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Introduction to Digital Signal Processing

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1 Introduction to Digital Signal Processing
Byeong Gi Lee

1.1 Analog vs. Digital 1.2 Applications 1.3 Why Digital? 1.4 Digital Signal Processing 1.5 Course Description BGL/SNU

3 Analog : voice, audio, video, ….
1.1. Analog vs. Digital i) Signal Analog : voice, audio, video, …. Digital : digitized analog signal, data ii) Processing Analog : passive/active filtering AM, FM, PM modulation Fourier, Laplace transform Digital : FIR/IIR filtering AM, windowing Discrete Fourier transform, z-transform BGL/SNU

4 1.1. Analog vs. Digital (cont’d)
iii) System Analog : R, L, C, Op-amp, switch, … differential equation Digital : adder, multiplier, memory, … difference equation iv) Theory Circuit theory DSP theory BGL/SNU

5 1.2. Applications Information Processing system Recognition Signal
- radar, sonar, seismic, … Storage Media Storage Processing system Display Transmission Communications Information BGL/SNU

6 1.2. Applications (cont’d)
i) Processing - filtering, modulation, transform, deconvolution - A/D, D/A conversion, coding ii) Storage - LP, tape (analog) - CD, DVD (digital) iii) Transmission - FDM, FDMA, TDMA (analog) - TDM(PCM), CDMA (digital) BGL/SNU

7 - Environmental change!
1.3. Why Digital? - Environmental change! Global communication - noise immunity Multimedia communication - integration Networking - encryption, packetizing Wireless, mobile - encryption, compression BGL/SNU

8 1.4. Digital Signal Processing
Computer-aided approximation Exact self-containing processing Processing complexity FAST-ENOUGH Computing capability Implementation means * invention of FFT, Cooley Tukey, 1965 DSP is realizable (real-time processing) BGL/SNU

9 It is time, time is matured for “DSP-only”!
1.4. Digital Signal Processing (cont’d) It is time, time is matured for “DSP-only”! Theoretical support - DSP theory Environmental demand Microelectronics support - processing + storage + logic devices BGL/SNU

10 1.5. Course Description Objective : To study the theoretical fundamentals on Digital Signal Processing and the mathematical foundations for sampling, discrete-time Fourier Transform, filtering, fast computation techniques and confirm them through computer programming. Text : Discrete-Time Signal Processing, 2nd ed., A. V. Oppenheim & R. W. Schafer, Prentice-Hall Reference : Digital Signal Processing, 2nd ed., Sanjit K. Mitra, McGraw-Hill Homepage : BGL/SNU

11 1.5. Course Description (cont’d) Fall 2003
Week 1 Chap 1. Introduction, Chap 2. Discrete-time signals and systems Week 2 Chap 2. Discrete-time signals and systems (CHUSEOK) Week 3 Chap 3. z-transform Week 4 Chap 4. Sampling & Discrete- and continuous-time signal processing Week 5 Chap 5. Frequency response of LTI systems Week 6 Chap 5. All-pass and Minimum-phase system Week 7    Midterm (Univ. Anniversary, Student Festival) Week 8    Chap 6. Basic structure for LTI systems Week 9    Chap 6. FIR & IIR systems, Chap 7. FIR & IIR filter design Week 10  Chap 7. FIR & IIR filter design Week 11  Chap 8. Discrete Fourier Transform Week 12  Chap 8. Discrete Fourier Transform Week 13  Chap 9. Fast transform computation Week 14  Overall Review and Problem Solving (GLOBECOM) Week 15  Final Exam BGL/SNU

2.0 Introduction 2.1 Discrete-Time Signals : Sequences 2.2 Discrete-Time Systems 2.3 Linear Time-Invariant Systems 2.4 Properties of Linear Time-Invariant Systems 2.5 Linear Constant-Coefficient Difference Equations 2.6 Frequency-Domain Representation 2.7 Representation of Sequences of the Fourier Transform 2.8 Symmetry Properties of the Fourier Transform 2.9 Fourier Transform Theorems BGL/SNU

13 2.1.Discrete - Time Signals
x[n]= x(t)|t=nT n : -1,0,1,2,… T: sampling period x(t) : analog signal i) unit impulse signal(sequence) d[n] = , n=0 0, n0 ii) unit step sequence u[n] = , n0 0, n0 BGL/SNU

14 iii) exponential/sinusoidal sequence x[n]= Aej(won+), Acos(won+)
- not necessarily periodic in n with period 2p/wo - periodic in n with period N (discrete number) for woN=2pk or wo = 2pk/N [note] x(t)= Ae j(wo t +) is periodic in t with period T= 2p/wo (continuous value) iv) general expression x[n] = S x[k]d[n-k] BGL/SNU

15 2.2Discrete-Time Systems
x[n] y[n] System : signal processor i) memoryless or with memory y[n] = f(x[n]), y[n]=f(x[n-k]) with delay ii) linearity x1[n]y1[n] x2[n]y2[n] a1x1[n] + a2x2[n] a1y1[n] + a2 y2[n] - e.g. T[a1x1[n] + a2x2[n]] = T[a1x1[n]] + T[a2x2[n]] = a1T[x1[n]] + a2T[x2[n]] BGL/SNU

