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Learner Outcomes (9/18/17) TSWBAT identify the U.S. & Canada’s main geographic features. (T/R) TSWBAT identify and compare a metropolis to a megalopolis.

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Presentation on theme: "Learner Outcomes (9/18/17) TSWBAT identify the U.S. & Canada’s main geographic features. (T/R) TSWBAT identify and compare a metropolis to a megalopolis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learner Outcomes (9/18/17) TSWBAT identify the U.S. & Canada’s main geographic features. (T/R) TSWBAT identify and compare a metropolis to a megalopolis (T/R) TSWBAT analyze the effects and possible solutions of city overpopulation (CU)

2 Today’s Agenda Starting Assignment Test Correction
Power Point: USA/Canada Geography Map Skill/Booklet Activity Outcome Sheets

3 Starting Assignment (9/18/17)
1) What are the names of America’s two major mountain chains? 2) Which one do you think is older?



6 Rocky Mountains: Stretches from Canada through most of Western United States. Youngest of the 2 major mountain chains.


8 Appalachian Mountains: Stretches from Canada through most of Eastern United States. Older of the 2 mountain chains.


10 Predict how you think the first humans entered into North America before any people were ever on this continent.




14 BERINGIA Land bridge connecting Asia & North America
1st humans crossed into North America here around 10 THOUSAND years ago ASIA


16 Metropolis Metropolis-Very large and heavily populated industrial city
Metropolitan area- the land and homes that surround and area associated with the metropolis.

17 Megalopolis: An area where many large cities seem to be connected. (Ex
Megalopolis: An area where many large cities seem to be connected. (Ex. Boston – Washington, D.C. area)




21 Show Crowded Earth Video Show Nixon Prophecy Video

22 Assignment Answer this on the back of your note-taking sheet
1. Is the overcrowding of cities a problem that is irreversible? 2. What method seems more practical to help the overcrowding of cities, creating new cities or creating more online based companies that do not require people to live in metropolitan areas?

23 ACTIVITIES Complete Map Skill Activity from Friday.
Complete Booklet Activity. (Next Slide)

24 Booklet Activity: Geography of North America
1) Create a booklet on the physical geography of the U.S. & Canada. 2) Each page of the booklet should include the following: (A) the name of the topic (B) explanation of what it is (“definition”) (C) How you think it affects people (ex. “I think rivers provide people with fresh water and trade routes.”) (D) Label it on your map. Create your own outline map for each. Below are the topics for each page of the flipbook: (worth 5 points per topic – 40 pts total) Beringia - pg. 127 Appalachian Mountains – pg. 119 Rocky Mountains – pg. 119 North American Rivers- pg. 118 (Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, Rio Grande) Great Lakes - pg. 121 Everglades - pg. 126 Megalopolis – pg. 146 The Sun Belt - pg. 148 Use Map on page 118

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