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May 3, 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "May 3, 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 May 3, 2017

2 Agenda Guide to Greater Gainesville
Summer Student Assistant Appointments Payroll GBAS Mentoring Program Benefits Reminders Important Dates

3 Guide to Greater Gainesville

4 Guide to Greater Gainesville
2017 edition is available. If you would like to take some back to your office, please meet me in the back of the room after the HR Forum. If you are watching online and would like some guides for your office, please me at to arrange a time to pick up in our lobby.

5 Summer Student Assistant Appointments

6 Summer Student Assistant Appointments
Summer Term begins 5/5/17. No action is needed: If you have students employed during the Spring term who will NOT be working Summer, but will be working in the Fall term. If you have students employed during the Spring term who are planning to work in the Summer, but will not be enrolled: These students may work full-time; however, job data/FTE. information should remain the same. If you have students employed during the Spring term who are planning to work in the Summer and will be enrolled. Action is needed: If a student had FWS for the Spring term and is not eligible for FWS for the Summer term—you will need to switch the salary plan to STAS for the Summer term.

7 Summer Student Assistant Appointments
Additionally: If you have students who did not work and were enrolled in the Spring term and are planning to work and be enrolled in the Summer, you may hire as STAS or FWSP. Students graduating in the spring term and are not returning as a student in the upcoming fall term should be over the summer hired or changed to the general OPSN salary plan. Graduate assistants on short work break and returning to their GA appointments in the fall, will be on the STAS salary plan if not enrolled. The effective date for this switch in the summer will be 5/16/17. Questions? Contact Human Resource Services at or

8 Payroll

9 New and faster way to receive your paylists each pay period!
NEW PAYROLL PAYLIST DISTRIBUTION PROCESS Available Beginning Wednesday, May 30, 2017 New and faster way to receive your paylists each pay period! notices sent to the department payroll processor (anyone holding the UF_TL_DEPT_PROCESSOR security role). Review department employees with the processor role and make any needed changes prior to the launch date. Two s, one with the PDF version link and one with an Excel version link. Simply click on the link at the bottom of the s to retrieve your reports.

notices sent on Wednesday – Friday (Preliminary Paylists). notices sent on Monday, following payroll closing (Final Paylist). The current version by VP. Department will continue to be available for each Preliminary and Final Payroll cycle. Public Folders ‎> Human Resources Information ‎> Pay Information ‎> Current Pay Cycle ‎> Delivered Payroll Paylist Reports ‎> Preliminary Payroll Listings‬ - PDF and XLS. Final Payroll Listing – PDF and XLS. s will come from – please do not block!!! Subject line will contain “Final Payroll Listing PDF or Excel for PPE…”

11 GBAS Mentoring Program

12 GBAS Mentoring Program
Application process is now open and closes on May 24 Time 2 min (It is 10 minutes of presentation) What is your professional growth worth to you? How much time do you devote to it now? It can be hard to convince yourself that it’s good to take ANY time at all away from getting the day-to-day done. But we know it makes us more effective. It is proven time and time again in the research and in practice. As Stephen Covey has put it, if you take the time away from cutting wood to actually sharpen your saw, you will get more wood cut. The GBAS mentor program provides you that “sharpen your saw” time; with the space and the support for that process. It’s a one year (July-June) program where you engage in monthly activities that will not only increase your effectiveness but the joy you find in your job.

13 GBAS Mentoring Program
Build a community of practice, network and connect people to each other through the work. How does the program bring value to you? Past mentee feedback, shows us that one of the largest benefits is the ability to connect with other people about the work. Building a community of practice, sharing information and networking are at the forefront of the mentor program experience. Getting work done through people. Growing through people. That’s the focus and high value of the mentor program. Getting work done through people. Growing through people.

14 GBAS Mentoring Program
Explore and discuss your daily work challenges with a mentor from outside of your area. Access resources tailored to your specific challenges. Meet with professionals across campus for information-sharing and job-shadowing opportunities. Attend events and meetings. Read and discuss high level professional articles. THE ACTIVITIES The program affords you the access to activities where you can meet and talk to other business administrators you wouldn’t normally get to connect with. And not in an awkward, “I don’t know what to ask or say” kind of way but centered around events, business articles and meetings where you’ll want to talk about your work and their work in new and meaningful contexts. You and your mentor design your year. Each mentoring pair is different. You could do a different job shadow a month for the whole year. You could attend a meeting with your mentor one month, and then, the next month, discuss one of the professional articles Gwynn sends out. The point is choices! You and your mentor design your learning experience. But we help you. It’s like a huge menu. If you know what you are in the mood for, great, select at will. If you don’t, it can be a little intimidating. So you can ask for chef’s favorites or waiter recommendations.

15 Mentoring Commitment We suggest: ONE activity per month.
Determined by the mentee and the mentor. Activity can be with the mentoring cohort, your mentor, a campus professional or an event on campus. FIVE “back-bone” activities. Kick Off Meeting, Mid-point Check-in, Wrap-up Celebration and two (2) Lunch and Learns. These would count as that month’s one activity. Time: 1 min Here’s what we suggest: At least one activity per month. Many pairs preferred to meet twice a month. One preferred set up is one activity, like a job shadow, early in the month and then a one-on-one meeting with your mentor, later in the month where you can discuss your earlier activity. It is up to you. 5 full cohort (mentors and mentees) back-bone activities Kick off meeting – 9am to 2pm lunch is included Mid-point check-in Wrap up celebration Lunch and Learns (2) We provide support to the mentees as a separate group and individually and to the mentors as a separate group or individually as well.

