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Wednesday, September 13th.

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Presentation on theme: "Wednesday, September 13th."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wednesday, September 13th.
Decorate Your Writing Folder You are going to spend some time in class decorating your new writing folder. Over the next few days please look for things that define and inspire you. What Can I Use to Decorate My Journal Cover? Your name (letters cut out from a magazine, write it on paper and glue it on… use your imagination!) Pictures or words from Magazines that represent you Personal photos of family, friends, pets Stickers or decorative papers that represent you Drawings made by you I have all my items. Now What? Put all your materials in a bag/container, so everything is in one place and easily transported to school Bring all of your materials to school on Wednesday, September 13th. If you have trouble finding items for decorating your folder, please come and talk to me.

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