16 x[n]  y[n]  x[n-n0]  y[n-n0]
iii) time-invariance x[n]  y[n]  x[n-n0]  y[n-n0] - e.g., T[x [n-n0]] = T[x [n]] | n  n-no - e.g., d[n]  h[n]  d[n-k]  h[n-k] - counter-example : decimator T[ ] = x[Mn] iv) causality y[n] for n=n1, depends on x[n] for nn1 only - counter-example : y[n] = x[n+1] - x[n] BGL/SNU

17 bounded input yields bounded output(BIBO)
v) stability bounded input yields bounded output(BIBO) |x[n]| <  for all n  |y[n]| <  for all n - counter-example : y[n] = S u[k] = 0, n<0 n+1, n0 unbounded ( no fixed value By exists that keeps y[n]  By <  .) n k=- BGL/SNU

18 = S x[k]T[d[n-k]] = S x[k]h[n-k] = x[n]*h[n] = S x[n-r]h[r]
2.3 Linear Time-Invariant Systems d[n] h[n] LTI T[d[n]] : impulse response x[n] y[n] In general, let x[n] = S x[k]d[n-k] k=- y[n] = T[ S x[k]d[n-k]] k ( by linearity) = S x[k]T[d[n-k]] k ( by time-invariance) = S x[k]h[n-k] coefficient = x[n]*h[n] = S x[n-r]h[r] r=- Convolution! BGL/SNU

19 S h[k] x[n-k] = S h[k] x[n-k] In summary, h[n] x[n] y[n]
y[n] = x[n]*h[n] LTI h[n] : unique characteristic of the LTI system - causal LTI system S h[k] x[n-k] k=0 y[n] = S h[k] x[n-k] = k=- [note] h[n] = T[d[n]] = 0 n<0. as d[n] = , n=0 0, n0 BGL/SNU

20 S h[k] x[n-k] |  S | x[n-k] | • | h[k] | S | h[k] | S | h[k] |
- Stable LTI System S h[k] x[n-k] |  S | x[n-k] | • | h[k] | |y[n]| = | k=- k=- S | h[k] |  Bx  By <  k=- Therefore, S | h[k] | <  k=- In fact, this is necessary and sufficient condition for stability of a BIBO system. ( You prove it! )(*1) BGL/SNU

21 - Example of non-LTI system - Decimator
x[n] Decimator M y[n] = x[Mn] ? ~ x[n] = x[n-1] ~ y[n] = y[n-1] = x[M[n-1]] M=3 y[n] = x[Mn] ~ y[n] BGL/SNU

22 y[n] y[n-1] No! = x[Mn-1]  x[M[n-1]] = y[n-1] ~ y[n] BGL/SNU

23 2.4 Properties of LTI System
h[n] x[n] y[n] = x[n]*h[n] LTI i) parallel connection h[n] = h1[n] + h2[n] BGL/SNU

24 ii) cascade connection
h[n] = h1[n]*h2[n] =h2[n]* h1[n] [note] distinctive feature of digital LTI system (*2) BGL/SNU

25 S ak y[n-k] = S br x[n-r] = S br x[n-r]
2.5 Linear Difference Equations LTI x[n] y[n] N S ak y[n-k] k = 0 M = S br x[n-r] r = 0 i) Case 1 : N=0  FIR System (set a0 =1, for convenience) y[n] For impulse input, x[n]=d[n], the response is h[n]= 0, n<0 or n>M br 0 n  M finite impulse response! M = S br x[n-r] r = 0 BGL/SNU

26 = S br x[n-r] S ak y[n-k] ii) Case 2 : N  0  IIR System
(set a0 =1, for convenience) y[n] e.g., set N=1 (lst order), and a1 = -a  y[n] = b0 x[n] + ay[n-1] M = S br x[n-r] r = 0 N S ak y[n-k] k = 1 - For impulse input x[n] = d[n], the response is 1) If assume a causal system, i.e., y[n]=0 n<0. y[0] = b0 d[0] + ay[-1] = b0 y[1] = b0 d[1] + ay[0] = ab0 • • • y[n] = b0 d[n] + ay[n-1] = anb0 h[n] = anb0u[n] infinite impulse response! BGL/SNU

27 2) If assume an anti-causal system, i.e., y[n]=0 n>0.
y[n-1] = a-1(-b0 d[n] + y[n]) y[0] = a-1(-b0 d[1] + y[1]) = 0 y[-1] = a-1(-b0 d[0] + y[0]) = a-1b h[n] = -anb0u[-n-1] • • • y[-n] = a-1(- b0 d[n+1] + y[n+1]) = -anb0 BGL/SNU

28 A y[n] = S h[k] ejw(n-k) ( S h[k] e-jwk )ejwn =H(ejw) ejwn
2.6 Frequency-Domain Representation • Linear System x y = Ax A x ^ ^ y = Ax=lx scalar, eigenvalue for eigenvector input x ^ • LTI System x[n] y[n]=x[n]*h[n] h[n] ejwn y[n]=ejwn*h[n] = H(ejw)ejwn Fourier transform y[n] = S h[k] ejw(n-k) k = - = ( S h[k] e-jwk )ejwn =H(ejw) ejwn k = - BGL/SNU

