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Monday Learning objective: Entry Task: START A NEW PAGE!

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Presentation on theme: "Monday Learning objective: Entry Task: START A NEW PAGE!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday 2-22-16 Learning objective: Entry Task: START A NEW PAGE!
Describe Mendel's experiments with pea plants Entry Task: START A NEW PAGE! Copy the graphic organizer for chapter 11 – Introduction to Genetics

2 Homework due Wednesday
Read section 11.1 in your book and take notes

3 Plan of the day Check your test 10 results – Write the results on your biology organizing handout Quick lab (page 311) Mendel’s experiments

4 PAGE 311

5 F PTC taster No PTC taster

6 Wednesday 2-24-16 Learning objective: Entry Task:
Understand Mendel’s experiments Entry Task: What are some of the traits in pea plants that Mendel studied?

7 Plan of the day Mendel’s interview video
Notes on mendel’s experiments and results Punnet squares

8 thursday 2-25-16 Learning objective: How gametes are formed
Entry Task: Examine figure 11-4 on page 311. Answer the question in the figure caption

9 Plan of the day Notes on mendel’s experiments and results
Formation of Gametes

10 Development of egg and sperm

11 Formation of Gametes With your group, brainstorm and write on the whiteboard observations about the provided diagram on gametogenesis

12 Friday 2-26-16 Learning objectives: How meiosis works
How sexual reproduction leads to genetic variation Entry Task: If an organism’s haploid chromosome number is 43, which will the diploid number of chromosomes be?

13 Diploid and haploid Almost all human cells are diploid or containing two homologous sets of chromosomes 2n = 46 Eggs and sperm cells (gametes) are haploid or containing a single set of chromosomes n = 23

14 2 diploid daughter cells
MEIOSIS MITOSIS Original diploid cell 2n 2n 2n 2 diploid daughter cells

15 Plan of the day Meiosis POGIL


17 haploid egg and sperm diploid zygote In the human life cycle a haploid egg and sperm fuse and form a diploid zygote. Mitosis produces an embryo with numerous cells that continue to multiply and develop.

18 Monday 2-29-16 Learning objectives:
Using Punnett squares to predict outcomes of genetic crosses Entry Task: Explain the process of the crossing over of DNA in chromosomes, and when it occurs

19 Plan of the day Finish Meiosis POGIL Introduce Punnett squares

20 Phenotype refers to the observable trait (purple flowers)
Genotype refers to the combination of alleles (Pp)

21 Phenotypic ratio: ratio of plants with purple flowers to those with white flowers (3 purple : 1 white) Genotypic ratio: ratio of possible combinations of alleles (1 PP : 2 Pp : 1 pp)

22 Probability and Punnett Squares
Punnett Square: Diagram used to show the probability of a genetic cross Probability: Chance of Something happening


24 Tuesday 3-1-16 Learning objective:
make a Punnett square to predict outcomes of genetic crosses Entry Task:


26 haploid egg and sperm diploid zygote In the human life cycle a haploid egg and sperm fuse and form a diploid zygote. Mitosis produces an embryo with numerous cells that continue to multiply and develop.

27 Plan of the day Wrap-up meiosis POGIL Puppy traits activity

28 Wednesday 3-2-16 Learning objective: Entry Task:
Dihybrid crosses and independent assortment Entry Task: Fill out this Punnett square for crossing two heterozygote tall plants Write the genotypic and ___________________________ Phenotypic ratios __________________________

29 Plan of the day Dihybrid crosses
Puppy traits activity – Draw, color, and name your dog – Tape it on the outside wall by the door More practice with genetics vocabulary and Punnett squares – bikini bottom genetics

30 crossing of organisms differing in two characters
DIHYBRID CROSS crossing of organisms differing in two characters



33 Principle of Independent Assortment
During gamete formation in an F2 cross, a particular allele for one character can be paired with either allele of another character crosses-and-gene-linkage-ahl/

34 S s O O tuesday 3-3-16 Learning objective: Entry Task:
Describe other non-mendelian inheritance patterns Entry Task: Write the four possible combinations of alleles that would segregate in sex cells from this genotype for two traits? S s O O

35 Plan of the day Non-mendelian inheritance patterns Blood types video

36 Genetics - quiz 1 In pea plants, round seeds is dominant to wrinkled seeds. A heterozygous round seed plant is crossed with a homozygous round seed plant. What percentage of the offspring will be homozygous dominant? ____________ Create a Punnett square below to support your answer.

37 Intermediate or incomplete inheritance Multiple alleles – codominance
Not all traits are inherited following the patterns found by Mendel in pea plants Intermediate or incomplete inheritance Multiple alleles – codominance Polygenic inheritance Environment - epigenetics

38 Intermediate or incomplete inheritance
The heterozygotes have a phenotype that is intermediate between the phenotypes of the two homozygotes

39 Multiple alleles - codominance
For many genes several alleles exist in the population. Multiple alleles control the character of blood type in humans. There are six possible genotypes. The alleles IA and IB exhibit codominance, meaning that a heterozygote expresses both traits.




43 Polygenic inheritance
When two or more genes affect a single character In humans, height and skin color have polygenic inheritance

44 Homework due tomorrow Friday
Read section section 11.3 ( ) and do handout 11.3 questions And Bikini bottom genetics handout if not finished during class

45 Thursday 3-4-16 Learning objective:
How does the environment affect gene expression? Entry Task: Do a Punnett square to show the result of crossing a homozygous dominant puppy and a heterozygous puppy for hair color. Remember brown (B) is dominant over yellow.

46 The Environment - Epigenetics
Phenotype depends on environment as well as genes Temperature affects fur color in Siamese cats In humans Nutrition affects built Exposure to sun affects skin tone Prenatal exposure to certain conditions affects offspring’s mental and physical health

47 Genetics vs. Epigenetics
GUIDING QUESTION How is that identical twins can have such different health outcomes throughout their lifetime?

48 monday 3-7-16 Learning objective: Review Entry Task: How many blood
types are possible in humans? (read ‘Human Blood types’ in analyzing Data section -page 320)

49 tusday 3-8-15 Learning objective: Reviewing for test Entry Task:
Write which are all the possible phenotypes and genotypes on this cross. What type of inheritance pattern is shown here? Phenotypes: Genotypes: Students got confused between incomplete and codominance – not clear!

50 Wednesday 3-9-16 Learning objective: Self test check Entry Task:
Each pea-plant gamete has how many alleles for the pea color gene?

51 thursday 3-10-16 Learning objective: Heck your knowledge on chapter 11
Entry Task:

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