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B. Kuyken 1,2, X. Liu3, S. Clemmen4, S. Selvaraja 1,2, W

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Presentation on theme: "B. Kuyken 1,2, X. Liu3, S. Clemmen4, S. Selvaraja 1,2, W"— Presentation transcript:

1 Four-Wave-Mixing Gain and All-optical Signal Processing in Silicon Nanowires
B. Kuyken 1,2, X. Liu3, S. Clemmen4, S. Selvaraja 1,2, W. Bogaerts1,2, D. Van Thourhout1,2, R. M. Osgood, Jr. 3, P. Emplit4 , S. Massar4, Y. A. Vlasov5, W. M. Green5, G. Roelkens1,2, R. Baets1,2 1Photonics Research Group, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium 2Center for Nano- and Biophotonics, Ghent, Belgium 3Electrical Engineering Group, Columbia University, NY 4Laboratoire d’Information Quantique (LIQ), Université Libre de Bruxelles ,Belgium 5IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY

2 Silicon as a nonlinear material
Chip-scale nonlinear optical applications using four-wave-mixing (FWM): Ultra-fast digital systems: Tbps all-optical signal processing Wavelength-provisioned networks: Wavelength conversion On-chip light sources: OPOs, supercontinuum generation Quantum computation: Entangled photon-pair generation High confinement in Si nanophotonic waveguides enhances effective nonlinearity by : ~ 105 compared to single-mode fiber (SMF) ~ 104 compared to highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF) ~10 m HNLF fiber ~1 mm silicon waveguide

3 Effective nonlinearity in waveguide
Nonlinear index n2 (Optical Kerr Effect) n = n0 +n2I Nonlinear absorption in material = 0 + βI Refractive index change causes phase change in a waveguide Nonlinear material needs a good figure of merit (FOM)

4 Downside of silicon: Two photon absorption
Fundamental two-photon absorption (TPA): Limits effective pump power Nonlinear efficiency is low in telecom band Intrinsic Two telecom band photons Silicon bandgap Eg = 1.12 eV

5 Comparison with other materials (@ 1550 nm)
(10-20 m2/W) FOM (n2/λβ) Typical Nonlinear Parameter of waveguide (1/Wm) Crystalline Silicon 650 0.6 450 Amorphous Silicon 1300 2.1 770 Silicon Organic Hybrids: DDMEBT 1700 Slotted (1) 2.2 100 Strip (TM) (2) 1.2 108 Chalcogenide As2S3 (3) 290 >10 10 As2Se3 (4) 1200 2 160 Ge11.5As24Se64.5(5) 860 60 150 Silicon Nitride (6) 24 - 1.5 Silica 2.7 <<1 Comparison with other materials 1550 nm) 1)C. Koos, et al. “All-optical high-speed signal processing with silicon-organic hybrid slot waveguides”, Nature Photonics 3 (2009) 2)T. Vallaitis et al, “Optical properties of highly nonlinear silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) waveguide geometries”,Opt. Express 17(2009) 3) M. Lamont et al, "Supercontinuum generation in dispersion engineered highly nonlinear As2S3 chalcogenide planar waveguide, Opt. Express 16(2008) 4) V. Ta'eed et al, "Ultrafast all-optical chalcogenide glass photonic circuits," Opt. Express 15 (2007) 5) X. Gai, “Chalcogenide nanowire waveguides with a nonlinear parameter 150,000 /Wm”, CLEO (2010) 6) D. T. H. Tan, “Group velocity dispersion and self phase modulation in silicon nitride waveguides”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96,(2010)

6 How can we overcome two photon absorption?
Use other CMOS compatible materials with less TPA Use longer wavelengths (2.2um) a-Si:H

7 How can we overcome two photon absorption?
Use other CMOS compatible materials with less TPA Use longer wavelengths (2.2um) a-Si:H

8 Hydrogenated amorphous silicon as a nonlinear material
Linear/nonlinear properties of a-Si:H waveguides Nonlinear signal processing: amplification and sampling Material degradation a-Si:H

9 CMOS compatible a-Si:H platform @ imec
Confinement: TE mode n~3.6 220 nm a-Si:H 500 nm Q>10000 Loss: dB/cm Device layer deposited by PECVD S. Selvaraja et al., ”Low-Loss Amorphous Silicon-On-Insulator Technology for Photonic Integrated Circuitry”,Optics Communications (2009)

10 Nonlinear properties of a-Si:H waveguides
What happens to short pulses travelling through these waveguides?

11 Results for a 1.1 cm waveguide
=770/Wm =-28/Wm FOM>2 (c-Si<~0.5) B. Kuyken, S. Clemmen, S. Selvaraja, W. Bogaerts, S. Massar, R. Baets, G. Roelkens, Self phase modulation in highly nonlinear hydrogenated amorphous silicon,Photonics Society Annual Meeting, United States, (2010)

