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Intersectionality Part 2

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1 Intersectionality Part 2

2 Welcome & Settle In Welcome to a new year!
Please take a nametag and write down what you would like to be called. Don’t forget to grab some snacks! Place your bags at the perimeter of the room. Keep your SJP Journal with you when you sit down.

3 The Stretch Zone (Reminder) – 1-2
Comfort Zone Panic Zone -If you are feeling comfortable, please feel free to share what is keeping you grounded in this learning experience -Triggers are natural and we acknowledge that this occurs -Feel free to check-in and take care of yourself

4 Community Learning Values
We condensed the Community Learning Values from last semester. Last term we noticed some students still getting familiar with speaking up and out; this year we need that commitment from all of us. You all add to and make the workshops worthwhile. Be respectful to everyone here, and be present.

5 Share-out from Journaling Over Break
“Over winter break, please ask a close member (or members) of your family about how they identify and how they navigate institutional systems.” “Journal about this dialogue over winter break, and include new things that you learned about your family and what that means for your identity.” Last time at the SJP Workshop… Last time we met, and via , we asked everyone to discuss their work with others. Who wants to share-out, and read a portion of their assigned journal with the group? (We will call on people!)

6 The First Arc of the Cycle of Socialization

Please go get your SJP journals. Help move the chairs to the back. Follow facilitators’ instructions on where to form line. You will hear a series of statements. If the statement is true, please take one step forward, into the next square in front of you. If the statement is not true, please remain where you are.

8 Write a Reflection in Your SJP Journal
What are your reactions? Why do you think you landed where you ended up? Did you take a step when you shouldn’t have? Why?

9 Students Share-out Please help rearrange the chairs into a semi-circle and have a seat. What did you observe during the intersectionality walk? What were your thoughts and reactions to where you were standing? What were your thoughts and reactions to where everyone else was standing? Why do you think people were standing where they were?

10 Exit the Cycle of Socialization…
Obliviousness Why is this occurring?

11 …begin the Cycle of Liberation
Engaging in the Cycle of Liberation helps to continually develop a competency for social responsibility

12 Move into Small Groups and Discuss
“Cognitive dissonance refers to a situation involving conflicting attitudes, beliefs or behaviors. This produces a feeling of discomfort leading to an alteration in one of the attitudes, beliefs or behaviors to reduce the discomfort and restore balance etc. For example, when people smoke (behavior) and they know that smoking causes cancer (cognition).” --Saul McLeod, 2008 Have you had a waking-up moment? Please share this with your small group. What people or places gave you an opportunity to have a wake-up moment about how you have been impacted by oppression and privilege? Have you acted upon any of these waking-up moments by doing anything in the Getting Ready section of the Cycle of Liberation? Each group will give a brief share-out on these questions.

13 Reflection Question Based upon what you’ve experienced in this workshop, how do you think understanding your own identity, and the identity of others, relates to pursuing social justice?

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