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Next colliders for HEP Marco Zanetti, MIT.

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1 Next colliders for HEP Marco Zanetti, MIT

2 Outline Disclaimer: Very partial and “Higgs-centric” overview on HEP collider projects Even further, well-known projects as the ILC or the muon collider not discussed.. Introduction, the physics scenario after 1st LHC run Circular e-e+ collider (TLEP) Very High Energy LHC Photon collider (Sapphire)

3 Status of HEP after LHC1 “A Higgs Boson” (CERN D.G. dixit) has been found, tremendous success of the Standard Model No other direct observations of new phenomena at the LHC Naturalness much less trendy these days No indirect observations of deviations w.r.t SM predictions (Dark stuff apart) Higgs couplings => Decoupling Limit Impressive consistency of flavor sector Is there a desert in front of us??

4 Status of HEP after LHC1 Is there something over there??

5 What is still worth looking for
The Higgs is the most exotic object found so far Its properties has to be studied in details Decoupling limit => ~1% uncertainty required (HL)LHC will get to ~5% precision, most likely not enough => Higgs factories Something has to be up there (at least once we get to the Plank scale..) Step upward in energy is worth anyway => very large proton colliders Are we sure we haven’t left anything behind? Dedicated machines, e.g. photon colliders Beyond (HL)LHC

6 Circular e+e- Colliders
Higgs Factories Linear Colliders Circular e+e- Colliders LEP3 TLEP Super-Tristan FNAL Site-filler IHEP, + … ILC CLIC SLC-type Adv. Concepts Not discussed SAPPHIRE, CLICHÉ, SLC like - Colliders Muon Colliders

7 Required features of Higgs factories
Generalities: Higgs should not be only physics goal (otherwise needs to be cheap..) Upgradability in energy or diverse physics program e+ e- colliders Integrated luminosity is the main parameter Additional useful (but not crucial) features: Polarized beams Low beam background Energy spread Muon colliders Energy spread (s-channel production) Integrated luminosity Photon colliders

8 TLEP overview TLEP: A High-Performance Circular e+e- Collider to Study the Higgs Boson, A. Blondel, M. Zanetti, F. Zimmermann, et al. arXiv: Get up to √s=350, top-antitop production, L=0.7x1034 cm-2s-1 Higgs factory at Z+H threshold √s=250, L=5x1034 cm-2s-1 GigaZ, L=1036 cm-2s-1, repeat LEP1 program in 5 min Possibility for several interaction points => multiply L, experimental redundancy Challenging but well established technology Cost-wise in the shadow of the proton-proton program (??)

9 80-km Tunnel Cost Estimate (preliminary!)
Costs Only the minimum civil requirements (tunnel, shafts and caverns) are included 5.5% for external expert assistance (underground works only) Excluded from costing Other services like cooling/ventilation/ electricity etc service caverns beam dumps radiological protection Surface structures Access roads In-house engineering etc etc Cost uncertainty = 50% Next stage should include costing based on technical drawings CE works Costs [BCHF] Underground Main tunnel (5.6m) Bypass tunnel & inclined tunnel access Dewatering tunnel Small caverns Detector caverns Shafts (9m) Shafts (18m) Consultancy (5.5%) TOTAL ~3.1? (unofficial) (→raw tunnel cost could be 4.5 BCHF) John Osborne & Caroline Waaijer (CERN) 21 February 2013

10 Beam lifetime Bhabha scattering cross section (s~0.215 barn) implies a burn-off lifetime of ~20 min at 1e34 cm-2Hz Reminder, SuperKEKB: t~6min! Solution: top-up injection Fundamental also for Hubner factor => guarantee high integrated L High lumi => non-negligible beamstrahlung. Can we keep the beams circulating long enough?