12 Comparison with other materials (@ 1550 nm)
(10-20 m2/W) FOM (n2/λβ) Typical Nonlinear Parameter of waveguide (1/Wm) Crystalline Silicon 650 0.6 450 Amorphous Silicon 1300 2.1 770 Silicon Organic Hybrids: DDMEBT 1700 Slotted (1) 2.2 100 Strip (TM) (2) 1.2 108 Chalcogenide As2S3 (3) 290 >10 10 As2Se3 (4) 1200 2 160 Ge11.5As24Se64.5(5) 860 60 150 Silicon Nitride (6) 24 - 1.5 Silica 2.7 <<1 Comparison with other materials 1550 nm) 1)C. Koos, et al. “All-optical high-speed signal processing with silicon-organic hybrid slot waveguides”, Nature Photonics 3 (2009) 2)T. Vallaitis et al, “Optical properties of highly nonlinear silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) waveguide geometries”,Opt. Express 17(2009) 3) M. Lamont et al, "Supercontinuum generation in dispersion engineered highly nonlinear As2S3 chalcogenide planar waveguide, Opt. Express 16(2008) 4) V. Ta'eed et al, "Ultrafast all-optical chalcogenide glass photonic circuits," Opt. Express 15 (2007) 5) X. Gai, “Chalcogenide nanowire waveguides with a nonlinear parameter 150,000 /Wm”, CLEO (2010) 6) D. T. H. Tan, “Group velocity dispersion and self phase modulation in silicon nitride waveguides”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96,(2010)

13 Hydrogenated amorphous silicon as a nonlinear material
Linear/nonlinear properties of a-Si:H waveguides Nonlinear signal processing: amplification and sampling Material degradation a-Si:H

14 Phasematching in high index contrast waveguides
Small correction for SPM/XPM Figure: MA Foster et al., “Broad-band optical parametric gain on a silicon photonic chip”, Nature, 2006

15 Dispersion engineering
β ω Δω1 Δω1 500 nm Air a-Si 220 nm SiO2

16 Broadband amplification in 1.1 cm a-Si:H waveguide
Pump probe Experiment: Pump n~3.6 220 nm a-Si:H Probe 500 nm Looking at synchronized and not synchronized pulses reveals on/off gain

17 Broadband amplification in 1.1 cm a-Si:H waveguide
Gain/conversion as a function of wavelength at peak power of 5.2W Max On/off gain dB Max On chip gain dB c-Si: on/off gain 4.2 dB on chip gain 1.8 dB B. Kuyken, et al., “On-chip parametric amplification with 26.5dB gain at telecommunication wavelengths using CMOS-compatible hydrogenated amorphous silicon waveguides”,Optics Letters (2011)

18 320 Gbit/s sampling of data in 4 mm a-Si:H waveguide
Succesfull sampling with conversion efficiency of +12 dB! (c-Si -7.5dB) H. Ji et al., “Optical Waveform Sampling of a 320 Gbit/s Serial Data Signal using a Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Waveguide” ECOC (2011)

19 Hydrogenated amorphous silicon as a nonlinear material
Linear/nonlinear properties of a-Si:H waveguides Nonlinear signal processing: amplification and sampling Material degradation a-Si:H

20 Modulation instability in a-Si:H waveguides
Impossible to observe in c-Si FWM amplification of background noise

21 Degradation of material: Modulation instability vs Time
Coupled Peak power 5.2 W, 4 ps, 10 MHz Material is photosensitive!!! How is this possible?

22 Staebler-Wronski effect in amorphous silicon solar cells
1976: first cells developed 1977: Staebler-Wronski effect: dark conductivity decreases after illumination Staebler, Wronski, Appl. Phys. Lett. 31 (1977)

23 Degradation is caused by recombination of electron-hole pairs in amorphous silicon solar cells
Recombination energy is enough to break weak Si-Si bonds Leads to the creation of dangling bonds Efficiency a-Si solar cells decreases over time Heating can bring efficiency to its initial level

24 Staebler-Wronski in a-Si:H waveguides?
Electron-Hole pairs created by residual TPA Heating chip for 30 min at 200 °C “resets” the material without penalty a-Si:H Original Annealed: 200˚C/30min

25 How can we overcome two photon absorption?
Use other CMOS compatible materials with less TPA Use longer wavelengths (2.2um) a-Si:H

26 Reducing the TPA by using longer wavelengths
Amplification of mid infrared and telecom signals Silicon as broadband gain medium for long wavelength sources

27 Long wavelength to overcome TPA
Simple idea: Use a pump at long wavelengths where TPA is absent Puts a lot of stress on the dispersion engineering of waveguides Dispersion engineering ? Small correction for SPM/XPM