29 S h[k] e-jwk • Fourier Transform H(ejw) = p h[k] = 1/2p H(ejw) ejwkdw
H(ejw) = h[k] = 1/2p H(ejw) ejwkdw p -p You prove this! (*3) • Condition for existence of FT | X(ejw) | <   S | x[n] | <  “ absolutely summable” (BIBO stable condition) • Real - imaginary H(ejw) = HR(ejw) + j HI(ejw) BGL/SNU

30 H(ejw) = | H(ejw) |ej H(ejw)
• Magnitude-phase H(ejw) = | H(ejw) |ej H(ejw) (e.g.) ideal delay system x[n] y[n] = x[n-nd] h[n] ejwn y[n] = ejw(n-nd) = H(ejw) ejwn H(ejw) = e-jwnd HR(ejw) = coswnd HI(ejw) = - sinwnd | H(ejw) | = 1  H(ejw) = -wnd BGL/SNU

31 x[n] = Acos(w0n + j) = (A/2) ejjejw0n + (A/2) e-jje-jw0n
(e.g.) sinusoidal input x[n] = Acos(w0n + j) = (A/2) ejjejw0n + (A/2) e-jje-jw0n y[n] = H(ejw0) (A/2) ejjejw0n + H(e-jw0) (A/2) e-jje-jw0n = (A/2)(H(ejw0) ejjejw0n + H(e-jw0) e-jje-jw0n) y[n] = H(ejw) ejwn <1> = (A/2){ (H(ejw0) ejjejw0n ) + (H(ejw0) ejjejw0n)* } = ARe{H(ejw0) ejjejw0n} = A | H(ejw0) |(cosw0n + j + q) = A cos (w0(n-nd) + j) <2> <3> BGL/SNU

32 = ( S h*[n] e-jw0n)* = H*(ejw0)
<1> if h[n] real h[n] = hR[n]+jhI[n] = hR[n] = h*[n] H(e-jw0) = S h[n] e-(-jw0n) = ( S h*[n] e-jw0n)* = H*(ejw0) n n <2> H(ejw) = | H(ejw) |ejq <3> if ideal delay system with | H(ejw) | = 1,  H(ejw) = q = -wnd BGL/SNU

33 (e.g.) ideal lowpass filter (LPF)
x[n] y[n] 1 -wc wc Hl(ejw) = e-jwnd |w|  0. elsewhere wc periodic with period 2p Input x[n] = Acos(w0n + j) output y[n] = Acos(w0(n-nd )+ j) , if , otherwise wo < wc BGL/SNU

34 = S ane-jwn = S (ae-jw)n (e.g.) Fourier transform of anu[n] |a|<1
X(ejw) = S ane-jwn = S (ae-jw)n = n = 0 n = 0 (e.g.) inverse Fourier transform of ideal LPF hl [k] = e-jwnd ejwndw wc -wc sinw0[n-nd ] p[n-nd ] = - <n <  BGL/SNU

35 - Data length vs. Spectrum Change
- Gibb’s phenomenon (page 52) BGL/SNU

36 - Error reduces in RMS sense but not in Chebyshev sense.
 Limitation of rectangular windowing BGL/SNU

37 2.8 Symmetry Properties (table 2.1)
i) even / odd e : conjugate symmetric  even o : conjugate anti-symmetric  odd BGL/SNU

38 ii) real/imaginary iii) conjugation/reversal S = ( S )* BGL/SNU

39 iv) real/imaginary - even/odd
v) for real x[n] real  even imaginary  odd BGL/SNU

40 (e.g.) x[n] = anu[n] |a|<1, real (example 2.25)
even odd even odd BGL/SNU

41 Dashed line : a = 0.5 Solid line : a = 0.9

42 2.9 Fourier Transform Theorems (table 2.2)
i) linearity ii) time shifting iii) frequency shifting iv) time reversal BGL/SNU

43 v) differentiation in frequency
vi) Parserval’s relation vii) convolution relation BGL/SNU

44 viii) modulation/windowing relation
ix) fundamental functions BGL/SNU

45 1. 0. BGL/SNU

46 H.W. of Chapter 2 Matlab: [1] Consider the following discrete-time systems characterized by the difference equations: y[n]=0.5x[n]+0.27x[n-1]+0.77x[n-2] Write a MATLAB program to compute the output of the above systems for an input x[n]=cos(20n/256)+cos(200n/256), with 0n<299 and plot the output. [2] The Matlab command y=impz(num,den,N) can be used to compute the first N samples of the impulse response of the causal LTI discrete-time system. Compute the impulse response of the system described by y[n]-0.4y[n-1]+0.75y[n-2] =2.2403x[n] x[n-1] x[n-2] and plot the output using the stem function. BGL/SNU

47 H.W. of Chapter 2 Text: [3]2-15 [4]2-30 [5]2-42 [6]2-56 [7]2-58

48 Chapter4. Sampling of Continuous-Time Signals
1. A/D Conversion and Sampling 2. Reconstruction of a Bandlimited Signals 3. Continuous-Discrete Frequency Characteristics 4. Digital Processing of Continuous-Time Signals 5. Changing the Sampling Rate Using Discrete-Time Processing 6. Multirate Signal Processing 7. Practical Considerations in A/D and D/A Conversions 8. Multirate Processing for A/D and D/A Conversions BGL/SNU

49 1. Analog-to-Digital Conversion and Sampling
A-to-D Conversion D-to-A Conversion Conti Disc DSP D C Sampling BGL/SNU