11 Beamstrahlung Electrons are lost if they emit a photon with E>hE0 (h momentum acceptance) Defining: The number of photons with E>hE0 (i.e. impacting lifetime): h can be traded off with Nb/sxsz High lumi and decent lifetime requires either high momentum acceptance or aspect ratio

12 Momentum acceptance ±1.3% ±2.0% ±1.6%
Very preliminary IR designs aimed at high momentum acceptance 2.5-3% feasible? ±1.3% K. Oide SLAC/LBNL design KEK design ±2.0% ±1.6% FNAL site filler Y. Cai T. Sen, E. Gianfelice-Wendt, Y. Alexahin

13 Aspect ratio Initial TLEP proposal matching LEP performances (ke~190)
Need to be more aggressive, currently aim at ke~400 Will benefit a lot from superKEKB and ILC (ATF2) Still vertical dimension > 100nm

14 BS lifetime Simulate and track O(109) macroparticles and check the energy spread spectrum (Guinea-Pig) Lifetime computed from the fraction of particles beyond a given momentum acceptance (h) Exponential dependence on h ke=190 ke=370

15 BS Photons TLEP(3) BS photon spectrum is much softer than ILC
Tails up to only a few GeV, compared to tens of GeV for ILC As a consequence much reduced pairs background BS g spectrum pairs spectrum

16 Luminosity profile Softer BS photon spectrum implies much better luminosity profile Intrinsic feature of circular high lumi e+e- colliders

17 Charge Compensation(?)
Visionary approach 2 opposite charged bunches per side Null charge, no beamstrahlung Could in principle allow much higher luminosities, but Tried 40 years ago (DCI, Orsay) not a spectacular success (no discernible gain seen): “small initial bunch displacement errors lead to charge separation” and “a minute deviation from neutrality is amplified as the like-charge beams repel each other” Beam instrumentation much improved nowadays The increase in costs for a four-beam solution is substantial Spurios e+e+ and e-e- collissions

18 Top-up injection SPS-LEP experience:
e± from 3.5 to 20 GeV (later 22 GeV) in 265 ms (~62.26 GeV/s) [K. Cornelis, W. Herr, R. Schmidt] Injection sequence [P. Collier, G. Roy]: SPS-> top-up accelerator at 20 GeV Accelerator from 20 to 120 GeV Overall acceleration time = 1.6 s Total cycle time = 10 s looks conservative (→ refilling ~1% of the LEP3 beam, for t~16 min)

19 Top-up cycle beam current in collider (15 min. beam lifetime)
100% 99% almost constant current energy of accelerator ring 120 GeV injection into collider injection into accelerator 20 GeV 10 s

20 Top-up performances Super efficient duty cycle achieved at PEPII
Hubner factor not far from 1: July 3, 2006: H≈0.95 August 2007: H≈0.63 Before top-up During top-up J. Seeman, 7 Dec. 2012

21 Synchrotron radiation
2x100 MW supplied to the beams need to be cooled away, heat load non negligible Previous machines (e.g. PEP-II and SPEAR) coped with much higher heat load per meter Need to manage higher max photon energy though N. Kurita, U. Wienands, SLAC

22 Synchrotron radiation
pp A. Fasso 3rd TLEP3 Day original LEP design

23 Power consumption Fixing energy, beam-beam limit and beamstrahlung conditions: => power is linearly proportional to luminosity For TLEP self imposed limit on power to beams ~200MW, assuming 50% wall to beam efficiency Complete accounting of power consumers brings the total to beyond 300 MW for TLEP at top energy To be compared with current max cern site consumption of <200MW Still margin thanks to possibility of several IPs Number of IPs affecting BS lifetime

24 Power consumption TLEP-t
Wall-plug RF power 218 (1) [181 w/o RF feedback] RF cryo power 24 (2) Magnet system power 6 (3) Cooling and ventilation 60 (4) Experiments 25 (5) General services 15 (5) SPS & PS as pre-injectors (20 & 3.5 GeV) 5 (6) e-/e+ source & pre-pre-injector 1(7) Total 354 [318 w/o RF feedback] (1): wall power efficiency: power converters: 95%; klystron efficiency: 65%; transmission losses 7%; overall 55% (from the LHeC design report); includes 36 MW for RF feedback margin (which may not be necessary) (2): 60% of LHeC ; cryo power depends on cavity Q0 (34 kW at 2 K for 1200 cavities with Q0 =2.5e10) (3): from LHeC ring-ring magnet design; power for 1 magnet (5.4 m, T) = 270 W; assuming 2x80 km of magnets at T (dipole field for 175 GeV beam energy) (4): TLEP three times more than LHC; maximum capacity for LEP (5): as for LHC (see appendix) (6): conservative estimate scaled from higher-energy proton operation (7): L. Rinolfi, private communication M.Koratzinos / F. Zimmerman

