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Technology to enhance smoking cessation

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Presentation on theme: "Technology to enhance smoking cessation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology to enhance smoking cessation
Robert West University College London November 2012

2 Automated support Websites Text messaging Smartphone apps

3 Text2Stop

4 Potential reach of websites and apps

5 Smoking cessation websites
Civljak 2010 Cochrane Reviews

6 Industry-sponsored sites
Based on Click2Quit Based on Happy Endings

7 StopAdvisor

8 StopAdvisor pilot study
Recruited 204 smokers Mean pages viewed in 6.6 log-ins No social gradient 20% CO-verified abstinence >4weeks

9 MumsQuit

10 SF28

11 Characteristics of SF28 users

12 Characteristics of SF28 users

13 Reported usage and outcomes

14 New channels for delivery of support
Video-based smoking cessation support

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