50 Ideal C/D Conversion Ideal D/C conversion BGL/SNU

51 Sampling <Input> <Impulse train> <Impulsed input>
Sampling frequency <Impulsed input> BGL/SNU

52 Nyquist Sampling Theorem
<output> T If is an ideal LPF Nyquist Sampling Theorem When xc (t) is bandlimited s.t. If we do sampling by taking Then xc (t) is uniquely reconstructed from x[n]= xc (nT) BGL/SNU

53 Illustration of Sampling
1 t t 0 T ... t BGL/SNU

54 t What if Aliasing BGL/SNU

55 Illustration of aliasing
Sampling period (note, to avoid aliasing, )  (*1000) Then the reconstructed output has component BGL/SNU

56 Original signal Aliased signal BGL/SNU

57 2. Reconstruction of Band-limited Signal
(note 1) T BGL/SNU

58 (note 1) t T 2T BGL/SNU

59 3. Continuous/Discrete Frequency Characteristics
vs.   C/D - (i) BGL/SNU

60 -(ii) BGL/SNU

61 (i)+(ii) - (iii) In summary, 1 normalized frequency! BGL/SNU

62 4. Digital Processing of Analog Signal

63 or equivalently, take Then, BGL/SNU

64 5. Changing the Sampling Rate
Decimation BGL/SNU

65 (e.g) If set p 1 , w < H ( e ) = M , otherwise Then 1 Y ( e ) = X (
j w ) = M , otherwise Then 1 Y ( e j w ) = X ( e j w / M ), w < p M (e.g) BGL/SNU

66 Interpolation BGL/SNU

67 Anti- imaging filter If set p L , w < H ( e ) = L , otherwise Then
j w ) = L Anti- imaging filter , otherwise Then Y ( e j w ) = LX ( e j w L ), w < p / L BGL/SNU

68 M/L Sampling Rate Conversion

69 Illustration of Decimation and Interpolation

70 6. Multirate Signal Processing
- Interchange of Filtering and Up/Down-Sampling BGL/SNU

71 Polyphase Decomposition


73 Polyphase Implementation of Decimation Filters

74 Polyphase Implementation of Decimation Filters
Likewise ( you derive it! ) What is the computational saving? 1. Before : KM multiplications/sample-out 2. After : K multiplications/sample-out (1/M reduction!) You show it! BGL/SNU

75 7. Practical Considerations
(1) Prefiltering – Anti-aliasing filtering - analog filter, costly to implement sharp analog filters  use over-sampling technique BGL/SNU

76 (2) A/D Conversion BGL/SNU

77 -Signal-to-Quantizing Noise Ratio

78 (3) D/A Conversion BGL/SNU


80 8. Multirate Processing for A/D and D/A Conversions
(1)Oversampling-Decimation based A/D Conversion (2) Interpolation - Low-order Reconstruction based D/A conversion BGL/SNU

81 Oversampling-Decimation based A/D Conversion

82 Interpolation - Low-order Reconstruction based D/AC

83 5.Linear Time-Invariant System
5.1 The Frequency Response of LTI systems 5.2 System Functions for Systems Characterized by Linear Constant-Coefficient Difference 5.3 Frequency Response for Rational System Functions 5.4 Relationship between Magnitude and Phase 5.5 All-Pass Systems 5.6 Minimum-Phase Systems 5.7 Linear Systems with Generalized Linear Phase 5.8 Summary BGL/SNU

84 5.1 Frequency Response (e.q) Frequency selective filter - ideal
( : delay,centerpoint of sync function) BGL/SNU

85 Group dalay BGL/SNU

86 5.2 System Functions for Constant Coefficient Systems
Stable if Causal if Roc includes BGL/SNU

87 Inverse system, stable if all poles and zeros, inside the uc
minimum-phase system BGL/SNU

88 -FIR vs IIR FIR part IIR part BGL/SNU

89 5.3 Frequency Response of Rational System Functions
(note) arg : continuous phase ARG : its principal value in BGL/SNU

90 Check how they change as r and vary.
(example) Check how they change as r and vary. BGL/SNU

91 5.4 Relationship between Magnitude and Phase
F F (complex cepstrum of x[n]) from Eqs. (11.28) and (11.29) (pp. 781) BGL/SNU

92 ※Relationship between real part and imaginary part of complex sequence (single-side band)
single-side band sequence (complex sequence) F or Hilbert Transform BGL/SNU

93 Illustration of decomposition of a one-sided Fourier transform

94 Inverse Hilbert transform
xr[n] xr[n] x[n] Hilbert transformer xi[n] impulse response of an ideal Hilbert transformer BGL/SNU

95 5.5 Allpass System BGL/SNU

96 - 2nd order allpass function
- Nth order allpass function ( real-coeff) BGL/SNU

97 5.6 Minimum phase System BGL/SNU


99 Sequences all having the same frequency response magnitude
( zeros are at all combinations of 0.9ej0.6 and 0.8ej0.8 and their reciprocals) BGL/SNU

100 since BGL/SNU

101 - Frequency response Compensation

102 5.7 Generalized Linear Phase System







109 Chapter 6. Structures for Discrete-Time Systems
6.1 Block Diagram Representation of Linear Constant-Coefficient Difference Equations 6.2 Signal Flow Graph Representation of Linear Constant-Coefficient Difference Equations 6.3 Basic Structures for IIR Systems 6.4 Transposed Forms 6.5 Basic Network Structures for FIR Systems 6.6 Overview of Finite-Precision Numerical Effects 6.7 The Effects of Coefficient Quantization 6.8 Effects of Round-off Noise in Digital Filters 6.9 Zero-Input Limit Cycles in Fixed-Point Realizations of IIR Digital Filters BGL/SNU