16 Who should be a Mentee? Have the ability to commit your time and effort to the program. Be open to reflection and feedback. Have the ability to assess yourself and grow beyond your comfort zone. Have completed either the PRO3 Fiscal or HR/Payroll. Be an Exempt Employee. Time: 1 Of course, there is a level of ownership of your own professional development and openness that goes hand in hand with having a positive experience as a mentee. You have to want to grow in your profession. Application is open through the GBAS website from May You will need to have completed either PRO3 series and have the support of your supervisor

17 If you are interested in applying . . .
Fill out the online application before May 24. Attach your resume. Provide a letter of support from your supervisor. Time: 1 min

18 Be That Person Time: 1 min
In addition, we are also looking for people who would consider being a mentor or campus professional. A mentor is the person the mentee would be paired with for the entire year-long program to assist them in their professional growth in this program. You do have to be an exempt employee to be a mentor. But a campus professional or campus pro, as we like to call them, are people the mentor program (either Gwynn, the mentor or the mentee) could reach out to one time during the mentor year, to spend an hour or so with a mentee discussing a particular topic of interest to that mentee. You don’t have to be exempt to participate in this way.

19 Why be a Mentor or Campus Pro?
Make use of your accumulated experiences to further the experience of the mentee. Revive your view of your role, self-reflection. Take a proactive role in learning and development. Enhance your job satisfaction. Achieve peer recognition. Time: 1 min We’ve probably all had the experience of having a crappy or stressful day and a colleague steps up and goes that extra mile for you, explains something in a patient and thorough way, gives you a tip on how to get something done or helps you get it done. My experience with UF is that we all do that type of thing on a regular basis for our each other. It’s one of the primary reasons I’ve been at UF for 16 years. The GBAS mentor program is just another great opportunity to be that person. It’s an opportunity to share your knowledge in different ways and at different levels – as a mentor or as a campus professional. And if that weren’t enough, there are so many other concrete, objective professional benefits to participating in this way. With this too, the evidence has shown time and again that we improve by helping others improve. It’s just true. And again, it can be hard to convince yourself to take that time away from getting your day-to-day job done but we KNOW it’s worth it. Having a pool of campus professionals can also create an advantageous dynamic where the mentor is the center hub in a wheel whose spokes reach out across campus for the mentee.

20 Who should be a Mentor or Campus Pro?
Have at least 3 years of business administration experience at UF. Be knowledgeable about the culture and expectations at the University of Florida. Be a connector, know people to network with. Be a positive problem solver. Have the time, willingness, and energy to invest. Be accessible to the mentee. Time: 1 min This is what we are looking for in a Mentor or Campus Pro. And again Mentor – exempt but campus pro – hourly or exempt. You may not think of yourselves as “good enough” to be one, maybe because the more you know the more you are aware of the things you don’t know, right? With our various roles, backgrounds, experience and specialties we are all each other’s wealth of knowledge. And if we aren’t tapping each other for that information, we risk letting it go to waste.

21 If you are interested . . . Contact Gwynn Cadwallader
Time: 1 min

22 Benefits

23 Short Work Break for 9/10 month employees
OPS 9/10 month appointees returning for fall should be placed on short work break (SWB) similar to regular 9/10 month faculty. SWB preserves benefit eligibility while off payroll during the summer months. SWB not calculated in the OPS employee’s OE Measurement Period to determine benefits eligibility. SWB reported to PeopleFirst, then removed when the 9/10 month OPS returns for fall semester. 9/10 month employees NOT returning after the summer should be terminated in People Soft.

24 Short Work Break for 9/10 month employees
No deductions taken over the summer months for UFSelect, GatorCare and/or state plans, if enrolled. Lapse in summer deductions for 9- and 10- month employees does not affect coverage. Last deductions taken: April 28 - UFSelect and/or GatorCare plans. May 12 - state plans. Normal deductions resume on 9/1/17 paycheck. Questions? Contact your HRS satellite office or UF Benefits at (352) or

25 Preparing for 2017 Fiscal Year End Leave Processes
Special and Overtime Compensatory Leave Cash-Out: Employees may use Special and OT Comp Leave up until June 30. Time must be entered into the myUFL system by 5 p.m. on Thursday, June 1. Cashed out on June 23 paycheck. Special and OT Comp Leave earned in PPE 6/1 will roll over to balances.

26 Preparing for 2017 Fiscal Year End Leave Processes
Personal Holidays: (USPS) and December Personal Leave Days (Teams & Eligible Fac.) USPS personal holidays must be used in full day increments. December Personal Leave Days can be used in less than full-day increments. “Use it or lose it.” Must be used by June 30, 2017, or will expire.

27 Preparing for 2017 Fiscal Year End Leave Processes
myUFL Toolkit Available: “Preparing for Fiscal Year Leave Processes” Available on Learn & Grow > Just-in-Time Training > myUFL Toolkits > Time & Labor > Time and Labor Approvers/Processors > Preparing for Fiscal Year Leave Processes Questions or Concerns? Contact Central Leave by calling: (352) or ing

28 Important Dates Next HR Forum June 7, 2017.
Homecoming – October 6, 2017. 12th Annual Equity & Diversity Conference – November 2, 2017.


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