25 Power Consumption TLEP-H
Wall-plug RF power 44 (1) RF cryo power 6 (2) Magnet system power 6 (3) Cooling and ventilation 30 (4) Experiments 25 (5) General services 15 (5) SPS & PS as pre-injectors (20 & 3.5 GeV) 5 (6) e-/e+ source & pre-pre-injector 1(7) Total 132 *: low power version with 1e34 cm^-2/s-1 in each of 4 IPs (1): wall power efficiency: power converters: 95%; klystron efficiency: 65%; transmission losses 7%; overall 55% (from the LHeC design report); including RF feedback margin (2): 60% of LHeC ; cryo power depends on cavity Q0 (34 kW at 2 K for 1200 cavities with Q0 =2.5e10) (3): from LHeC ring-ring magnet design; power for 1 magnet (5.5 m, T) = 400 W; assuming 2x80 km of magnets at T (dipole field for 175 GeV beam energy) (4): TLEP three times more than LHC; maximum capacity for LEP ; reduced by a factor of 2 for low power (5): as for LHC (see appendix) (6): conservative estimate scaled from higher-energy proton operation (7): L. Rinolfi, power of LPI, private communication M.Koratzinos / F. Zimmerman

26 Polarization LHeC equilibrium polarisation vs ring energy, full 3-D spin tracking results [D. Barber, U. Wienands, in LHeC CDR] Up to 80% at Z pole For TLEP conceivable to extend sizable polarization up to ~80 GeV


28 VHE-LHC Main reason for building an 80 km tunnel, extremely challenging machine Aim at √s>80 TeV pp collisions, need substantial SC magnet R&D (being pursued already for HE-LHC) Leveled lumi ~5e34 cm-2Hz => 200 pileup events SR heat load 33 W/m, need photon stops Arc quads (if same length as LHC) 223 T/m x (50/7) = T/m at 50 TeV Collimation and Machine Protection New injection chain Beam Dump System 4.5 GJ beam energy, ~3km dump system

29 parameters – 1 smaller?! (x1/4?) available now at LHC! >3.0 ?
O. Dominguez, L. Rossi, F.Zimmermann

30 parameters – 2 33? *100? O. Dominguez, L. Rossi, F.Zimmermann

31 H->gg Outlier in the Higgs measurement at the LHC (now only in ATLAS though) Triggered a lot of attention on the Hgg coupling Sensitive to BSM physics in the decay loop Might well be a fluctuation, should not get too excited.. The inverse process remains anyhow very interesting!

32 gg colliders in a nutshell
e-e- colliders equipped with high power laser beams Compton backscattering of the lasers photon off the electron beams Energy-angle correlation of the scatter photons => collimated gg collisions at ~0.8√see Several possible layouts, in particular coupled to Linear Colliders (PLC, CLICHÉ) In the following focus on a LHeC spinoff

33 gg collider basics Compton scattering energy:
Max energy for back scattering g energy: Avoid e+e- pair production => limit √s of backscattered photon and laser => limit on x=> limit on laser photon w: Compton cross section depend on relative g and e- polarization (l and P): For the Higgs production need polarized beams

34 gg collider Luminosity
gg Luminosity depends on: The number of beam electrons scattering at least once on laser beam “thickness” k of the laser beam (related to the laser power and pulse duration) Normalized distance r of the Compton Scattering point to the interaction point Quasi monochromaticity of gg interaction energy: Thanks to energy-angle correlation, q~1/g

35 gg collider Luminosity
Typically electron scatter more than once, low energy tails get populated Level of low energy component can be regulated by tuning the CP-IP distance Order of a few mm Spent beams could provide additional luminosity (e-e-, e-g)

