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Exotics as a Probe of Confinement

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1 Exotics as a Probe of Confinement
QCD Exotics – Past, Present and Future Exotics as a Probe of Confinement Curtis A. Meyer Carnegie Mellon University October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

2 Outline The beginning of time. The strong force and QCD
Color confinement Spectroscopy Lattice QCD Finding Gluonic Hadrons Confinement Outline October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

3 The First Seconds of The Universe October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

4 Quark Gluon Plasma For a period from about s to 10-6 s the universe contained a plasma of quarks, anti quarks and gluons. Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions are trying to produce this state of matter in collisions October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

5 Confinement From about 10-6 s on, the quark and anti quarks became
confined inside of Hadronic matter. At the age of 1s, only protons and neutrons remained. The gluons produce the 16ton force that holds the hadrons together. Mesons Baryons October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

6 The Formation of Nuclei
By the old age of three minutes, the formation of low mass nuclei was essentially complete. Primordial hydrogen, deuterium, helium and a few other light nuclei now exist. It will be nearly a half a million years before neutral atoms will dominate matter. October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

7 Dynamics Quantum Chromo The rules that govern how the quarks
froze out into hadrons are given by QCD. Just like atoms are electrically neutral, hadrons have to be neutral. Color Charge Three charges called RED, BLUE and GREEN, and three anti colors. The objects that form have to be color neutral: October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

8 Gluons Carry the Force Meson Meson G R R G B Time
The exchange of gluons is continually changing the Individual colors of the quarks, but the overall Color remains neutral Meson G R R G B Time October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

9 Gluons Carry the Force Meson Meson G R Time R G B
The exchange of gluons is continually changing the Individual colors of the quarks, but the overall Color remains neutral Meson G R Time R G B October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

10 Gluons Carry the Force Meson Meson G R Time R G B
The exchange of gluons is continually changing the Individual colors of the quarks, but the overall Color remains neutral Meson G R Time R G B Gluons produce the forces that confine the quarks, but the gluons do not appear to be needed to understand normal hadrons October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

11 Gluon Interactions G R R G B R G B 8 Gluons 3 Colors 3 Anti Colors
1 color neutral 8 colored objects self-interaction of gluons leads to both interesting behavior of QCD, and its extreme complications. October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

12 Flux Tubes October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

13 Flux Tubes Color Field: Because of self interaction, confining flux tubes form between static color charges Confinement arises from flux tubes and their excitation leads to a new spectrum of mesons October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

14 Quark Confinement quarks can never be isolated
linearly rising potential separation of quark from antiquark takes an infinite amount of energy gluon flux breaks, new quark-antiquark pair produced October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

15 Strong QCD See and systems. Color singlet objects observed in nature:
white Nominally, glue is not needed to describe hadrons. Focus on “light-quark mesons” quark-antiquark states glueballs hybrids Allowed systems: , , October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

16 Spectroscopy Positronium A probe of QED e+ e- Spin: S=S1+S2=(0,1)
Orbital Angular Momentum: L=0,1,2,… Total Spin: J=L+S L=0, S=0 : J=0 L=0, S=1 : J=1 L=1 , S=0 : J=1 L=1, S=1 : J=0,1,2 … … Reflection in a mirror: Parity: P=-(-1)(L) Particle<->Antiparticle: Charge Conjugation: C=(-1)(L+S) Notation: J(PC) , 1--, 1+-, 0++, 1++, 2++ (2S+1)LJ S0, 3S1, 1P1, 3P0, 3P1, 3P2,… October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

17 Quarkonium Spectroscopy and QCD Mesons q 9 Combinations
radial Consider the three lightest quarks 9 Combinations 0-+ 1+- 1-- 0++ 1++ 2++ 2-+ 2-- 3-- 4++ 3++ 3+- S=1 S=0 L=0 L=1 L=2 L=3 October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

18 Quarkonium Spectroscopy an QCD Mesons q r,K*,w,f Mesons come in
0-+ 1+- 1-- 0++ 1++ 2++ 2-+ 2-- 3-- 4++ 3++ 3+- S=1 S=0 L=0 L=1 L=2 L=3 r,K*,w,f Mesons come in Nonets of the same JPC Quantum Numbers p,K,h,h’ a,K,f,f’ b,K,h,h’ SU(3) is broken Last two members mix r,K*,w,f p,K,h,h’ October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

