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Visual Basic Code & No.: CS 218

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1 Visual Basic Code & No.: CS 218
CREDIT HOURS: 5 UNIT Lecture 3.0 hours/week Lab: 2.0 hour/on every week This course introduces the students to a Visual Basic Integrated Development Environment b.  Also deals with data types , variables, events and control structures c. The course also permits the user to build different types of Visual Basic applications.

2 14/11/1435 H Lecture 1 Introduction to Visual basic IDE components
Chapter 6 - Visual Basic Schneider

3 Introduction Q:What is Visual Basic?
VB is a programming language. Easy and powerful tool for developing Windows applications in Basic. · Visual Basic is a tool that allows you to develop Windows (Graphic User Interface - GUI) applications.

4 Why VB? 1.Easy for beginners. 2 .Capable of high end programs 3.Graphical(OOP for the most part) 4.Many free resources. available 4

5 VB Development Environment
Q: Define the following: 1. Integrated Development Environment (IDE) It is a visual environment to develop, run, test and debug. IDE is a term commonly used in the programming world to describe the interface and environment that we use to create our applications.

6 . 2. Controls They are visual, and readymade components, assigned a set of properties (I.e. Text Box, Button, List Box, etc…). 3. Event driven programming flow of the application stated by the user actions (click of a mouse, keystrokes, etc…).

7 VB IDE menu bar Toolbar Project Explorer Toolbox Properties window
Immediate window Form layout

8 Visual Basic 6 Interactive Development Environment
Project Explorer Toolbox Form Designer Window Properties window Code Editor Window Form Layout Window Exploring MS Visual Basic 6 Copyright 1999 Prentice-Hall, Inc.

9 Q: Mention VB IDE Components and define each
1. Menu Bar: contains all commands needed to run VB (File, Edit, View etc…). 2. Toolbars: quick access to commonly used menu commands. 3. Project Explorer: displays the project’s components.

10 . 4. Toolbox: contains icons of the controls that can be placed on the project’s Forms to create the application’s interface. 5. Properties Window: Shows the property settings of the selected control (size, caption, color, etc…).

11 . 6. Form Designer: Main window in which one can design and edit the application’s user interface. In this window the user can enter and edit the application’s code. It displays two windows: Form and Code window. 7. Form Layout: Shows the initial positions of the forms in the application. It is useful in multiple forms applications. 8.Immediate Window: Debugging tool.

12 Q: Mention VB Programming Steps?
Step 1: Customize the windows that the user sees. I.e. placing controls and components on the layouts of the project’s Forms. Step 2: Decide on the events each control should recognize. Step 3: Coding the event procedures for those events.

13 Q: Mention the Visual Basic IDE components?
Tool Bar Project Explorer Properties window Form Layout Window Toolbox Form Designer Object Browser Chapter 6 - Visual Basic Schneider

14 Chapter 6 - Visual Basic Schneider
Form Layout Chapter 6 - Visual Basic Schneider

15 Q: What do we mean by that Visual Basic is event-driven
It means that the code remains idle until called upon to respond to some event (button pressing, menu selection, .. Chapter 6 - Visual Basic Schneider

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