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The Bill of Rights Chapter 4.

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1 The Bill of Rights Chapter 4

2 Bill of Rights 2min

3 The First Amendment The 1st Amendment protects five basic freedoms that are essential to the American way of life. It guarantees freedom of Religion Speech The press Assembly (to) petition the government.

4 1st Amendment 2min

5 The Second Amendment The 2nd Amendment guarantees Americans the right to serve in a state militia and to bear arms. Some feel that there is no longer a need for citizens to own firearms. Others feel that the right to own firearms is an essential right of all Americans. The country is divided on this issue.

6 2nd Amendment 3min

7 The Third Amendment This Amendment Prohibits the national government from forcing Americans to quarter (house), soldiers in their homes. Americans never forgot having to house British soldiers, who were stationed in the colonies, in their homes. (the Quartering Act of 1765).

8 The Fourth Amendment This amendment protects Americans against unreasonable searches and seizures. This is one of the most important safeguards that we have for protecting the rights of individuals from the abuse of government power.

9 4th Amendment 3min

10 The Fifth Amendment The Fifth amendment protects those accused of a crime. It states: that no one can be put on trial without being accused. People have been found not guilty cannot be tried again for the same crime. Persons can not be denied property, liberty or life without Due Process of Law. The governments right of Eminent domain is limited.

11 The Sixth Amendment The 6th amendment guarantees certain rights to people accused of crimes. Such as: When accused you must be told the exact crime you are charged with. If you are accused of a crime, you are allowed a trial by jury. Your trial must be speedy and public. A lawyer must be provided for you if you can’t afford one.

12 The Seventh Amendment This amendment guarantees the right to a jury trial in “civil” cases amounting to $20 or more.

13 The Eighth Amendment This amendment forbids “excessive” bail. (the amount should not be so high that someone could not pay) This amendment protects those accused of having to pay “excessive” fines. The fine should fit the crime. This amendment forbids “cruel and unusual punishment”.

14 The Ninth Amendment This amendment states that there are rights that are not mentioned in the Constitution that are still protected under the Constitution. Such as: choosing your friends, or your career.

15 The Tenth Amendment This amendment states that any power that is not mentioned in the Constitution is reserved for the States or for the people. (such as the right to require and control driver’s licenses)

16 Bill of Rights (some issues)

17 The First Amendment In order for a democratic society to work people must Be able to access information and ideas. Be able to develop their own ideas and beliefs. Be able to meet openly with others and discuss these ideas.

18 Freedom of Religion The 1st Amendment prohibits Congress from establishing an official religion in the United States. The 1st Amendment guarantees Americans the right to practice religion as they wish.

19 Freedom of Speech The First Amendment guarantees Americans the right to say what is on their minds as long as it does not harm other people. Freedom of Speech does not give the right to endanger our government either. Freedom of Speech guarantees almost all types of self-expression.

20 Freedom of the Press Freedom of the Press allows us to publish information freely and also allows us to read what others have published. In this way, Americans are exposed to a wide variety of points of view.

21 Freedom of Assembly The First Amendment protects our right to assemble in groups for any reason so long as the assemblies are peaceable. The First Amendment also protects our right to belong to any group or organization.

22 Right to Petition The 1st Amendment gives Americans to express their ideas to their government. Asking to have a particular law passed, or making a complaint about something is all within an American’s rights.

23 Limits to These Freedoms
The rights of an individual must be balanced against the rights of others and against the rights of the community. The rights of the community must in most cases come first.

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