110 1. Digital circuits vs. Analog circuits
(1) Expression (2) Circuit Elements + - BGL/SNU

111 Discrete – time Continuous - time
DIGITAL ANALOG (3) Time - Domain Discrete – time Continuous - time (4) Transform - Domain BGL/SNU

112 Conversion via KCL, KVL and branch equations
DIGITAL ANALOG (5) Signal Flow Graph Straightforward Conversion via KCL, KVL and branch equations ( no delay-free loop allowed) ( no improper Source-sink ) BGL/SNU

113 Examples BGL/SNU

114  Mason’s rule for signal flow graph

115 2. Circuit Structure for IIR System
(1) Direct Form BGL/SNU


117 - Second order factored form - pole-zero pairing
(2) Cascade Form - Second order factored form - pole-zero pairing BGL/SNU

118 - Partial fraction expansion
(3) Parallel Form - Partial fraction expansion BGL/SNU

119 - Reverse the flow of a structure,
(4) Transposed Form - Reverse the flow of a structure, then you will get the identical transfer function BGL/SNU

120 3. Circuit Structures for FIR Systems
(1) Direct Form x ( n - N + 1 ) Z-1 Z-1 Z-1 BGL/SNU

121 (3) Parallel Form (Frequency Sampling)
(2) Cascade Form (3) Parallel Form (Frequency Sampling) 1 N - 1 2 p - j h ( n ) = H ( k ) W - kn IDFT ( W = e N ) N N N k = BGL/SNU


123 (4) Linear Phase FIR Structure
= h ( M - n ) h ( ) = h ( 1 ) = h ( M ) h ( M - 1 ) h ( ) = h ( M ) BGL/SNU

124 (5) Linear Phase FIR Structure in Quad Form
zeros : factors : coefficients in A BGL/SNU

125  IIR Structure of special interest
B coefficients in BGL/SNU

126 * Observation grid denser grid uniform top and bottom BGL/SNU

127 (1) Effects of pole-clustering
4. Effects of Coefficient Quantization (1) Effects of pole-clustering - after quantization - sensitivity of (in denominator) on H(z) is larger than that of : Change poles changed denominator of H(z) changed BGL/SNU

128 Therefore, a small change in could cause a large change in
Let Then Therefore, a small change in could cause a large change in when is close to , (or when poles are clustered), causing a large change in H(z) or its frequency spectrum BGL/SNU

129 Effects of quantization on the zeros of a 27th order polynomial P(z)
Illustration: Effects of quantization on the zeros of a 27th order polynomial P(z) BGL/SNU

130 (2) pole-zero pairing to realize low-sensitivity 2nd order cascade
Due to the quantization effect discussed above, it is desirable to separate out closely located poles into different 2nd order blocks. Jackson (1970, 1986) : How to pair poles and zeros 1) The pole that is closest to the unit circle should be paired with the zero that is closest to it in the z-plane 2) This rule should be repeatedly applied until all the poles and zeros have been paired BGL/SNU

131 3) The resulting second order sections should be ordered
according to the closeness of the poles to the unit circle, either in increasing closeness to the unit circle or in its reverse order a11 a21 b11 b21 (1) (2) (3) BGL/SNU

132 Illustration: a 12th order IIR bandpass filter
- with the cutoff frequencies at 0.3pi, 0.4pi - stopband attenuation of -40dB Cascaded Structure Direct-form Structure BGL/SNU

133 (A) Arrangement 1: direct-form implementation
(3) Grid granularity and Filter Structure (A) Arrangement 1: direct-form implementation (A) BGL/SNU

134 Illustration: zero locations for direct-form implementation
4 bit quantization 7 bit quantization Put Figure 6.42 (a) below Put Figure 6.42 (b) below BGL/SNU

135 (B) Arrangement 2: coupled-form implementation
( Note) the cross points are physically realizable pole points -guantization moves a pole from one crosspoint to another -if poles are on the upper region take arrangement 1 (structure (A)), otherwise, take arrangement 2 (structure (B)) BGL/SNU

136 Illustration: zero locations for coupled-form implementation
4 bit quantization 7 bit quantization Put Figure 6.44 (a) below Put Figure 6.44 (b) below BGL/SNU

137 Y(n) = ay(n-1) - x(n) -> y(n) = Q[ay(n-1)] - x(n)
5 Limit Cycle Y(n) = ay(n-1) - x(n) -> y(n) = Q[ay(n-1)] - x(n) y[n] y[n] x[n] x[n] a a z-1 Q[] z-1 BGL/SNU

138 Chapter 7. Filter Design Techniques
7.1 Introduction - Digital Filter Design 7.2 IIR Filter Design by Impulse Invariance 7.3 IIR Filter Design by Bilinear Transformation 7.4 FIR Filter Design by Windowing 7.5 Kaiser Window based FIR Filter Design 7.6 Approximation based Optimal FIR Filter Design BGL/SNU