28 Dispersion engineering
β ω Δω1 Δω1

29 Phasematching close to pump in 2 cm waveguide
Interesting for mid infrared applications -Sensing/spectroscopy -Free space communication.. -nonlinear processing in mid IR?? How to connect this with telecom? -Use higher order dispersion terms Pump: 2ps, Rep 78 MHz, Probe: low power CW X. Liu, et al., Mid-infrared broadband modulation instability and 50dB Raman assisted parametric gain in silicon photonic wires,CLEO (2011)

30 Extensive dispersion engineering
β ω Δω1 Δω1 Δω2 Δω2

31 Phase-Matching Between Mid-IR and Telecom Band
Waveguide: 2 cm long Low loss: 2.5 dB/cm Pumped at 1946 nm: 2 ps pulse train, 76 MHz rep rate, Pp = 37 W b2 < 0 and b4 > 0 Waveguide engineered for TE polarized mode, anomalous beta2 between the two zero dispersion wavelengths of 1810 nm and 2410 nm, and has positive fourth order dispersion due to the positive curvature of the dispersion graph. B. Kuyken, et al., “Frequency conversion of mid-infrared optical signals into the telecom band using nonlinear silicon nanophotonic wires”,OFC (2011)

32 Up-Conversion of Mid-IR Signals to Telecom Band
Up-conversion across > 800 nm Parametric gain probed at 2440 nm 18.8 dB on-chip parametric signal gain Transparency bandwidth ~ 150 nm Mid-IR conversion to telecom L/U band Simultaneous 19.5 dB gain Transparency bandwidth ~ 45 nm Important to note here that the parametric gain boosts even further the “effective detectivity” of this kind of device when used as a mid-IR detector. CW tunable Cr2+:ZnSe laser Ps < 0.15 mW

33 Down-Conversion of Telecom Signals to Mid-IR Band
Down-conversion across > 800 nm Parametric gain probed at 1620 nm 8.4 dB on-chip parametric signal gain Transparency bandwidth ~ 20 nm First demonstration of telecom-band gain with mid-IR pump Telecom conversion to mid-IR band Simultaneous 8.0 dB gain Transparency bandwidth ~ 40 nm Efficient generation of high-speed optical data with telecom components Compared with the case of converting mid-IR signal to telecom, this result here shows a reduction about 11 dB in the magnitude of the gain. It is caused by the fact that the input telecom signal, unlike the mid-IR signal, suffers from non-degenerate two-photon absorption (cross-TPA) where silicon could absorb one signal photon and one pump photon at a wavelength of 1946 nm to reach its band-gap. The cross-TPA coefficient is expected to be larger for the down-conversion pump-signal configuration than it is for the up-conversion configuration. CW tunable diode laser Ps < 0.15 mW S. Zlatanovic et al., Nature Photonics 4, 561 (2010). A. C. Turner-Foster et al., Opt. Express 18, 1904 (2010). 33

34 Reducing the TPA by using longer wavelengths
Amplification of mid infrared and telecom signals Silicon as broadband gain medium for long wavelength sources

35 Telecom to Mid IR Supercontinuum Power in 2cm silicon waveguide
>1000 nm Pump powers Pump pulses: 12.7 W, 2 ps, 78 MHz Rep B. Kuyken et al., “Generation of a telecom-to-mid-infrared spanning supercontinuum using silicon-on-insulator wire waveguides” CLEO (2011)

36 Building an Silicon based tunable light source: Silicon based optical parametric oscillator
Image: RP photonics

37 Building an Silicon based OPO
Optical Parametric Oscillator Use robust fiber Use silicon chip

38 Design of the silicon based OPO
Fiber length ~5m Due to lack of WDM (DE)MUX beyond 2000 nm

39 Using dispersion in fiber to tune the OPO
Animate animate and stretches 12.8 ns

40 The OPO is a widely tunable source
Output spectra for different delays Pulse Energy (pJ) at output of the chip >70 nm Make a back up graph on chip power Mention that is on chip: inset figure gain spectrum of p 8 such and label this. In stead show spectra of pulse at different wavelengths Offset gebruiken In function of? The fonts van de grafieken zijn niet gelijk. Vertikale as als titel B. Kuyken, et al., “Widely Tunable Silicon Mid-Infrared Optical Parametric Oscillator”, in Group IV Photonics (2011)

41 Conclusion Hydrogenated amorphous silicon waveguides have excellent linear/nonlinear properties Understanding degradation effect is ongoing work Using long wavelength pumps to process telecom signals is achieved by extreme dispersion engineering Nonlinear optics in c-si waveguides can be used to make new sources at long wavelengths.

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