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2 What do these words mean?
homosexual heterosexual bisexual asexual straight gay lesbian Can you think of examples from TV drama?

3 SEXUALITY …..A name for the sexual feelings and behaviour of a person
.….When applied to groups of people (e.g. heterosexuals/homosexuals/bisexuals) ideas of social attitude and organisation are implied. (Nelmes, J., Introduction to Film Studies (Routledge 2007) )

4 Despite changing equality laws and a wider acceptance of different sexualities within much of society, TV has always remained quite conservative as they are scared of offending their viewers. Heterosexual (straight) characters are represented as the “norm” and homosexual (gay) characters are often represented as being different, strange, or separate from mainstream society. Some critics say that when TV does feature gay characters, they are never just characters that “happen to be gay.” Their sexuality always plays a key part in their storylines and they don’t seem to have any issues outside of their sexuality.

5 What are the common stereotypes of the following?
Heterosexual women Heterosexual men Homosexual women (lesbian) Homosexual men (gay)

6 Representation of Sexuality
Heterosexual Women Loving/Respectable/average (monogamous) Promiscuous Frigid (uncomfortable) Pure (virginal/naive) Alternative (‘gold digger’, ‘pregnant teen’, ‘cougar’)

7 Representation of Sexuality
Heterosexual Men Respectable (monogamous) Promiscuous ‘Ladies Man’, ‘Heart throb’ Bumbling man who has trouble talking to women

8 Representation of Sexuality
Homosexual women (Lesbian) Monogamous Promiscuous Embarrassed (In the closet)

9 Representation of Sexuality
Homosexual Males (Gay) Promiscuous Monogamous Overbearing Embarrassed (In the closet)

10 Representation of Sexuality
Important points to consider Gender closely ties in with sexuality. Sexuality is often expressed through physical means; clothes, props, setting, acting. Understanding how a particular characters gender is constructed will help you analyse how their sexuality is being represented.

11 As society has developed, and times have changed, so has the representation of sexuality in TV Dramas. However, Gay and lesbian characters are often marginalised and are seen as supporting characters. It is sometimes difficult for the characters to grow and develop.

12 Sexual Identities - The Repressed Homosexual – David Fisher – Six Feet Under
Fears coming out to his family Displays some stereotypical attributes of gay behaviour such as dancing in a theatrical way and being flamboyant. atch?v=ikQlhm6QQuA

13 Sexual Identities The Colourful Gay Man – Stanford Blatch – Sex and the City Some feminine qualities Best friends with women Like to talk about fashion and feelings wF2UN8&feature=related

14 Sexual Identities The Butch Lesbian Shane in the L Word
Masculine Dress Masculine behaviour? Man in the relationship?

15 Sexual Identities Feminine Lesbian Santana in Glee
Concerned with feelings and love over sex. Dress feminine Tk&feature=related

16 QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER Can I identify what the sexualities of the characters are? Are people of different sexualities shown as having different interests, personalities, attitudes, behaviours? If so, how? Is their sexuality represented as being important in their life? Are particular sexualities represented as being normal / powerful / better? If so, how? Are particular sexualities represented as being abnormal? If so, how? What is the message the clip is trying to portray about sexuality? Don’t forget that “straight” is a sexuality too. Don’t ignore the straight characters as they need to be analysed too!

17 Research examples of the different types of sexuality represented in British and American TV drama.
Key words: homosexual heterosexual bisexual asexual straight gay lesbian


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