19 Quantum Mechanical Mixing
States with the same quantum numbers mix: SU(3) physical states Ideal Mixing: October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

20 Quarkonium Quarkonium
Spectroscopy an QCD Quarkonium Quarkonium Mesons q Nothing to do with Glue! 0-+ 1+- 1-- 0++ 1++ 2++ 2-+ 2-- 3-- 4++ 3++ 3+- S=1 S=0 L=0 L=1 L=2 L=3 Allowed JPC Quantum numbers: 1-+ 2+- 3-+ 4+- 5-+ 1– Exotic Quantum Numbers non quark-antiquark description October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

21 Glueball Predictions Particles that only contain gluons
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 qq Mesons L = 0 1 2 3 4 2 + + 0 – + 2 – + All of these are normal quark-antiquark quantum numbers. Glueballs 0 + + October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

22 Lattice QCD Predictions
Gluons can bind to form glueballs EM analogue: massive globs of pure light. Lattice QCD predicts masses The lightest glueballs have “normal” quantum numbers. Glueballs will Q.M. mix The observed states will be mixed with normal mesons. Strong experimental evidence For the lightest state. October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

23 Identification of Glueballs
Lightest Glueball predicted near two states of same Q.N.. “Over population” Predict 2, see 3 states Glueballs should decay in a flavor-blind fashion. Production Mechanisms: Certain are expected to by Glue-rich, others are Glue-poor. Where do you see them? Proton-antiproton Central Production J/y decays October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

24 Crystal Barrel Results
Crystal Barrel Results: antiproton-proton annihilation at rest f0(1500) a pp, hh, hh’, KK, 4p Discovery of the f0(1500) Solidified the f0(1370) f0(1370) a 4p Establishes the scalar nonet Crystal Barrel Results Discovery of the a0(1450) 250,000 hhp0 Events 700,000 p0p0p0 Events f2(1565)+s f0(1500) f2(1270) f0(980) f0(1500) October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

25 Wa102 Results CERN experiment colliding p on a hydrogen target.
Central Production Experiment Recent comprehensive data set and a coupled channel analysis. October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

26 A Model for Mixing meson 1 meson Glueball r2 meson Glueball r3
flavor blind? r Solve for mixing scheme F.Close: hep-ph/ October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

27 Experimental Evidence
Glueballs Scalar (0++) Glueball and two nearby mesons are mixed. f0(980) f0(1500) f0(1370) f0(1710) a0(980) a0(1450) K*0(1430) Glueball spread over 3 mesons Are there other glueballs? October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

28 Higher Mass Glueballs? Part of the BES-III program will be to search for glueballs in radiative J/ decays. Lattice predicts that the 2++ and the 0-+ are the next two, with masses just above 2GeV/c2. Radial Excitations of the 2++ ground state L= States + Radial excitations f2(1950), f2(2010), f2(2300), f2(2340)… 2’nd Radial Excitations of the  and ’, perhaps a bit cleaner environment! (I would Not count on it though….) I expect this to be very challenging. October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

29 Hybrid Meson Predictions
qqg Flux-tube model: 8 degenerate nonets 1++, ,0+-,1-+,1+-,2-+,2+- ~1.9 GeV/c2 S=0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 qq Mesons L = 0 1 2 3 4 exotic nonets 0 – + 0 + – 1 + + 1 + – 1– + 1 – – 2 – + 2 + – Hybrids S=1 Start with S=0 1++ & 1-- Start with S=1 0-+ & 0+- 1-+ & 1+- 2-+ & 2+- October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

30 QCD Potential ground-state excited flux-tube flux-tube m=1 m=0
linear potential ground-state flux-tube m=0 excited flux-tube m=1 Gluonic Excitations provide an experimental measurement of the excited QCD potential. Observations of the nonets on the excited potentials are the best experimental signal of gluonic excitations. October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

31 Hybrid Predictions Flux-tube model: 8 degenerate nonets
1++, ,0+-,1-+,1+-,2-+,2+- ~1.9 GeV/c2 S=0 S=1 Lattice calculations nonet is the lightest UKQCD (97) 0.20 MILC (97) 0.30 MILC (99) 0.10 Lacock(99) 0.20 Mei(02) 0.10 Bernard(04) §0.139 /- 0.2 /- 0.11 /- 0.6 In the charmonium sector: 0.08 0.11 Splitting = 0.20 October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

