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Warm up 9/25 Name one American law (or right) that can be traced back to ancient Rome.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up 9/25 Name one American law (or right) that can be traced back to ancient Rome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up 9/25 Name one American law (or right) that can be traced back to ancient Rome.

2 What role did geography play in the development of Rome?
Warm up 9/10/15 Find Rome on the map. What role did geography play in the development of Rome? You should have at least 2 answers. R40+R41 in your books have an Atlas in case you can’t see.

3 Geography Rome is located on the peninsula of Italy. The Mediterranean Sea provides transportation and food. Italy provides fertile plains and river valleys for food and easy communication.

4 Rome wasn’t built in a day….
The city of Rome was founded in 753 BC by twin brothers Romulus and Remus. Early Romans were members of a tribe called Latins.

5 Rome was ruled by kings until…..
The Etruscans in 616 BC took control. The Etruscan culture was heavily influenced by the Greeks. Etruscan influences on Rome: Built first walls and sewers The Arch Introduced alphabet and number system Gladiator games and chariot races

6 Free at last! The people of Rome overthrew the Etruscans in 509 BC and created a Republic. Republic- elected officials govern the state

7 The Roman Republic The Roman Republic was founded in 509 BCE. Romans founded a new type of government called a republic. In a republic people chose officials to represent them. The highest form of government in Rome was the Senate. Senators were wealthy landowners (called Patricians.)

8 The Roman Republic Cont…
The senators elected two Consuls, whose job it was to run the government and command the army.

9 Republican Government
Rome had a practical and flexible unwritten constitution It allowed for a Senate with 300 members The Senate advised elected officials, controlled public finances, and all foreign relations.

10 Society was Divided Into Classes
Upper class Romans were known as patricians. These people held nearly all the important political offices. Common farmers, artisans, and merchants were known as plebeians. These two classes were based on birth alone. The line between the two classes was extremely rigid.

11 Create a Table Roman Law American Equivalent

12 Stations Around the room you will find the Twelve Tablets posted.
Quietly move about the rooms to the various “stations”. Summarize in your own words the 12 laws but pay attention to tablets 2, 3, 7, 8, and 9. Relate these laws to modern American Law. You have 2-3 per station.

13 Exit ticket What is the difference between a republic and a direct democracy? What was the difference between patricians and plebeians? How are the Twelve Tables of Rome and Hammurabi’s Code similar?

14 Group Work Your group is to start working on your “build a civilization” project. Your group is to work quietly If your group or the class gets loud laptops will be taken up and you are to work on a book assignment. Police each other

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