36 SAPPHiRE LHC SAPPHiRE: a Small Gamma-Gamma Higgs Factory, S.A. Bogacz, J. Ellis, D. Schulte, T. Takahashi, M. Velasco, M. Zanetti, F. Zimmermann, arXiv:

37 SAPPHiRE parameters 4 arcs for each beam on each side
Overall length 8 km 1/6 of the geometrical e+e- lumi 10k Higgs per year

38 Laser system The most technologically challenging component
Need high power lasers for efficient conversion (k~1) Pulse energy of a few J, 5 ps long pulse, 1MW average power Fiber laser Stacked passive optical cavity pumped by a laser via a semi-transparent mirror Amplification of

39 MightyLaser experiment at KEK-ATF
non-planar high finesse four mirror Fabry-Perot cavity; first Compton collisions observed in October 2010 I. Chaikovska, N. Delerue, A. Variola, F. Zomer et al Vacuum vessel for Fabry-Perot cavity installed at ATF Optical system used for laser power amplification and to inject laser into FPC Plan: improve laser and FPC mirrors & gain several orders Comparison of measured and simulated gamma-ray energy spectra from Compton scattering Gamma ray spectrum for different FPC stored laser power

40 Alternative approach (FEL)
Possibility of coupling the setup to a free-electron laser is very interesting Get synchronization for free Reduction in cost and complexity

41 Energy Loss Energy loss per arc:
Sapphire (LHeC) case, r=764m => electrons lose 4 GeV Can be compensated by increase the linacs to 10.5 GeV beam energy [ GeV] DEarc [GeV] DsE [MeV] 10 0.0006 0.038 20 0.009 0.43 30 0.05 1.7 40 0.15 5.0 50 0.36 60 0.75 70 1.39 35 80 1.19 27 total 3.89 57 (0.071%)

42 e- beam emittance growth
Horizontal emittance growth of the electron beam may be a severe limitation: LHeC optics (lbend=10m, r=764m, <H>=1.2e-3m) lead to a too high emittance growth (DeN=13mm) 80 GeV instead of 60, high price due to 6th power of energy <H> scale as l3bend/r2 => shorten lbend by factor 4=> down to 1mm at 80 GeV

43 Flat polarized e- guns FNAL A0 line injector test facility:
starting with ge~4-5 mm at 0.5 nC, achieved emittances of 40 mm horizontally and 0.4 mm vertically (ex/ey~100) SAPPHiRE needs only ex/ey=10 but: Larger bunch charge 1.6 nC and smaller initial ge (~1.5 mm) Altogether, within state of the art Main question is whether we can get polarized beams with those parameters Ongoing efforts: low-emittance DC guns MIT-Bates, Cornell, JAEA, KEK [E. Tsentalovich, I. Bazarov, et al] polarized SRF guns FZD, BNL, etc. [J. Teichert, J. Kewisch, et al]

44 Spent beam Crossing angle in a crab-waist schema to get rid of e- beam
Minimize spurious collisions Disruption angle (12mrad), outer radius of the last quadrupole (5-10 cm) and its distance from the IP (4m) determine the mininal crossing angle: ~25mrad Beamstrahlung to be watched out Special decay paths for hard photons

45 Spent beams Integration of the laser, the incoming e- beams and the spent beams with the detector (need good vertexing capabilities) is quite challenging Beam background need to be dealt with: Low energy remnants pileup Incoherent e+e- pairs neutron background

46 Potential concerns (Telnov)
Conservation of polarization in rings is a problem (due to energy spread). The bunch length (σz = 30 μm) is very close to condition of coherent radiation in arcs. With 80GeV e- and short bunches very large disruption angle (q~Esz-0.5) leading to unacceptable background levels. Probably not the best layout for a gg collider (e.g. dedicated linac would be shorter) It can only address a few aspects of Higgs program

47 (very) Tentative (CERN-centric) timeline

48 Summary Mandate from Physics: study the Higgs, explore higher energy scale, don’t forget what could have left behind VHE-LHC as next step towards the Plank scale (M. Mangano dixit) A bit like going to the top of the building if the goal is reaching the moon Anyhow a very challenging machine ILC well established for addressing the Higgs and study phenomena up to TeV ranges Watch out, it may be the desert out there TLEP could be best option for precision Higgs physics and SM precision testing. Several challenges: 100 MW synchrotron radiation, activation by high SR(1.5MeV) Momentum acceptance, beamstrahlung, aspect ration Interface to detectors (synchrotron radiation, background, 4 beams xing) gg colliders (Sapphire) technologically challenging Offering many physics and application opportunities Low energy precursor (e.g. IRIDE) will be instrumental!


