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Faulkner County Urban Farm Project: Service-Learning Fall 2017

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1 Faulkner County Urban Farm Project: Service-Learning Fall 2017
By Pretrescia Walker

2 Support Initiatives Set Forth by the Centers for Disease Control
Community gardens are collaborative projects on shared open spaces where participants share in the maintenance and products of the garden, including healthful and affordable fresh fruits and vegetables. Gardens may offer physical and mental health benefits by providing opportunities to Eat healthy fresh fruits and vegetables. Engage in physical activity, skill building, and creating green space.

3 Learning Objectives: N6413 Complex Primary Care of Adults
Demonstrate the roles of the nurse practitioner including provider, educator, patient advocate, and leader. Demonstrate the use of effective communication techniques with the organization/agency, staff, and/or its participants.

4 FC Urban Farm Project (FCURP) Service-Learning Objectives
Implement the service learning project by collaborating with organizers of the FCUFP utilizing appropriate resources within the community garden and organization. Develop individual accountability for integrating outreach specific to the learning experience, as evidenced by pre- flection and reflection. Identify vegetable and fruit nutrient content (raw and cooked) Develop educational flyers for fruits and vegetables grown in the garden, promoting consumer knowledge for health wellness in consuming according to the raw food pyramid.

5 Classroom Strategies Students will research garden science to broaden knowledge of compost and flowerbeds. Pre-flection on the importance of environmental protection, access to healthy food, and healthy living and disease prevention. Pre-flection on food science, health benefits of fresh versus canned/processed food products, and economic benefit of utilizing fresh foods. Research methodologies for developing fruit and vegetable flyers in accordance with those grown in the FCUFP.

6 Student Assignment Description:
Required participation! Time required outside of class: 6-8 hours (estimate). Including preliminary research and development of nutrient guide weatherproof flyers/brochures. Including 1 hour tour to the garden # and variety of vegetables/fruits in garden will be used to determine student groupings assigned. (For example, 54 students will be divided into 9 groups; the # of fruits and vegetables will be divided = between the 9 groups to complete the nutrient facts flyers or brochures)

7 Student Assignment Description Continued
Future Goals for FCUFP: Work with community partner to develop a birdbath and feeder for natural insect control. Assist with planting beds to grow vegetables and herbs consistent with the diets and customs of the diverse neighborhood and FC population. Coordinate harvest distribution initiatives.

8 Student Assignment Description
S-L Project will begin with 1st tour on 1st class day (September 19) – 1 hour. S-L Project will conclude with 2nd tour and flyer/brochure presentation to the FCUFP on the 2nd class day (October 17)- 1 hour. This project will require that class agenda maintain concision; allowing ample time to travel to the FCUFP; staying within the time frame allotted for class. Time Monitoring: Org Sync. Group work will be divided between group members. Timeline for task assignments will be determined after 1st tour utilizing web- based communication tools. Training: Faculty will provide a detailed overview of the FCUFP to all students utilizing brochures and website information. On-site, orientation to the garden area will be provided by the FCUFP director or partner representative.

9 Risk & Liability Management
Risk and liability management: UCA Waiver & Release Form Compliance with applicable laws and university policies. Faculty will meet with community partner to identify any potential transportation issues, FCUFP history, and prior partnership relationships. Site reviews will be conducted before, during, and after S-L course completion. Maintain alignment between course objectives and program objectives. Group work throughout S-L activity. Incident response plan. Contingency Plan will be developed for students who may not pass the background check.

10 Reflection and Assessment Methods
Integrative balance between practical goals set by the FCUFP and faculty (during the initial meeting with faculty) and in achieving student learning outcomes that foster awareness and understanding of the learning goals and objectives for the course, (specific to the S-L project). Written: Each group will post final products on the discussion board. Formative: Students will be given questions to answer in narrative format, describing their reflection. Faculty will also revisit (in-person or via telephone) with community partner to assess impact of flyers/brochures on consumers.

11 Peer Suggestions. . . . Questions . . . Comments

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