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Forming a New Nation (1763-1800) Unit 2 Forming a New Nation (1763-1800)

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1 Forming a New Nation (1763-1800)
Unit 2 Forming a New Nation ( )

2 The Road to Revolution and Victory
Ch. 4 The Road to Revolution and Victory

3 The British take a collision course
Sec. 1 The British take a collision course

4 The British Empire

5 Natives Unite! 200,000 Native Americans now part of British empire
Bad relations 1763 – natives (Shawnee, Delaware, Seneca, & Ottawa) uniting to fight Pontiac’s War Captured 8 of 11 British forts British were desperate Biological warfare?! Illness & troops – broke most resistance by 1764 Journal Entry – Warfare ethics? Is the use of biological warfare ok or justified in war? Do you support the British decision’s use of biological warfare? Why or why not? Should there be codes of conduct in warfare or should all be fair? What general rules should exist? What should result if these are not followed?

6 Aftermath of Pontiac’s War
British saw need for standing army in colonies Army sent from England Decided colonists should pay part of the costs of this army sent to protect them Tensions are going to increase between Am. Colonists & British!

7 Proclamation of 1763 Didn’t please colonists
To prevent fighting among colonies, & to avoid war w/Indians, was decided to keep colonists confined where they already were Closed territory to new settlers – For Natives Didn’t please colonists

8 Go ahead… Raise our taxes!
British perspective British looking for ways to pay bills left over from a century of wars Saw American colonists benefiting from French & Indian wars Why not now have Americans pay for fair share of bills for keeping peace & defending empire? The Taxes Sugar Act(1764) Duties on molasses imports Stamp Act (1765) Taxes on most printed materials Uncommon ?

9 The American Reaction or was it Overreaction?
British tyranny? slaves to Parliament? Organized town meetings to protest Organized strikes – not to buy British goods 1765 – sales fell 13% Sons of Liberty Formed to terrorize agents of British who were trying to sell the hated tax stamps Persuaded many British agents to resign How? March 18, 1766 – Stamp Act repealed Journal Entry – American Reaction or Overreaction Explain if you think the American colonists’ response to the Stamp Act was a reasonable reaction or an overreaction

10 Push & Pull, Tug of War British repeal Stamp Act(March 18, 1766)
Declaratory Act Parliament can make laws for Americans in any cases Townshend Acts Duties on many imported items (paper, tea, etc.) Created fury in America Something is about to go down!!

11 Tensions & Truth British troops sent to America Night of March 5, 1770
Why? Effect? Night of March 5, 1770 Sam Adams John Adams defending the British? Pursuing the Truth!

12 The Bursting of the bubble
Townshend duties repealed, except for small tax on tea Many Americans believed they won most of their points & threat of interference was much less Some, however did not Tea situation British East India Co. in financial trouble British government let Co. sell tea to colonies without paying any duties in England Colonists’ response Monopoly Colonial merchants/smugglers Dec. 16, 1773 – a party, for some… The consequences for partying… 1774 – Coercive Acts to Brits, Intolerable Acts to Americans Closed Boston’s port Declared that gov. officials and soldiers accused of crimes punishable by death could be tried in England or Nova Scotia Gave British troops in Am., power to take over taverns & live free of charge in private homes

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