50 luminosity formulae & constraints
SR radiation power limit beam-beam limit >30 min beamstrahlung lifetime (Telnov) → Nb,bx →minimize ke=ey/ex, by~bx(ey/ex) and respect by≥sz

51 LEP3/TLEP parameters -1 soon at SuperKEKB: bx*=0.03 m, bY*=0.03 cm
LEP2 LHeC LEP3 TLEP-Z TLEP-H TLEP-t beam energy Eb [GeV] circumference [km] beam current [mA] #bunches/beam #e−/beam [1012] horizontal emittance [nm] vertical emittance [nm] bending radius [km] partition number Jε momentum comp. αc [10−5] SR power/beam [MW] β∗x [m] β∗y [cm] σ∗x [μm] σ∗y [μm] hourglass Fhg ΔESRloss/turn [GeV] 104.5 26.7 4 2.3 48 0.25 3.1 1.1 18.5 11 1.5 5 270 3.5 0.98 3.41 60 100 2808 56 2.5 2.6 8.1 44 0.18 10 30 16 0.99 0.44 120 7.2 4.0 25 0.10 50 0.2 0.1 71 0.32 0.59 6.99 45.5 80 1180 2625 2000 30.8 0.15 9.0 1.0 78 0.39 0.71 0.04 24.3 40.5 9.4 0.05 43 0.22 0.75 2.1 175 5.4 12 20 63 0.65 9.3 SuperKEKB:ey/ex=0.25%

52 LEP3/TLEP parameters -2 LEP2 was not beam-beam limited LEP2 LHeC LEP3
LEP2 LHeC LEP3 TLEP-Z TLEP-H TLEP-t VRF,tot [GV] dmax,RF [%] ξx/IP ξy/IP fs [kHz] Eacc [MV/m] eff. RF length [m] fRF [MHz] δSRrms [%] σSRz,rms [cm] L/IP[1032cm−2s−1] number of IPs Rad.Bhabha b.lifetime [min] ϒBS [10−4] nγ/collision DdBS/collision [MeV] DdBSrms/collision [MeV] critical SR energy [MeV] 3.64 0.77 0.025 0.065 1.6 7.5 485 352 0.22 1.61 1.25 4 360 0.2 0.08 0.1 0.3 0.81 0.5 0.66 N/A 0.65 11.9 42 721 0.12 0.69 1 0.05 0.16 0.02 0.07 0.18 12.0 5.7 0.09 2.19 20 600 700 0.23 0.31 94 2 18 9 0.60 31 44 1.47 2.0 4.0 1.29 100 0.06 0.19 10335 74 0.41 3.6 6.2 6.0 9.4 0.10 0.44 300 0.15 0.17 490 32 15 0.50 65 0.43 4.9 0.25 54 0.51 61 95 1.32 LEP data for GeV consistently suggest a beam-beam limit of ~0.115 (R.Assmann, K. C.)

53 Power efficiency

54 Physics performances: Higgs
Sub percent precision on the Higgs couplings Total width accessible via both ZZ decay and VBF production

55 Physics performances: Higgs

56 Physics performances: low √s
Unprecedented precision on EW observables: s(mW)~0.2 MeV, predict top mass at 100 MeV Probe the loop structure, ultimate closure test of SM Beam energy assessed by means of resonant depolarization Dedicate one bunch during physics operation, no extrapolation needed

57 Upgradeability to higher √s
People contest the non-upgradeability in √s of a circular e-e+ collider. Can a liner collider be upgraded to O(100) pp collider?? No doubts about the superiority of VLHC+TLEP in terms of physics program.

