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Beyond Map Reading: Meaningful Geography in History Courses

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1 Beyond Map Reading: Meaningful Geography in History Courses
Gale Olp Ekiss--Arizona Geographic Alliance Carol Carney Warren--Arizona Department of Education

2 Premise Behind GeoHistory
History teachers want to teach geography because they acknowledge that geography plays a role. Many history teachers may have a limited knowledge of geography skills and content. In many states, geography has to be integrated with history due to time constraints.

3 Premise Behind GeoHistory
4. The questions become: How to maximize the integration of geography into basically history classes? How to change history teachers into history/geography teachers? What would assist teachers in making the transition? What impact will this have on student learning?

4 What are the goals? Identify geography skills and concepts that link to history and could be on-going themes. Migration Cooperation and conflict Modifying and adapting to the environment How physical geography impacts history How places change over time

5 What are the goals? 2. Provide stand-alone (standards-based) geography lessons to supplement the history textbook. 3. Create a bank of K-12 lessons that teach sound geography and will be used in what most would describe as a history/civics/economics class. 4. Explain the on-going themes to social studies teachers and share the final lessons through workshops and a website.

6 The Process was Begun in 2008
A collaboration between Teacher Consultants of AzGA Arizona Department of Education Arizona Historical Society ASU School of Geographical Sciences

7 In this session: High School lesson
Connecting history and geography in a WWII lesson commonly taught in an American history course Forecast Cloudy with a Slight Chance of Showers: The Delay of the D-Day Invasion

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