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Livestock Info Meeting

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1 Livestock Info Meeting
Garland ISD FFA Chapters Garland, Rowlett, Sachse & South Garland

2 Market Animals Broilers Goats Sheep Hogs Steers
Students may only show ONE market animal for the GISD Local Show per year. Options are as follows - Broilers Goats Sheep Hogs Steers

3 Purchasing Market Animals
Market animals will be purchased through GISD for local show Student will pay GISD for the animal Ag teachers will purchase number of animals ordered Animal selection day - All students will draw a number from a hat and get to pick out their animal in that order.

4 Market Broilers Purchased – February (deadline for order NOVEMBER 18)
Approximate Initial Cost (varies from year to year) – $2-3/bird Rules and Information Will show 3 best birds Will need to purchase birds Will not be housed at the GISD barn

5 Market Sheep Purchased – Beginning of October (deadline for order SEPTEMBER 30) Approximate Initial Cost (varies from year to year) – $150 Weight Requirements By weigh in = 100 lb. minimum and no maximum

6 Market Goats Purchased – Beginning of October (deadline for order SEPTEMBER 30) Approximate Initial Cost (varies from year to year) – $115 Weight Requirements By weigh in = 75 lb. minimum and no maximum

7 Market Hogs Purchased – Beginning of December (deadline for order NOVEMBER 18) Approximate Initial Cost (varies from year to year) – $125 Weight Requirements By weigh in = 200 lb. minimum and no maximum

8 Market Steers Purchased – September (deadline for order AUGUST 24)
Approximate Initial Cost (varies from year to year) – $1000 Weight Requirements By weigh in = Must have gained 400 lbs. from date purchased

9 Breeding Animals Rabbits Goats Sheep Beef / Dairy Heifers
Students may show as many breeding animals as they desire. Breeding animals do not go to auction. Rabbits Goats Sheep Beef / Dairy Heifers

10 Purchasing Breeding Animals
Students can purchase breeding animals from breeder of their choice. Animals must be registered and validated according to breed/species specifications. Ag teacher will assist with purchasing, registration, and validation process. Cost varies GREATLY depending on quality of animal.

11 Fundraising – Ad Book All participants must sell a minimum of 2 ads OR half a page for the ad book. Members not participating in the show can sell ads. See Ad Sales sheet for pricing/general information. Grand Champion and Reserve Champion buckles for top ad sales across the entire district will be awarded. Parents that wish to help with the ad book please contact your ag teacher

12 Fundraising – Raffle Tickets
Lion’s Club Raffle All participants must sell a minimum of 25 raffle tickets Members not participating in the show can sell tickets. Raffle tickets are $1 each. See raffle ad for prize info. Trophies for the top raffles sales across the entire district will be awarded.

13 Fundraising – $100 Club Anyone in the community can join for $100.
Membership is limited to 50 members. Members will receive a current $100 club cap. Encourage your friends or relatives to join this prestigious club

14 Fundraising – Buyers & Donors
Members should be marketing our show and recruiting community members and businesses to be buyers or donors to our show. When fundraising for the show remember that you are representing your FFA chapter and should always be polite, courteous, and grateful. Explain all of their options – Full buyer, Resale buyer, add-on donor, or donor.

15 Show Set up / Take Down All show participants must attend the show set up/ take down. Members not participating can also come and help. Set up is USUALLY the day before the show at 3:15pm - until completion. Take down will happen immediately following the auction. Show participants must sign out upon completion. This should not take us long if we all work. Approx. 1 hour. All students will follow directions of ANY GISD Ag teacher.

16 Thank You Notes All students that show will participate in the auction. Checks usually come in about 6 weeks after the show. Before receiving your check you MUST write your buyers (all buyers including add on donors etc.) thank you notes. Thank you notes MUST be turned into your ag teacher in an UNSEALED but STAMPED and ADDRESSED envelope. After the auction your buyer information will be provided by the ag teachers.

17 Barn Application process Rules Duty schedule Barn clean up days
Common Courtesy

18 Major Shows Students can have additional market animals for major shows. Students can show their GISD breeding animals in Major shows. Stock Show dates: September 30-October 23- State Fair of Texas (deadline to enter has passed) January 13- February 4- Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo February 9-February 25- San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo March 7-March 26 – Houston Livestock show and Rodeo

19 Quality Counts Exam required
Save certificate

20 Ag Teacher Contacts Garland- Glen Sesco- Garland- Larry Kennedy-
Rowlett- Meg Hernandez- Sachse- Nicole Harper-Hohenberger- South Garland- Ashley Albert-

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