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General Education Senate Committee

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1 General Education Senate Committee
Mahmood Ibrahim (Chair); ; Hend Gilli-Elewy; Seema Shah-Fairbank; David Kopplin; Jeanne Almaraz; Kimberley Miller; Jodye Selco; Wendolyn Vermeer; Gerd Welke; Don Hoyt; Ali Sharbat; Claudia Pinter-Lucke

2 Original Proposed Area D Structure
Area D Original Proposal of 10/29(12 semester units) D1: History, Society, and the Individual (3 or 6 semester units) HST 202 is here – but other courses may be developed that could fulfill EO 1061 re: History D2: Political and Economic Systems and Global Perspectives (3 or 6 semester units) PLS 201 is here– but other courses may be developed that could fulfill EO 1061 re: Constitution D3: Social Science Synthesis (upper division, 3 semester units– Courses that fulfill the history, constitution, or California requirements could be developed here

3 Concerns Identified The titles and descriptions of the two subareas of D did not appear to include all approved social science courses. Concerns about how to advise students The importance of separate courses on the areas of American History and American/California Constitution Concern about how/where EO 1061 requirements should fit into GE.

4 Resources Consulted Following First Reading
CLASS Deans, Department Chairs and Senators at their meeting on Monday, November 10, 2014. Chairs of departments not in CLASS that teach courses currently approved for inclusion in GE Area D by and phone on 11/12: Peter Kilduff (AMM); S. Terri Gomez (EWS); Shady K. Kholdy(FRL ); Martin F. Sancho-Madriz (HNFS); Perky F. Vetter (KHP)

5 Revised Area D Structure
Area D Revised Proposal (12 semester units) D1: All Lower Division Social Science Courses (lower division, 9 semester units) D2: Social Science Synthesis (upper division, 3 semester units) **Courses fulfilling EO 1061 requirements will be noted with R1, R2, R3, or R4 postscripts wherever they occur in Area D

6 1. Inclusion of all Social Science courses in a single area
By creating a single area for all lower division Social Science courses, students will be able to see all opportunities for them in regards to course offerings.

7 Sample Area D: Students must select 3 courses from 3 different areas:
History HST 103 HST 201 HST 202(R1) Political Science PLS 201 (R2, R3) PLS 202 PLS 203 Sociology SOC 201 Social Science SSC 101 Social Welfare SW 300 Agriculture AG 101 Apparel and Merchandising Mgmt AMM 245 Economics EC 201 EC 202 Ethnic & Women’s Studies EWS 140 EWS 145 EWS 201 Geography GEO 100 GEO 102

8 2. Concern about Student Advising
EO 1061 requirements will be listed in the Degree Progress document along with the American Cultural Perspectives, as well as postcripts (R1, R2, R3, and R4) added to approved courses covering these areas. If a lower division Social Science course is revisioned to meet EO 1061 requirements, a postscript would be added, it would not move to a different subarea.

9 Degree Progress Report

10 Sample Area D: Students must select 3 courses from 3 different areas:
History HST 103 HST 201 HST 202(R1) Political Science PLS 201 (R2, R3) PLS 202 PLS 203 Sociology SOC 201 Social Science SSC 101 Social Welfare SW 300 Agriculture AG 101 Apparel and Merchandising Mgmt AMM 245 Economics EC 201 EC 202 Ethnic & Women’s Studies EWS 140 EWS 145 EWS 201 (R1) Geography GEO 100 GEO 102

11 3. Importance of quality courses covering EO 1061 topics
Continues to support Cal Poly priority of producing well-informed citizens by requiring full courses in the areas of US History and the American/California Constitution; gives students the opportunity to take additional courses on these topics that may be offered by different departments.

12 More courses available to develop good citizens
The current proposal protects the integrity of this belief. Currently there are two distinct courses that fulfill the R1, R2, and R3 requirements. This proposal allows students the option of taking more than 2 courses in these content areas. If other departments offered courses that met EO 1061 requirements in area D1, or if an upper division course were developed to meet the EO1061 requirements, there would be no restriction on student ‘s ability to enroll in more courses on the topics of US History and Constitution, while still fulfilling their General Education requirements.

13 4. Concern about where EO 1061 requirements should be listed in GE
Breaking out the requirements of EO 1061 as separate GE requirements is NOT mandated within the GE structure of EO 1065. The GE Committee determined that it was important to address the requirements of EO 1065 in constructing categories of General Education.

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