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Container-based Operating System Virtualization: A scalable, High-performance Alternative to Hypervisors Stephen Soltesz, Herbert Potzl, Marc E. Fiuczynski,

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Presentation on theme: "Container-based Operating System Virtualization: A scalable, High-performance Alternative to Hypervisors Stephen Soltesz, Herbert Potzl, Marc E. Fiuczynski,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Container-based Operating System Virtualization: A scalable, High-performance Alternative to Hypervisors Stephen Soltesz, Herbert Potzl, Marc E. Fiuczynski, Andy Bavier, Larry Peterson Stephen Soltesz, Herbert Pötzl, Marc E. Fiuczynski, Andy Bavier, and Larry Peterson Container-based operating system virtualization: a scalable, high-performance alternative to hypervisors. In Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGOPS/EuroSys European Conference on Computer Systems 2007 (EuroSys '07). ACM, New York, NY, USA, DOI= /

2 Introduction Isolation vs. sharing Workload difference
Operating systems have weak isolation (processes) but significant sharing (pipes, global file-system) Hypervisors attempt full isolation (VM) but have no sharing (except with virtual networking) Workload difference Hypervisors favor isolation over sharing Significant overhead if each the kernel and systems used between VMs are the same. Container virtualization approach Resource containers Security containers

3 Motivations Virtualization usage cases Specific cases
Development and testing - testing a new kernel without the need to reboot Server/Hardware consolidation - run multiple database systems on single server Cloud hosting – host virtual private servers or shared servers Specific cases Grid computing Many users and configurations Raw performance Different distributions, but same kernel Hosting Similar server software between VMs Reduce cost per VM

4 Container Virtualization
Trade-off between isolation and efficiency? Full isolation as a combination of fault isolation, resource isolation and security isolation Fault Isolation - Limit buggy/malicious VM from affecting state or operation of other guests Resource Isolation – Account/enforce resource consumption Physical or logical resource (CPU shares, process limit, PID) Guarantee vs. best-effort Security Isolation – Limit access to logical and possibly physical resources Configuration independence – Global names per VM Safety – Shared data/code cannot be modified by other VMs

5 Comparison Feature Hypervisor Container Multiple Kernels* ✓ ✗
Root Access Checkpoint/Resume Live Migration Live Updates * Container systems cannot run multiple kernels since they rely on the kernel as part of the virtualization/isolation mechanism. They also cannot run different operating systems such as Windows Situations not requiring high-efficiency but not full isolation are better suited for the Container approach.

6 Comparison

7 Hypervisor Architecture

8 Container Architecture
Virtual Platform Guest VM1 /proc /home /usr /dev Apache Guest VMn /proc Postgres Shared OS / Kernel Host VM Admin/Services Hardware

9 Details Security Isolation Resource Isolation (CPU)
Uses OS internals (PIDs, IPC, UIDs, etc.) Contexts – separation of name spaces Global OS objects are in separate namespaces Filters – Access control to objects Resource Isolation (CPU) Token bucket filter on top of the standard CPU scheduler Upper bound for CPU use. Also Work-conserving and/or fair-scheduling Token rate depends on reservation or share

10 Details Resource Isolation (I/O) Limits
Hierarchical Token Bucket (reserve rate and share) Packets are tagged with Context and filtered Also has upper bound, fair-scheduling, and work conservation Limits Resident set size, anonymous memory, number of pinned pages Daemon to reclaim memory

11 Security Isolation Process filtering (Vserver)
Hides processes outside of a specific scope Mapping from real init to fake init with PID = 1 Difficult to migrate between hosts, but easier to migrate between VMs on the same host Process Contexts (OpenVZ, LXC) Separate UID/PID tables for each namespace Easier to migrate between hosts. Networking Shared network subsystem VMs can only bind to specific addresses Added filters to the stack to correctly route packets

12 Other Security Chroot barrier Bound on Linux capabilities
Blocks attempts to escape from the chroot confinement Bound on Linux capabilities Stops guests VM from gaining unwanted capabilities Unified file system with copy-on-write Hard-linked, shared files Copied when a process attempts to modify shared file

13 Efficiency Kernel with normalized configuration
Some additions required for Vserver (new scheduler) Vserver rc1 Xen 3.0.4

14 TCP Bandwidth/Utilization

15 Disk Performance

16 Other Performance CPU performance relatively similar between Xen, Linux, and Vserver Scaled performance (multiple instances of PostgreSQL) CPU Scheduling

17 Thoughts Limited comparison and testing
Xen performance due to para-virtualized devices What about Vmware? OpenVZ Limited to specific kernel. Can’t run other systems Other security concerns GRSecurity Good approach for low-power devices or no virtualize able hardware. Can run on anything that runs Linux. Not mutually exclusive Other security benefits

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