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Managing a Company.

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1 Managing a Company

2 Company Officers Directors Managers Secretary

3 Director Who is a Director? “Director" includes-
- a person occupying the position of director of the company, by whatever name called ; - a person in accordance with whose directions or instructions a person is accustomed to act ; - a person in accordance with whose directions or instructions the board of the company may be required or is accustomed to act ; and -a person who exercises or who is entitled to exercise or who controls or who is entitled to control the exercise of powers which would be required to be exercised by the board ; and person to whom a power or duty of the board has been directly delegated by the board with that person's consent

4 Classification of directors
Executive and Non-executive directors Shadow Director Managing Director

5 No. of directors – Sec 201 Minimum - A company shall have at least one director, except a public company which should have at least two directors. Maximum- no is not given in the CA The minimum no can be increased by Articles but cannot be reduced.

6 Qualifications of Directors – Sec 202
Any person who is not disqualified below can be appointed as a director of a company. Disqualified persons- a person who is - (a) under eighteen years of age; (b) an undischarged insolvent; (c) prohibited from being a director under the Companies Act, No. 17 of 1982 (d) prohibited from being a director of a company under CA No.7 of 2007 (e) has been adjudged to be of unsound mind; (f) not a natural person; (g) does not comply with any qualifications for directors contained in the articles of that company. Further, the persons under section 213 are prohibited from becoming directors and the court can disqualify a director according to Sec 214.

7 Appointment of Directors – Sec 203
Sec 205 -appointment of Directors should be voted on individually in companies other than in pvt. companies Appointment of first directors Appointment of subsequent directors

8 Defective Appointments & Validity of director's acts – Sec 209
The acts of a person as a director should be valid notwithstanding the fact that – (a) the person's appointment was defective; or (b) the person is not qualified for such appointment.

9 Remuneration and other benefits – Sec 216
If authorized by the articles or by an ordinary resolution, the board of a company can approve- (a) the payment of any remuneration or other benefits to a director for services as a director or in any other capacity; (b) the payment by the company to a director or former director, of compensation for loss of office; (c) the entering into of a contract to do any one of the things stated above Interest register and certificate Section 217 Remuneration and other benefits – Sec 216

10 Director ceasing to hold office/ Vacation of Office – Sec 207
The office of director of a company should be vacated if the director- (a) resigns from his office (b) is removed from office – Sec 206 (c) becomes disqualified from being a director (d) dies (e) vacates office according to Sec 210 (age limit) (f) vacates office according to the Articles of the company.

11 Powers of Directors Section 184- Subject to the provisions contained in the articles of a company- (a) the business and affairs of a company should be managed by or under the direction or supervision of the board of the company; (b) the board of a company should have all the powers necessary for managing and for directing and supervising the management of, the business and affairs of the company.

12 Delegation of powers Although there was no express provisions under earlier law to delegate powers of directors new Act provides for that. Section 186- Subject to the restrictions in the Articles of the company the board can delegate its powers to A committee of directors A director An employee of the company Any other person Other than powers mentioned in the 6th schedule.

13 Major transactions – Section 185
The new CA imposes an important restriction on the board in the exercise of the powers. What is a major transaction? A company should not enter into any major transaction, unless such transaction is- (a) approved by special resolution; (b) contingent on approval by special resolution; (c) consented to in writing by all the shareholders of the company; or (d) a transaction which the company is expressly authorised to enter into by a provision in its articles, which was included in it at the time the company was incorporated.

14 Director’s Duties

15 Section 187- Duty of directors to act in good faith and in the interests of company.
A person exercising powers or performing duties as a director of a company shall act in good faith, and in what that person believes to be in the interests of the company. A director of a company which is a wholly owned subsidiary of another company may, if expressly permitted to do so by the company's articles, act in a manner which he believes is in the interest of that other company even though it may not be in the interests of the company of which he is a director.

16 Sec 187 - Charterbrige Corp ltd. V. Lloyds Bank Ltd
Neptune Ltd v. Fitzgearld Howard Smith Ltd. v. Ampol Petroleum Ltd.

17 Sec 188 - Directors to comply with Act and company's articles
A director of a company should not act or agree to the company acting, in a manner that contravenes any provisions of this Act, or the provisions contained in the articles of the company. Sec 189 -Directors standard of care. A person exercising powers or performing duties as a director of a company- (a) should not act in a manner which is reckless or grossly negligent; and (b) should exercise the degree of skill and care that may reasonably be expected of a person of his knowledge and experience.

18 Dorchester Finance co. Ltd v. Stebbin
Sec 189 – Dorchester Finance co. Ltd v. Stebbin Re City Equitable Fire Insurance Co.

19 Sec 190- Use of information and advice.
A director of a company can rely on reports, statements, and financial data and other information prepared or supplied, and on professional or expert advice given by an employee of the company; a professional adviser or expert any other director or committee of directors. This should apply to a director, if, and only if, the director- (a) acts in good faith; (b) makes proper inquiry where the need for inquiry is indicated by the circumstances; and (c) has no knowledge that such reliance is unwarranted. Section 190(3) The provisions contained in this Act are in addition to and not in derogation of any provisions contained in any other law relating to the duty or liability of directors or officers of a company.

20 Section 191, 192, 193, 194 - Transactions where a director is interested
Section 197- Use of company information Sec Disclosure of share dealing by directors. Sec Duty of directors on insolvency Section 220- Duty of directors on serious loss of capital

21 Sec 192 - Arbdeen Rly co. v. Blackie Bros. Sec 197 – IDC v. Cooley

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