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Chief Career Strategist

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2 Chief Career Strategist
Career Roadmap for the 21st Century Workforce Speaker: Ngee Key Chief Career Strategist Springboard Talent

3 What do you see? Here for your content
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4 Companies I have worked for

5 What happened to them now?

6 Quick Question What will be your greatest challenge when you plan your career? * Find a partner and take 30 seconds to share your greatest challenge.

7 Some challenges Uncertainty of the future
Lack of knowledge on industry Fearful of technology disruptions Lack of network with experts Lack of guidance and mentors

8 Issues facing today’s workforce
No more line-of Sight Career Planning Career Progression to Career Resilience Value Creation Vs Going to Work

9 No more Line-of-Sight Career Planning

10 Career Progression to Career Resilience

11 Value Creation vs Going to Work

12 World Economic Forum In 50 years, robots and computers will do much of the work humans now do. Estimates 5m jobs will be lost to automation by 2020. Jobs seemed “safe” – office workers, manufacturing, and law will be hit hardest.

13 Automation Foxconn cuts 60,000 factory jobs and replaces them with robots. Robots are there to "replace repetitive tasks.

14 (AI) Artificial Intelligence
Japanese company Fukoku Mutual Life Insurance, replaces 30 white-collar jobs with IBM Watson AI. Saves the company USD 1.2m per year and raises 30% in productivity.

15 Technology Disruption

16 Mergers and Acquisitions

17 Oi Troi Oi, what should I do?

18 It’s time to take charge of your own career map

19 What’s Next? You need to work on those skills that are marketable in the future economy.

20 Recommended 5 Skills Technological and Computational Thinking
Caregiving Social Intelligence and New Media Literacy Lifelong Learning Adaptability and Business Acumen - Bureau of Labour Statistics (United States)

21 Focus on the following 3 skills
Technological and Computational Thinking Caregiving Social Intelligence and New Media Literacy Lifelong Learning Adaptability and Business Acumen - Bureau of Labour Statistics (United States)

22 1. Social Intelligence Long time for robots to be good at soft skills.
E.g. social and emotional intelligence and cross- cultural competency.

23 Media Literacy Understand various media platforms and how to best communicate effectively. Valuable skills that robots won’t be likely to match any time soon.

24 My LinkedIn Post This post generated: > 99, 000 views 1092 likes

25 2. Lifelong Learning Need to always learn new things.
World moving fast, difficult for teachers and trainers to keep up with the latest thinking. Use technology to find best sources to keep your knowledge and skills current.

26 Learning happens everywhere, not just in the classroom

27 Example: Learning at anytime
In GrabCar Launch app Watch video 10mins Byte size learning

28 Alternatives for learning

29 3. Adaptability and Business Acumen
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Gig Economy Millennial Generation Collaboration Project based work

30 Valuable Resources

31 Are you ready for the future?

32 Thanks for investing your time with me
When you think it’s impossible, just switch your mind to I’m Possible 


34 Thanks for investing your time with me today.
May you all walk as Career Leaders in your roadmap Search my name: Ngee Key LinkedIn Facebook Twitter

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