32 Looking for Hybrids Decay Predictions Analysis Method
Meson Decay Predictions Analysis Method Partial Wave Analysis Lglue Fit n-D angular distributions Fit Models of production and decay of resonances. Angular momentum in the gluon flux stays confined. This leads to complicated multi-particle final states. Detector needs to be very good. October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

33 Experimental Evidence
Hybrids New York Times, Sept. 2, 1997 Exotic Mesons mass 1.4 E852 BNL ’97 CBAR CERN ’97 Too light Not Consistent Possible rescattering (?) Decays are wrong (?) Not a Hybrid October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

34 E852 Results At 18 GeV/c to partial wave analysis suggests
October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

35 understood acceptance
An Exotic Signal Correlation of Phase & Intensity Exotic Signal p1(1600) Leakage From Non-exotic Wave due to imperfectly understood acceptance 3p m= G= ph’ m= G= October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

36 In Other Channels E852 Results
p-p  ’-p at 18 GeV/c The 1(1600) is the Dominant signal in ’. Mass = 1.597 GeV Width = 0.3400.040 GeV 1(1600)  ’ October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

37 In Other Channels E852 Results
1-+ in f1 and b1 p-p  +--p p-p  w0-p 1(1600)  b1 1(1600)  f1 Mass=1.709 GeV Width=0.4030.08 GeV In both b1 and f1, observe Excess intensity at about 2GeV/c2. Mass ~ 2.00 GeV, Width ~ 0.2 to 0.3 GeV Mass = 1.687 GeV Width = 0.2060.03 GeV October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

38 New Analysis 10 times statistics in Add 2(1670)-> (L=3)
Dzierba et. al. PRD 73 (2006) Add 2(1670)-> (L=3) Add 2(1670)->3 Add 2(1670)-> ()S Add a3 decays Add a4(2040) 10 times statistics in each of two channels. Get a better description of the data via moments comparison No Evidence for the 1(1670) October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

39 Exotic Signals 1(1400) Width ~ 0.3 GeV, Decays: only 
weak signal in p production (scattering??) strong signal in antiproton-deuterium. NOT A HYBRID Does this exist? 1(1600) Width ~ 0.16 GeV, Decays ,’,(b1) Only seen in p production, (E852 + VES) 1(2000) Weak evidence in preferred hybrid modes f1 and b1 The right place. Needs confirmation. p1 IG(JPC)=1-(1-+) h’1 IG(JPC)=0+(1-+) h1 IG(JPC)=0+(1-+) K1 IG(JPC)= ½ (1-) October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

40 Experimental Evidence
New York Times, Sept. 2, 1997 Hybrid Nonets 1-+ Establish other Nonets: Levels Built on normal mesons Identify other states in nonet to establish hybrid October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

41 Jefferson Lab Upgrade October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

42 Upgrade magnets and power supplies
Jefferson Lab Upgrade CHL-2 Upgrade magnets and power supplies October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

43 The GlueX Experiment October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

44 How to Produce Hybrids Beams of photons may be a more natural
way to create hybrid mesons. Simple QN counting leads to the exotic mesons There is almost no data for photon beams at these energies. GlueX will increase samples by 3-4 orders of magnitude. October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

45 This technique provides requisite energy, flux and polarization
Coherent Bremsstrahlung 12 GeV electrons Incoherent & coherent spectrum flux This technique provides requisite energy, flux and polarization tagged with 0.1% resolution 40% polarization in peak Linearly polarized photons out collimated electrons in spectrometer diamond crystal photon energy (GeV) October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

46 Exotics g  ,, In Photoproduction 1-+ nonet p1 IG(JPC)=1-(1-+)
h’1 IG(JPC)=0+(1-+) h1 IG(JPC)=0+(1-+) K1 IG(JPC)= ½ (1-) N g e X g  ,, Need to establish nonet nature of exotics:   0 Need to establish more than one nonet: October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

47 Gluonic Hadrons and Confinement
What are the light quark Potentials doing? DE Lattice QCD potentials Potentials corresponding To excited states of glue. Non-gluonic mesons – ground state glue. October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

48 Conclusions The quest to understand confinement
and the strong force is about to make great leaps forward. Advances in theory and computing will soon allow us to solve QCD and understand the role of glue. The definitive experiments to confirm or refute our expectations are being built. The synchronized advances in both areas will allow us to finally understand QCD and confinement. October 30, 2007 ODU Colloquium

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