139 1. Introduction -- Digital Filter Design
(1) Frequency selective filters : spectral shapers lowpass highpass bandpass bandstop (2)Filter Design Techniques IIR : - mapping from analog filters - impulse invariance FIR: - windowing - equiripple design BGL/SNU

140 In some IIR filter design
(3)Filter Specification(LPF) In some IIR filter design 1 2 3 1 2 3 BGL/SNU

141 2. IIR Filter Design by Impulse Invariance
(1) Design Concept - Utilize existing analog filter design technique - Convert analog impulse response into digital impulse response h[n] by taking samples - Take Then by fundamental sampling property, we get - If analog filter were bandlimited, Then BGL/SNU

142 - But the issue is that the above assumption is not likely,
(2) Aliasing Problem - But the issue is that the above assumption is not likely, so aliasing is inevitable in reality aliasing Therefore this design technique is useful only when designing a narrowband sharp lowpass filters BGL/SNU

143 (3) Parameter Conversion
- Let the analog filter has the partial-fraction expansion - After sampling, h [ n ] = T h (nT ) = d c d Therefore, pole at in is mapped to Pole at BGL/SNU

144 * Impulse Invariance Filter Design Procedure
1) Given specification in domain. 2) Convert it into specification in domain 3) Design analog filter meeting the specification  4) Convert it into digital filter function H(z) by putting [ 5) Implement it in 2nd order cascade form] BGL/SNU

145 Design Example 1 2 * Choose Td=1 3 BGL/SNU

146 * You plot the pole locations in the z-plans!
4 * You plot the pole locations in the z-plans! BGL/SNU

147 3. IIR Filter Design by Bilinear Transformation
(1) Design Concept - s-plane to z-plane conversion any mapping than maps stable region is s-plane (left half plane) to stable region in z-plane (inside u.c) ? or bilinear transform! * Td inserted for convention may put to any convenient value for practical use.

148 (2) Properties

149 * IIR Filter Design Procedure
Given specification in digital domain Convert it into analog filter specification Design analog filter (Butterworth, Chebyshov, elliptic):H(s) Apply bilinear transform to get H(z) out of H(s) 1 2 3 4 3 2 4 1

150 Design Example (Butterworth Filter)
Given specification 1 2 Specification Conversion (Set Td=1) Butterworth filter design 3 N c j H 2 ) / ( 1 | W + =

151 Bilinear Transform 4

152 *Comparison of Butterworth, Chebyshev, elliptic filters
-Filter equations 1 Butterworth filter B Chebyshev filter (type I) C 1 Chebyshev polynomial

153 *Comparison of Butterworth, Chebyshev, elliptic filters (Cont’d)
Chebyshev filter (type II) 1 Elliptic filter E 1 Jacobian elliptic function

154 *Comparison of Butterworth, Chebyshev, elliptic filters: Example
-Given specification -Order Butterworth Filter : N=14. ( max flat) Chebyshev Filter : N= ( Cheby 1, Cheby 2) Elliptic Filter : N= ( equiripple) B C E

155 -Pole-zero plot (analog)
B C1 C2 E -Pole-zero plot (digital) B C1 C2 E (14) (8)

156 -Magnitude -Group delay C1 B B E C1 E C2 C2

157 4. FIR Filter Design by Windowing
(1) Design Concept - Given a desired frequency response evaluate - Then, is the desired filter coefficients. However, is infinitely long, so not practical. Therefore, take a finite segment of , or such that the resulting frequency spectrum fall in the given specification. This process of getting out of is called Windowing

158 (2) Rectangular Windowing

159 W ( e j ( w ) )


161 But M cannot improve this. (due to Gibb’s phenomena).
(3) Design Point e ( w ) : depends on the attenuation of the peak sidelobe of W ( e j w ). But M cannot improve this. (due to Gibb’s phenomena). Therefore, once a specific window is given, is fixed. e ( w ) D w : depends on the width of main lobe of W ( e j w ). This can be improved by increasing M.

162 (4) Commonly Used Windows


164 Frequency Spectrum of Windows
(a) Rectangular, (b) Bartlett, (c) Hanning, (d) Hamming, (e) Blackman , (M=50) BGL/SNU

165 5. Kaiser Window based FIR Filter Design
(1) Design Concept ( I : 0th order modified Bessel function) targets at limited duration in time and energy concentration at low frequency - compromisable. (choose appropriate ) Performance comparable to Hamming window ( when ) BGL/SNU

166 Frequency Spectrum of Kaiser Window
(a) Window shape, M=20, (b) Frequency spectrum, M=20, (c) beta=6 BGL/SNU

167 (2) Determination of Filter Order ( Kaiser, 1974 )

168 - Design Example : (Note)


170 6. Approximation based Optimal FIR Filter Design
(1) Design Concept - Linear phase filters possess the property - More Generally, constant delay filters have the expression BGL/SNU

171 - Approximation error BGL/SNU

172 - Approximation ( Chebyshev)

173 (2) Type I Lowpass Filter case
- desired : - approximation - weighting BGL/SNU

174 - Error function

175 (3) Type II Lowpass Filter case
- desired (original) : - approximation BGL/SNU