58 Beamstrahlung Beamstrahlung dependencies:
Flat beams, vertical size affects only luminosity For a given bunch length, horizontal size and particles per bunch drive the BS effects Same dependencies for the BS photon energy Circular collider parameters designed to lead to smaller BS N (1010) sz (cm) sx (mm) sy (mm) eNx (10-6 mrad) eNY (10-6 mrad) bx (m) by (cm) ILC 2 0.03 0.75 0.008 10 0.035 0.013 0.04 LEP3 100 0.23 71 0.32 6000 28 0.2 0.1 TLEP-H 50 43 0.22 2200 12

59 Integration with the Experiments
Need to arrange the top up accelerator nearby the experiment Hole in the detector not acceptable Long bypass around the experiments would impact sizably on the overall cost O(10)x4 additional km Accelerator and collider intersecting each other at the IP sharing a common beam pipe Definitely not straightforward..

60 Dealing with BS Scan relevant BS parameters:
B*x to scale horizontal beam dimension Number of particle per bunch BS lifetime for nominal parameters (assuming h=0.04): LEP3: >~ 30 min TLEP-H: ~day >4h for h=0.03, ~4 min for h=0.02 LEP3, h=0.02 LEP3, h=0.04

61 Power The spectrum is softer and ng is smaller than ILC, but (T)LEP(3) have up to ~x100 more particles per bunch. Comparable power dissipation for ILC and circular colliders, O(10) kW Most of the power dissipated at very small angle LEP3 Power (W/0.2 mrad)

62 circular HFs – arc lattice
KEK design IHEP design Q. Qin K. Oide FNAL site filler SLAC/LBNL design Y. Cai T. Sen, E. Gianfelice-Wendt, Y. Alexahin

63 circular HFs – final-focus design
KEK design IHEP design K. Oide Q. Qin βx*=20cm, βy*=0.5cm FNAL site filler SLAC/LBNL design T. Sen, E. Gianfelice-Wendt, Y. Alexahin Y. Cai

64 Summary of issues SR handling and radiation shielding
optics effect energy sawtooth [separate arcs?! (K. Oide)] beam-beam interaction for large Qs and significant hourglass effect IR design with even larger momentum acceptance integration in LHC tunnel (LEP3) Pretzel scheme for TERA-Z operation? impedance effects for high-current running at Z pole

65 Extrapolation LEP3 TLEP-H LEP2→TLEP-H SLC→ILC 250 peak luminosity x400
energy x1.15 x2.5 vertical geom. emittance x1/5 x1/400 vert. IP beam size x1/15 x1/150 e+ production rate x1/2 ! x65 commissioning time <1 year → ? >10 years →?


67 M. Peskin statement on TLEP

68 collimation challenges higher energy density
→ need for more robust materials cross section for single diffractive scattering increases with energy → degraded cleaning efficiency smaller beam sizes & smaller gaps → higher precision in collimator control (warm? or shielded SC) magnets in the collimator insertions VHE-LHC: 99 W/m dedicated photon stops R. Assmann, HE-LHC’10

69 State of the art (Garching MPI) : ~70kW, 2ps (F~5600) stored in a cavity (O.L.35(2010)2052) ~20kW, 200fs From a feedback point of view: Locking a ‘150m’ cavity to finesse~ nm is the same as Locking a 4m 800nm to ~25000 finesse R&D done at Orsay 2ps Tis:apph 76MHz oscillator (~0.2nm spectrum) cavity finesse ~28000

70 Summary Fabry-Perot cavity Optical issues Advantages
Very high gain (eventually) ‘easy’ laser-electron synchronization Stable transverse & longitudinal modes Though painful, laser/cavity feedback techniques are well know Disadvantages for Sapphire Very long cavity technical noise (?) Tight feedback as difficult as a highest finesse table top experiment… (BW may be limited by the laser frep) Very small laser waists & circ. Polar. (?)  careful optical design of the geometry and mirror shape Optical issues High peak power coating damage threshold large mirrors Large average power: thermal load effects Thermal lens in the coupling mirror (cf VIRGO upgrade with >600kW)

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