Center Database.

7 IPP Data Management System Benefits
Facilitates informed decision-making and strategic planning. Allows for timely identification of issues and trends. Institutions have autonomy to reach their own conclusions based on a review of data. Permits comparisons with peer groups. Areas of focus: academics, students, leadership and financial. Stresses support for institutions rather than compliance with guidelines.

8 IPP Data Management System Peer Groups
Existing peer groups (e.g., conference, Division I or Division II). Self-selected peer groups based on: Institution/conference. Enrollment. Budget level. By sport. By number of sports sponsored. Public/private. Must include at least eight institutions to ensure confidentiality of other institutions’ data.

9 “Our belief is data is the new oil
“Our belief is data is the new oil. I think the companies that will win are using math.” Kevin Plank Under Armour CEO

10 IPP Data Management System Demo

11 IPP Resources and Best Practices Review of Data
Institutions should conduct a broad-based review of the data annually. In addition to the athletics director, the chancellor/president should consider providing access to the following: Senior woman administrator; Faculty athletics representative; Chief financial officer; Director of student-athlete academic support; Title IX/diversity officers; and Provost/registrar.

12 IPP Resources and Best Practices
Divisions I and II IPP Demonstration Educational modules: Exploring the system. Using the data. IPP Resources Academics. Student-athlete experience. Students and leadership (inclusion). Fiscal management. It is important to recognize that the data being distributed through the DMS does not tell the complete story of an institution’s athletics department. Additional data collected at the local level, as well as qualitative analysis, is necessary for a complete review. Resources will continue to be developed to assist institutions in review of data and identification of best practices in the areas of:

13 Contact Us Division I Division II

14 Download the Event App Visit the Regional Rules web page at egional-rules-seminars, or Scan the QR code

15 We Want Your Feedback Your input is important. Rate this session using the survey on the Regional Rules Seminar app.

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