176 - Weighting (modified)
- Desired (modified) - error function BGL/SNU


178 (4) Alternation Theorem



181 (5) Parks-McClellan Algorithm

182 Remez Exchange Algorithm (1934) (multiple exchange)
Remez Exchange Algorithm (1934) (multiple exchange) BGL/SNU



185 Selection of new extrema

186 Remez Exchange Algorithm
Initial guess of (L+2) extremal frequencies Remez Exchange Algorithm Calculate the optimum  On extremal set Interpolate through (L+1) Points to obtain Ae(ej) Best approximation Calculate error E() And find local maxima Where | E()|>=  Unchanged Check whether the Extremal points changed Changed More than (L+2) extrema? Yes Retain (L+2) Largest extrema No BGL/SNU

187 Design Examples Kaiser, (1974) BGL/SNU

188 DSP Sample & Hold Comp. Reconst. filter
DSP Sample & Hold Comp. Reconst. filter BGL/SNU


190 H.W. of Chapter 7 Due 11/17 (Mon.)
[1] Design a IIR lowpass filter whose specification is the same as that given in Example 7.3 (page 454) except the passband and stopband edges are shifted to 0.7pi and 0.8pi respectively, using bilinear transform technique. Text : [2] [3] 7.3    [4] 7.17    BGL/SNU

191 H.W. of Chapter 7 Due 11/24 (Mon.) [1] Design a Length-21 FIR Filter
Use the MATLAB command h=remez(20, [0,0.4,0.5,1], [1,1,0,0]) to design a length-21 filter with a passband from 0 to wp=0.4pi and a stopband from ws=0.5pi to pi with a desired response of 1 in the passband and zero in the stopband. Plot the impulse response, the zero locations, and the amplitude response. How many “ripples” are there? How many extremal frequencies are there (places where the ripples are the same maximum size)? How many “small ripples” are there that do not give extremal frequencies, and if there are any, are they in the passband or stopband? Are there zeros that do not contribute directly to a ripple? Most zero pairs off the unit circle in the z-plane cause a maximum-size ripple in the passband or stopband. Some cause only a “small ripple,” and some cause no ripple. Text : [2] 7.28     [3] 7.23   [6] 7.36 BGL/SNU

192 Chapter 8. The Discrete Fourier Transform
8.1 Laplace, z-, and Fourier Transforms 8.2 Fourier Transform 8.3 Fourier Series 8.4 Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) 8.5 Properties of DFS/DFT 8.6 DFT and z-Transform 8.7 Linear Convolution vs. Circular Convolution 8.8 Discrete Cosine Transform(DCT) BGL/SNU

193 1. Laplace, z-, Fourier Transforms
Analog systems (continuous time) Digital Systems (discrete time) H(s) H(z) BGL/SNU

194 Laplace transform -z-transform LHP inside u.c Fouier transforms

195 2. Fourier Transform (1) continuous aperiodic signals conti aper
aper conti x(t) 1 t BGL/SNU

196 (2) Discrete aperiodic signals
conti per aper discr x(n) 1 t ω

197 3. Fourier Series (1) continuous periodic signals discrete aper
per conti BGL/SNU

198 (2) discrete periodic signals (*Discrete Fourier Series)
X(t) 1 k t T (2) discrete periodic signals (*Discrete Fourier Series) discrete per per discre BGL/SNU

199 x[n] 1 BGL/SNU

200 4. Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)
-For a numerical evaluation of Fourier transform and its inversion, (i.e,computer-aided computation), we need discrete expression of of both the time and the transform domain data. -For this,take the advantage of discrete Fourier series(DFS, on page 4), in which the data for both domain are discrete and periodic. discrete periodic periodic discrete -Therefore, given a time sequence x[n], which is aperiodic and discrete, take the following approach. BGL/SNU

201 Mip Top Top Mip DFS DFT Reminding that, in DFS BGL/SNU

202 Define DFT as (eq) X[k] x[n] 1 k n N N BGL/SNU

203 Graphical Development of DFT



206 5. Property of DFS/DFT (8.2 , 8.6) (1) Linearity (2) Time shift
(3) Frequency shift BGL/SNU

207 (4) Periodic/circular convolution in time
(5) Periodic/circular convolution in frequency BGL/SNU

208 (6) Symmetry DFS DFT BGL/SNU

209 6. DFT and Z-Transform (1) Evaluation of from
①If length limited in time, (I.e., x[n]=0, n<0, n>=N) then BGL/SNU

210 ② What if x[n] is not length-limited? then aliasing unavoidable.

211 (2) Recovery of [or ] from (in the length-limited case)


213 7. Linear Convolution vs. Circular Convolution
(1) Definition ① Linear convolution BGL/SNU

214 Rectangular window of length N
② Circular convolution N Rectangular window of length N Periodic convolution N BGL/SNU

215 (2) Comparison N H[n] 2N 2N Omit chap. 8.7

216 Test signal for computing DFT and DCT
8. Discrete cosine transform (DCT) Definition - Effects of Energy compaction BGL/SNU Test signal for computing DFT and DCT

217 (a) Real part of N-point DFT; (b) Imaginary part of N-point DFT; (c) N-point DCT-2 of the test signal BGL/SNU

218 Comparison of truncation errors for DFT and DCT-2

219 Appendix: Illustration of DFTs for Derived Signals





224 Chapter 9. Computation of Discrete Fourier Transform
9.1 Introduction 9.2 Decimation-in-Time Factorization 9.3 Decimation-in-Frequency Factorization 9.4 Application of FFT 9.5 Fast Computation of DCT 9.6 Matrix Approach 9.7 Prime Factor Algorithm BGL/SNU

