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By: Nerea Manrique and Laura Calvete

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1 By: Nerea Manrique and Laura Calvete
Washington Irving By: Nerea Manrique and Laura Calvete

2 Introduction: His life. His main works. His style.
 In what he is relevance. His bibliography Citations

3 His life: Was born in 3 April (1859) American writer His parents
He went to Europe

4 Main works: Letters of Jonathan Oldstyle : 1802
A History of New York: 1809 Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada: 1829 Voyages and Discoveries of the Companions of Columbus: 1831 Tales of the Alhambra: 1832 The Crayon Miscellany:1830 The Adventures of Captain Bonneville: 1830

5 His style: Rambling pieces, sketched characters Exciting dialog
Movement no interrumpt Contrast Swift culmination

6 His relevance: He was de first american author who make a change, he make somethin diferent

7 His bibliography: He passed to be lawyer to a author with his brothers
The New York history (1809) Rip van winkle (1819)

8 Citations: -

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