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Appeal of Alamo/Nut Tree McDonald’s June 27, 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Appeal of Alamo/Nut Tree McDonald’s June 27, 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Appeal of Alamo/Nut Tree McDonald’s June 27, 2017

2 Appealing the Project This Appeal is NOT about the McDonald’s brand.
This Appeal is NOT about the food. This Appeal is NOT about the Franchise Owner/Operator. - Franchise owners/operators change - There could be multiple investors This Appeal is NOT about sales tax revenue. - 132 “quick service restaurants” paid the City $215k in sales taxes in the th quarter (or $860k annualized)

3 Supporting Businesses and Developers
We support businesses and developers as long as they follow the rules and provide businesses/projects that conform with our General Plan and blend in with the Community.

4 Purpose of the Appeal We are appealing this Project because of the design and parking exception (i.e., the project lacks 49% of the required parking.) The lack of parking is significant and in violation of our Land Use and Development Code, Zoning Ordinance, and General Plan. (See the April 2016 staff report.)

5 Purpose of Appeal Elements (landscaping) proposed by Planning Commission does not mitigate the risks to having a drive-thru restaurant with inadequate parking at the Alamo/Nut Tree site. Parking is needed. Creekside Shopping Center is not in a high-density/walkable area like downtown Davis. Parking calculations included spots in back of the shopping center and in spots along Alamo where no one wants to park.

6 Purpose of Appeal Parking is needed. Residents make multiple trips to Creekside during the week like myself and Commissioner Niccoli. Imagine how busy Creekside will be when thousands of homes planned for Southtown are completely built out. Parking is needed. Planning Commission approved the parking exception assuming McDonald’s would use another businesses’ allotment. Shared parking raises congestion issues like at the new Nut Tree. Parking is needed. Service calls are inherently higher for drive-thru restaurants. Almost 800 service calls for 4 out of 5 McDonald’s locations for the period January 2014 to April These service call numbers are similar for Burger King and Carls Jr.

7 Purpose of Appeal The design of McDonald’s restaurant does not blend with the surrounding buildings and will cause this project to stand out (in a negative way). -the Burger King on Alamo/Peabody blends with the Lucky’s store - roof tops match.

8 Negative Precedent The 50% parking reduction (“exception”) is significant and sets a negative precedent where other developers will expect the same exceptions for future projects. The inconsistent application of the General Plan increases the risk of litigation. Allowing this exception is permanent. If McDonald’s closes, the next business at this site (which could be anything) will be granted the same terms.

9 Our General Plan “The City of Vacaville’s General Plan is the principal policy and planning document for guiding future conservation, enhancement, and development in the city. It represents the basic policy direction of the Vacaville City Council regarding community values, ideals, and aspirations to govern a shared environment through 2035.”

10 General Plan and Vision
The General Plan was costly to design and was created with Community input. Why do we have a General Plan if you approve projects that don’t follow it? Further, this Project is inconsistent with the City’s General Plan and Vision Statement: “Ensure that development adheres to basic principles of high quality design.” “Promote a balance of high-quality housing and commercial development within the Urban Growth Boundary.”

11 Applicant Had Options Applicant knew in advance that the project did not comply. Applicant could have revised the project in a manner that meets the parking standards. (Could have made a smaller restaurant.) Applicant could have chosen a different location that fit. Instead, Applicant immediately sought an exception. Consultants were hired to perform studies using assumptions that may not be reasonable or independently verified.

12 Traffic Concerns Traffic in-and-out of drive-thru queuing will conflict with existing traffic, e.g., right turn only exit onto Nut Tree Rd. No traffic studies conducted at or near any McDonald’s drive-thru restaurants. How can anyone know traffic impacts due to drive-thru restaurants? Traffic Counts according to Weingarten Realty at Alamo/Nut Tree Roads is 24,410 daily (stale). Traffic will significantly increase, e.g., the City’s Transportation Element plans for 6 lanes on Alamo Dr.

13 Creekside - Exit Onto Nut Tree Rd.

14 Parking Lot Along Nut Tree Rd.

15 Parking Lot Near Old Blockbuster

16 Parking Near Raley’s

17 Parking near Raley’s

18 Parking near Raley’s

19 Planned Growth

20 Defend the General Plan

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