225 1. Introduction BGL/SNU



228 - Example of fast computation


230 2. Decimation-in-Time Factorization




234 Decimation-in-time FFT flow graphs

235 Decimation-in-time FFT flow graphs

236 Decimation-in-time FFT flow graphs

237 3. Decimation-in-frequency Factorization
(Sande- Tuckey) FFT BGL/SNU

238 g(n) h(n) g[0] x[0] X[0] g[1] g[2] g[3] h[0] h[1] h[2] h[3] x[1] x[2]

239 Final flow graph x[0] X[0] BGL/SNU x[1] x[2] x[3] x[4] x[5] x[6] x[7]

240 -Remarks # Stages # butterflies # computations inplace computations output data ordering : bit-reversed -Question The flow graph for D-I-F is obtained by reversing. The direction of the flow graph for D-I-T. Why? -Omit Sections BGL/SNU

241 4. Applications of FFT (1) Spectrum Analysis -
is the spectrum of x[n] , n=0,1,…,N-1 - Inverse transform can be done through the same mechanism i) Take the complex conjugate of X[k] ii) Pass it through the FFT process, But with one shift right(/2) operation at each stage iii) Finally, take the complex conjugate of the result BGL/SNU

242 - Operation reduction :
(2) Convolution ( Filtering ) h[n] x[n] y[n] N N N x[n] N n h[n] N n #computation(multi)? 1+2+…+N+N-1+…+1+0 =N2 y[n N n

243 -Utilize FFT of 2N-point
~ h[n] N N n x[n] N N n y[n] N-2 2N n R2N[n] 1 N-1 n ~ 2N-pt DFTs BGL/SNU

244 X[k] 2N-pt FFT x[n] Y[k] 2N-pt IFFT y[n] 2N-pt FFT h[n] H[k] 2N # operation (multi) operation reduction : BGL/SNU

245 (3) Correlation /Power Spectrum
2N-point DFTs # Operation : Power spectrum P[k] = X[k] X*[k] BGL/SNU

246 $ Comparison of # computation
Direct Computation 106 1M 250k 105 FFT-based Convolution Correlation 62.5k 104 35k 16k 16k 7.25k FFT 103 3.3k 5k 2k 1k 102 0.45k 10 1 N 512 1024 BGL/SNU

247 5. Fast Computation of DCT

248 - Example: Lee’s Algorithm (1984, IEEE Trans , ASSP, Dec) 1D x[0]

249 - Example: 2D DCT Algorithm (1991, N.I.Cho and S.U.Lee)
Separable Transform NxN 2D DCT = N 1-D DCT into row direction followed by N 1-D DCT into column direction. Totally 2N 1-D DCT (each N-point) are required. BGL/SNU

250 Fast Algorithm reduces the number of 1-D DCTs into N.
By using the trigonometric properties, 2D DCT is decomposed into 1-D DCTs.

251 Signal flow graph of 2-D DCT
8x8 DCT 4x4 DCT

252 6. Matrix Approach · Decimation-in-time BGL/SNU


254 · Decimation-in-frequency

255 · General expression for N=2 case

256 · Extension to general N (Cooley/Tuckey)

257 · # computations (complex)

258 7. Prime Factor Algorithm (Thomas/Good)
(1) Basics from Number Theory  Euler’s Phi function  Euler’s Theorem If ( a , N ) = 1 , then a f ( N ) = 1 mod N . ( eg ) a = 5 , N = 6 , f ( N ) = 2 , a f ( N ) = 25 = 1 mod 6  Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT)

259  Second Integer Representation (SIR)


261 (2) Prime Factor Algorithm
Set Then BGL/SNU

262 Therefore Note that the only difference is in the “twiddle factor” BGL/SNU

263 (3) Comparison Example 12-Point DFT (N=12, p=3, q=4)
C/T : Cooley/Tuckey T/G : Thomas/Good · Transform · Index Mappings

264 · Diagram X ( k , k ) (0,0) (0,0) (0,0) 3 3 (1,0) (0,1) (0,1) 4 4 6 6
1 ) , ( n k x 1 2 ) , ( k x X ( k , k ) (0,0) 4pt DFT 3pt DFT 1 (0,0) (0,0) 3 3 (1,0) (0,1) (0,1) 4 4 6 6 (2,0) (0,2) 9 9 (3,0) (0,3) (0,2) 8 8 3pt DFT (1,0) 1 9 (1,1) 5 1 4 1 (0,1) 4pt DFT (1,0) (1,2) 9 5 7 4 (1,1) (1,1) 10 7 (2,1) (1,2) 3pt DFT (2,0) 2 6 1 10 (3,1) (1,3) (2,1) 6 10 (2,2) 10 2 8 2 (0,2) 4pt DFT (2,0) 3pt DFT (3,0) 3 3 11 5 (1,2) (2,1) (3,1) 7 7 2 8 (2,2) (2,2) 5 11 (3,2) (2,3) (3,2) 11 11 T/G C/T C/T C/T T/G BGL/SNU

265 Radix-4 algorithm - Radix-2 algorithms: algorithms in textbook :

266 - Radix-4 butterfly BGL/JWL/SNU

267 - Radix-4 butterfly -j -1 j -1 1 -1 j -1 -j BGL/JWL/SNU

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