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Belgian presidency of the EU

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1 Belgian presidency of the EU
Sustainable Materials Management

2 Content Why is SMM needed? What is SMM?
Link with the EU2020 strategy and the flagship on ‘resource efficiency’ Backgroundpaper purpose and structure what could we do at European level SMM during our presidency Informal Council OESO workshop 2

3 Why is SMM needed? Why? Global ecological footprint
current pattern of production and consumption endangers availability of resources need for decoupling of environmental impact from rise in well being need to manage materials more sustainably 3

4 What is SMM? Aims at the efficient and environmentally responsible use of materials, whether they are raw materials, products or waste. Takes a life cycle approach as its basic premise, including sustainable extraction, ecological design, eco-efficient production, ecological design, eco-efficient production, sustainable consumption and sustainable waste management 4

5 What is SMM? (2) The aim is to reduce the negative evironmental impacts of materials use and preserve natural capital along the whole chain SMM takes into account ecological, economic and social gains Environmental policies cannot be built in isolation from other policy fields, SMM seeks policy integration. 5

6 Towards a resource efficient Europe
SMM is closely linked to the the flagship initiative on ‘resource efficiency’ (EU 2020 strategy) aim of the EU2020 strategy smart, sustainable and inclusive growth need for a resource efficient Europe in which economic growth is decoupled from the use of resources Resource efficiency implies using natural resources, raw materials, products, and waste as efficiently and as environmentally responsible as possible 6

7 Towards a resource efficient Europe (2)
A resource efficient, green and competitive European economy overcome traditional divisions between environmental, energy, economic, competitiveness and innovation policies move beyond the recovery of waste to material cycles that are managed in such a way that they deliver the services we need without irreversibly damaging our ecosystems 7

8 Towards a resource efficient Europe (3)
Agenda European Commission taskforce ‘resource efficiency’ roadmap 2011 resource efficiency eco-innovation research and development budgetary perspectives 8

9 Belgian Presidency Informal Council OECD Global Forum on Environment
Sustainable Materials Management 12-13 July Ghent OECD Global Forum on Environment 25-27 October 2010 Mechelen 9

10 Outcome Informal Council
Presidency Conclusions Informal Council and OECD Global Forum on Environment Council Conclusions Formal Council of 20 december 2010 10

11 Backgroundpaper Sustainable materials management for a resource efficient Europe Structure 4 chapters why? what? examples suggestions 11

12 Backgroundpaper What can we do at European level? Main suggestions
Integration: from disperced policy domains and decisions towards better integration and synergies Vision: from short-term policy and narrow indicators to long-term objectives and comprehensive indicators for SMM Innovation: from incremental technological information to fundamental systems innovation 12

13 Your vision? 13

14 Information John Wante OVAM ++32 15 284 293
Mieke De Schoenmakere 14

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