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Ester Haas and Ron Türnpu

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1 Ester Haas and Ron Türnpu
Guiding the young adults of Pärnu County to the labor market with the help of the community Ester Haas and Ron Türnpu , Vilnius

2 Unemployment in Estonia
In 2010 the unemployment rate in Estonia was 13.6%. Among youths the percentage was 23.4. By the end of 2012, the unemployment rate was 10.2%. Among youths it had decreased to 14.6%.

3 of Pärnu County into the labor market“
Community Project 1: „Communities helping youngsters of Pärnu County into the labor market“ Business and Development Centre of Pärnu County and Estonian Village Movement Kodukant

4 Community The idea: Volunteer work
In cooperation with Töötukassa (organisation to tackle unemployment) the idea to join in local communities Business and Development Centre of Pärnu County to help find enterprises

5 Community The goal: To help young people find work
To bring young people out of their comfort zone To break them out of their network and spreaden their horizont

6 Community The participants: Age 16 – 24 42 youths
From different local municipalities Finding the youths was one of the biggest challenges

7 Tandems The activities: Individual councelling and mentoring
Initial work practice in ordos Work practice in enterprises Workshops Job training

8 Community The partners: Mainly local municipalities, ordos and NGOs
Business and Development Centre of Pärnu County Local enterprises (about 30 different)

9 Community How were the partners found:
Directly turned to local municipalities and NGO’s Turned to enterprises through Business and Development Centre of Pärnu County and directly

10 Community Problems encountered:
Some of the initial partners could not provide youths Local municipalities tried to suggest prescriptions Prejudices

11 Community Contact: EHA PAAS +372 5170214
Project leader

12 „Activating the unemployed through tandems“
Project 2: „Activating the unemployed through tandems“ Raeküla’s Old School Centre

13 Tandems What is a tandem?
“An arrangement of two or more persons or objects placed one behind the other” (definition by The Free Dictionary by Farlex) In our project – an older person and a youth Mentors and mentees

14 Tandems The idea: Raeküla’s Old School Centre is led by an NGO
We were one of the partners in project 1 We also partnered a project dealing with 50+ people They had different strengths and weaknesses

15 Tandems The goal: To combine two age groups
To provide training and support Finding young participants has proved to be difficult

16 Tandems The participants: Two age groups Youths 16 – 24
Older people 50+ By now ca 100 participants Ca 30 youths

17 Tandems The activities: Provide individual councelling Workshops
Initial work practice in NGOs Work practice in enterprises Job training

18 Tandems The partners: No organising partners
Partners are local NGOs and enterprises Töötukassa, police, Caritas (Town government in funding)

19 Tandems How were the partners found: A list of Project 1’s partners
Seeked based on the interest of the participants Town level

20 Tandems Problems encountered: Initially interested NGO’s were not fit
Because of Project 1’s success local NGO’s and enterprises are eager to help Not all the youths have been able to work in the field they like from the start

21 Tandems Contact: PIIA KARRO +372 5845 3331
Project leader


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