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Including Information for State by Line of Business Curriculum Setup

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Presentation on theme: "Including Information for State by Line of Business Curriculum Setup"— Presentation transcript:

1 Including Information for State by Line of Business Curriculum Setup
CourseMill Tutorial Including Information for State by Line of Business Curriculum Setup

2 Agenda This document will address the following:
Reminders for CourseMill with examples Why a course does not show as complete Prerequisites Final page Why a curriculum does not show as complete State by Line of Business Setup with examples How auto-enrollment is determined How to self-enroll in additional curricula

3 A Few Things to Remember About CourseMill
Because some training is offered via instructor led training (ILT) OR self-study, and an agent need only complete one or the other, a curriculum may not show as complete even though the agent has all required components to sell the line of business Courses are “grayed out” or locked if a user has not completed a required prerequisite course All prerequisite courses must be completed for a given “grayed out” course to be accessible Once all prerequisites are completed, the course will appear in bold and will be accessible to the user

4 Example: Before Prerequisites are Complete
The course ID for any prerequisite course will be listed in the column titled “Prerequisites”

5 Example: After Prerequisites are Complete

6 Why won’t the course show complete?
Usually, a self-study course will not show complete because the user didn’t continue the course after viewing the training presentation This is when the course shows as 10% complete Some self-study courses have test requirements All self-study courses have attestations or statements of understanding that must be completed Until all steps are successfully completed, the self- study course will not show as completed Until you see the “Congratulations” or “Thank you” page, the self-study course is NOT complete

7 Why won’t the course show complete?
For video training, users should be automatically redirected to a page to continue for completion

8 Why won’t the course show complete?
For PowerPoint, PDF or other document training (or if the video did not properly redirect), users will need to manually return to the course after viewing To do this, “hover” over the bottom tool bar on the computer and locate the browser window labeled “A001” Select that browser window to continue completing the course

9 A VERY Important Reminder
When completing any independent course in CourseMill (self-study, test, attestation) the course is NOT complete until you have seen the “Congratulations” or “Thank you” page

10 A VERY Important Reminder
If you take a test that gives you a results window showing your score, select “OK” on that window. Do NOT close the browser until you see the “congratulations” or “Thank you” page

11 A VERY Important Reminder
If you close your browser before seeing this page, the course will not register as complete in your transcript Animated character and specific wording may vary

12 Opening a Course Multiple Times
When you open a course you have previously accessed, you will receive a “pop up” box asking you if you want to return to the last page you visited in the course

13 Opening a Course Multiple Times
Selecting OK will take you to your last visited page If you had previously completed the course and saw the “Congratulations” page, selecting OK will not allow you to review the content Selecting Cancel will take you back to the first page of the course, but will NOT remove any previous completion credit you may have already had. This allows you to easily review any training content you may want to review

14 A Few Things to Remember About State by Line of Business Curriculum Setup
Curriculum by State by Line of Business Auto Assignment (if applicable for your office) Is determined by the location name an agent is assigned to in CourseMill, not by where they are licensed Location name in CourseMill is fed from our VUE system If a location name for an agent is incorrect, the TVP or Sales Assistant needs to contact Onboarding to have the location name updated for the agent An agent can enroll in any State by Line of Business Curriculum needed but not already assigned by searching for the state in the Catalog Example: Texas, not TX

15 Example Agent Test User is located in the Nashville office

16 Example Agent The TVP for the Nashville office has chosen to have all primary state curricula auto assigned to agents in this office So, Test User has been auto assigned all curricula for the state of Tennessee (in addition to applicable required curricula for field agents)

17 Test User Curriculum Auto Enrollment

18 Test User Curriculum Auto Enrollment Continued

19 Curriculum Example The Tennessee Short Term Medical Insurance curriculum includes the required prerequisite course as well as courses for all available carriers we partner with for short term medical in Tennessee.

20 Test User is also licensed in Kentucky
An agent who is licensed in multiple states can easily self-enroll in additional state curricula Test User is also licensed in Kentucky and has an acquaintance who is looking for fixed indemnity products to supplement their health insurance In the Course Catalog, he can search for “Kentucky” and find all available curricula by line of business for Kentucky

21 Searching for Curricula
Type “Kentucky” in the “Title” search field and select “search”

22 Select the to see included courses
Select the Enroll button to enroll in the curriculum

23 Enrolling in a Curriculum
Select “Yes” to confirm enrollment in the curriculum

24 Enrolling in a Curriculam
Select “OK” to stay in Catalog or “My Courses” to access enrolled items Note: You cannot complete a course from the Catalog

25 Expand Curriculum to access included courses

26 Remember the Prerequisite Rule
A course will be “grayed out” until all required prerequisites are complete. In this example, Test User must attend HealthMarkets Academy before he can complete Health Fixed Indemnity Certification Training Self Study.

27 Remember the Prerequisite Rule
Once he attends HealthMarkets Academy and is given credit for attendance, and he completes Health Fixed Indemnity Certification Training Self Study, Test User can: Complete Surebridge/Chesapeake Fixed Indemnity Self Study OR Attend instructor led training (ILT) (if offered in his agency office) on this product and be given attendance credit in Surebridge/Chesapeake Fixed Indemnity ILT

28 Thank you.

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